Where can I find info on large scale coral farming?

its tough to invest in a business which takes a ton of money in startup costs and takes years to produce profits. only some of us hobbiests are crazy enough to try it. until we start having solid results with coral spawning and rearing or coral imports are banned i doubt u will see any large scale operations being built. its just like any other business. until u can produce a better product at a cheaper price companies will keep doing it the way they are already.
the reason I wanted to start it here, I have "free" access to just about any coral I want. -even some endangered (which I wont be touching of course, just the idea)

im not really out anything if it doesnt work out. -maybe a few hundred bucks on lights, etc....
Farm raised fish have made a mark in the industry and hold their own against lower cost imports for many reasons. I think the same could be said for their corals. Calfo has spoken that there is only a small small part of the market being served by farm raised corals. This is not a market that will be saturated by any means.

Any business has to be able to control their costs and price aggressively. This leads you to dive the costs out of you farm system. For a real corn type farm you can get tons of info and do the math. I was just hoping that the same could be said for coral farming. It is probably just too small and new of an industry.

I hope some tree hugging, save the earth group would come up with a marketing plan to save the reefs and give us a chance to make a buck along the way.
Vest 0830

I see you're down in Okinawa, be careful with the "free access"; corals are protected in Okinawa and it is an offence to remove them/damage them. Similarly you cannot remove wild clams and lastly removal of live rock/baserock is illegal.

Whether you get caught is another matter, but just in case you weren't aware.....

There is a new Coral farm that has just started shipping their frist frags recently. They are Coarl Culture Okinawa and they do all LPS, SPS, Softies, AC rock etc. They don't have a website at the moment, but from the look of their promo material they are pretty big.

I'm just heading back to the Office but will dig out the address this evening. At the mo they are only wholesaling to retailers but would be worth trying to get a tour.


Found this link from Okinawa TV.

Have to be patient the guy talks about the venture (it seems to be a jint venture with Okinawa Electric co). If you stick with it you get to see a few tank shots.

I'll dig out the address.



No prob.

Just have to wait until my wife gets home. I speak Japanese, but as you know, Japanese mainland and Okinawan readings of the same Kanji can quite often be way off.

Actually, if you have this quarters Marine Aquarist, Mo 39 Spring 2006 (Japanese language mag) there is a feature on pages 59-64.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7563996#post7563996 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
This is such a cut-throat industry

You know, ive been thinking about this statement quite a bit these past few days...
Seeing your occupation, and if its true, I would have to say that you probably know what your talking about. On another hand, Anthony Calfo wrote a 400 page book on propogation. It cant be too cut throat dry if there are people publishing 400 page books about the subject. -or am I looking to far into it? (which I often do)

and im not tryin to be a smart @$$ just honestly curious.

Also remember, Anthony did not publish his book until AFTER he was done with his coral farm. He also had set up a wholesale storefront, and was also done with that as well,...THEN published his book.
Here is a map showing the location of the coral farm and the address. It is close to Ginowan city, but according to the map is in Urasoe city.

I'd call ahead first as they are supposed to be wholesale only.


Urasoe City
Maki Minato

Tel 098-871-1820

If you do get in for a look, be sure to post details here.


I appreciate it! I will post the details. Sometimes they are a little skeptical as to show off their systems and show what works and how they are doing things. PPM won't anwser to many questions as to fragging, they recently blocked off the back area to their shop....etc. etc. (yet its such a cut throat dry business)
I wish so bad I could go to go the back and check out their operation. The only thing I can tell, is they have a bunch of shallow tanks (10" deep with a 2-3" sand bed) set up with T-5 acitics over them. the frags sit on the sand.

But thanks though! I will post the info once I go there.