<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7771897#post7771897 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by raaden
1. Can anyone elaborate on why the industry is so cut-throat.
Ok, so theres 3 things to mull-over as to why its so cut throat.
1. Like any other business where competition is strong, you have to deal with people who feel that YOU are interfering in their ability to make a livelihood. So... consider this. There is the small fish, the guy who frags a dozen pieces out of his aquarium once a month that tries to get store credit, or trade at frag swaps. They pratically 'give away' their prunings.
Then theres the medium size fish that is actually trying to do a basement prop system (this is where I was at). The volume of frags averages around 50 a month. These people usually sell to a closed market within their local area or on the internet. Stores wont buy from them, since their costs have to be at the same if not more than what a LFS can get wild colonies for. Throw about a dozen of these into a very small community, and you'll see them tear at each other frequently like damsels in a 5 gallon tank.
Finally, you have the monster fishes, who have serious cash to throw at a ful blown production facilities. They can turn over enough frags in a month to sell to 200 LFS's at a cost they can make a margin at. They don't compete, because they have the market.
2. So those were the 'legitimate' aquaculturing people. Now throw into the mix what I like to call 'the scabs'.... People who hang out at the wholesalers and snag every sweet looking coral that gets trasn-shipped here, and then cuts it up into 20 'frags' and tries to pawn it off as their own aquacultured frags. They get 20 frags @ $2 each, and sell them off to locals and the internet for $20 a pop. Incredible profit with no real need to have a large facility. As long as the turnover is fast, they don't need to worry about space. I despise these types of people. Very dishonest. They tend to be the most spiteful and hateful group at frag swaps too. I saw a fair share of them when I lived in So Cal... Unfortunately.
3. The LFS's can be a major pain... LFS's can be the biggest pain in the arses in this business for many reasons....
Most LFS owners think they are the king's of the community. Most tend to have a god complex and feel that you should respect them for even talking with you. This makes trying to deal with them extremely difficult, especially when they employ a number of ways to inhibit you from selling you stock to either them, or their customers. For instance:
Alot of LFS's are now in the business of tank servicing. I have spoken with numerous LFS about supplying them regularly with highly desirable colonies. 3/4 of the LFS's will reply, "why should I buy frags from you, when I get them for free from my service customers?" So not only do they charge their service customers to come out to their tanks, but their contracts specifically state that any pruning that is done in the tank becomes property of the LFS....
Many LFS's are also getting into the habit of small scale fragging operations. Some will actually do broodstocks, but many will go the scab route too on highly colorful colonies they get in...
Wild verses Aqua.... This will remain the biggest problem for growers. It simply is just too cost effective for an LFS to get in a crate of corals from a wholesaler than it is to buy aquas from a farmer. The only exception is the LE frags that come from places like ORA. People want ORA frags, so LFS's are now forced to buy them... If the consumer (us) all demanded aqua frags instead of wild ones, the opinion of LFS would change. But... the consumer is still more concerned about getting big colonies, bright colors, at a cheap price. That just cannot be done with aquaculture...
2. How are you all doing maintaining temps in the summer.
All of the mass production facilities that seem to do really well are all in the northern hemisphere (with the exception of ORA). Its easier to heat water than it is to cool it down. Just make sure power is fairly cheap where you decide to set up shop for supplimental lighting.
If I were to do a start up largescale facility, I would look at being close to the sea, a cheap energy state, that doesn't overheat during the summer. That would land me in.... Seattle!
Yup, If I had $250k to throw out the window to try and set up a large scale facility, I would set up a warehouse near SeaTac, right on the waterfront. Scrub and sterilze the harbor water. Put in skylighting with 400 watt halides over 24+ raceways. Being close to SeaTac, I could have very fast ship outs. If I was a ruthless business person, rather than a conservationist, I would also *****-ship coral and live rock in from Fiji/Tonga/Solomans through Korean Air.
But thats just my take on it.