Fascinating thread, some observations, I have been in different parts of the industry, and as a lifetime hobbyist, along with other things in fisheries,
first, temps in Fla greenhouses, workable, check out what the orchid growers do, some of their product is even more heat sensitive then corals, shading on plastic, high sided greenhouses with sides raised way up, slat hourses, they have a number of ways to live with the temps, I have visited many of them in Fla as I have always enjoyed orchids, also, drive around Gibsonton/Riverview and see how some of the freshwater growers handle their housing. Not all Fla fish growers do it in ponds.
Re biz plans for coral propagation, some years ago when I was more trusting then now I was asked to do some articles for garf, I wont comment further on them but the articles are still on their website, including the biz plan, and articles on rock making, Tom Miller and I did the bulk of the articles then on the rock making that they are still working from. The biz plan needs fleshing out but its something to start from. And its free.
My own interest now is just supporting my hobby with a product, in my case cultured rocks with corals on them, I have seen some of my rocks from ten years ago in commercial display tanks and they are impossible to distingush from wild collected. So I know its a product with appeal, and as I amnot going to be commercial I have more time to do them as I want them. Underselling commercial sources no. But competing with quality.
My point is, find a niche if you want to go comercial, and fill it. Unless you want to get big just for being big and spend big bucks figure where your time can get the best return. I've visited Tropicorium, in fact going down again in a few weeks for some starter rock for some other tanks. Dick's is one of the best examples that exists on doing what is possible. He started with one well insulated greenhouse.
Eric commented its easier to heat water then to cool it, true. The other comment that most bizs in the US dont build for storms is equally true. The devastation of Katrina doesnt happen in many other countrys that get the same number of storms. We build cheap because it works, we dont build to last. Another thing to mention, pumps to pull ocean water into a facility are hugely expensive to operate. Unless you are doing a low tech op in the south pacific. The early operation that Aquarium Systems operated in Fla for culturing clowns is a good example, the capitalization was way beyond the payout capabilitys. The product was good, I had a lot of those early tank raised clowns . But, a far smaller operation that produced as many, cheaper was done in Chicago area by one guy , in his basement, working a fulltime job.
Big isnot always better. In agriculture efficiency of scale is quickly overrode and you get on a treadmill that you dont control the speed of. The best example in agriculture is comparing old order Amish dairy farming to the 'modern' next door counterpart. Bottom line, the Amish farmers hold onto a higher percentage of the milk check, and have more time in the same week for family and social events then their 'modern' neighbors. They also help to set up more of their children in farming then the neighbors. This is all well documented. The popular image of the drudgery of Amish low tech farming is erroneous to the extreme.
The same principles apply to aquaculture. Good managed small lower tech operations will outlast large over capitalized ones . Its a matter of efficiency of scale. Lower capitalization also means a better profit margin if other management is in hand .
There is no doubt in my mind that one man, or family operated coral aquaculture operations can be successful. If you look at the ones in operation you will see that the ones staying in business have a niche and fill it well. I think CITES and govt regs will influence that even more.
Just a couple other points; Mexico, probably one of the last places in the world I'd consider being in biz, anything that remotely looks like it's making money will have instant 'partners'. There are many other countrys far friendlier to businesses.
If you can, make a trip to Tropicorium, you'll notice that they have a basic concept, but a number of complementary products, but the major emphasis is still what they have always done best. I cant think of a single existing business that better portrays how to succeed in coral aquaculture.
OTOH, I can show anyone who wants to see them any number of aquaculture operations, mostly in food fish, where the operators are working 65-80 hr weeks just trying to pay the interest on the investment. Forget about principal return. They are years away from that, if they live that long. Several hi tech tilapia operations in the Jordan Valley in Israel come to mind. One of them down the road from a low tech family operation that has made a living for the operators for over ten years. The profitable operation produces about a third of what the hi tech one does, ask the owners if they care.
So, comments from a now retired and disconnected viewer from the side, but, keep in mind, I have seen a LOT of aquaculture ops in the past 30+ years, from multi million dollar world bank funded ops to poverty driven subsistence farmers, and I can point to a number of those subsistence farmers who are out of poverty where the world bank funded ops , a couple in Costa Rica and Panana come to mind are long since flopped.
One last thought, as a believer in God, I think one of the greatest sins that we will answer to Him for isnot using the time that He has given us to do what we love to do, why else did He make us as we are with our talents and have us develop the skills that we have if we are going to be Dilberts ?
Do what you like to do, do it well, and find a niche and fill it. Dont sweat the cut-throats, sooner or later they will cut their own.
Nuff, just my 2 cents, which is a long ways from what it takes to buy a cup of coffee. Thanks for your time if you've read this far.
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