wild SPS corals, Marshall Islands

Been awhile since I updated. just getting back from Thailand/Vietnam vacation, back in the saddle for a couple of weeks now. While on vacation, I managed to sneak away and get a few dives in at Phuket , near Phi Phi island. The wildlife was really different from what I'm accustomed to in the South pacific, err actually about a complete 180. Thailand was full of non-photosynthetic and soft corals. it was hard to SPS / hard corals. the waters were nutrient rich, loads of plankton in the water. I won't say it was bad diving, just different.

Here's some pics from Thailand. It would have been nice to dive Vietnam, but had family duties/related stuff to do like take tours, see sites etc.











I've done one collecting trip since I've been back, zip on the fish, loaded up on some new corals. my underwater camera took a nice dump on me, so back to Olympus under warranty, so no shots from that trip.

had a nice thinning out of fish while on vacation. word to the wise, don't let a box fish die in your tank, while you're on vacation. My poor house sitter was in over his head. my guess is he couldn't find the boxfish. 50% wipeout of my fish. clam made it, damsels are nuclear bomb proof, wrasses fine. grrr.
tank did OK all things considered, poor guy (house sitter) was sweating bullets thinking I would be upset, meh. it happens.

ill post some updated FTS pics later, with my crappy second camera.
I also had some issues with a 'muy malo' vendor, Brian Edwards of Finsreef.
See thread on the vendor feedback.

Dude swiped 1400 bones from me for a new Maxspect Mazarra, strung me along and never sent it. Has the nerve to tell me to contact his lawyer.

I can't really say what I want to say due to the mod squad and my numerous infractions due to expressing what i really really think, already incurred. I'm sure you can use your imagination to surmise what I think of him.

end of the day, ill win...because I'm a winner, and that's what winners do bro.

Nice bucket of fish you've got there.

yeppers, that's my buds"¦.im just tagging along for the ride, watching the zen master do his work.

Man you could send me a bucket of rhomboids!
Do you sell those to wholesalers or what do you do with them, love the wrasses! How deep did you catch them?

I personally don't sell them. I'm just tagging along with my buddy whom is a collector. these are collected at 100' plus in areas. it's not easy catching fish, especially net caught. he only targets specfic and rare fish, very focused on his trips, re: what to go for. something as simple as a watanabe or multi color anglefish wouldn't be worth it for him when you factor in transporting, holding etc. I don't really focus on the rarity, rather what appeals to me, and whatever is dumb enough to end up in my net. I take the 'its 2:00 in the morning, and the bar is closing approach' to collecting. not too picky.

This thread has just taken up most of my morning here at work...I dont think ive done anything the past 2 hours.. :lol:
back to work, or else ill call ur IT dept!!
Stunning to say the least :thumbsup:


Same here... Amazing thread.

Need more pics!
asketh and you shall recieveth

What can say that hasn't already been said, awesome.
your too easy"¦..
Wow! I just found this thread and loved every single picture. Thanks!
cool, glad u liked them. I think its beneficial to all to get a glimpse of reefs in their natural state.

Here some dive pics from before vacation, not yet seen!!








Great pics chuck! when do you come back to H-town? bet you don't want to come back.



Might be awhile before i make it back to Houston. I really really miss $60 gas fill ups and traffic jams. I think I have been ruined for life, I found my true calling........ eternal island bum now. No going back :lol:

I sold my house last month, which lessens the ties. We still have family in Houston, so eventually will be back. Off to Hawaii in March, then British Columbia, Canada in July......might make a stopover for a couple of days with the Canada trip.

How's your new tank build going?
Send my regards to the misses and kiddo's

Man wish I had my underwater camera back then when I went to scuba dive on my vacation in Vietnam. Thanks to you, I can now enjoy the ocean right from my desktop!!!
Nice! Very jealous. Did you ever get the Led thing sorted out? You should dispute the charges with your credit card company. I did some diving out in Thailand and actually saw a lot of SPS. I was diving off Ko Tao in the Gulf of Siam and a little off the western coast of Phuket. Still need an underwater camera though.
YAY..This thread is back alive...These pics never get old bro....Thanks

sure thing markie, your one of the early gawkers and commenters. :wavehand: i should get my olympus camera back soon from being repaired under warranty, more shots to come. four dives scheduled this weekend, should be a fun one.

wow those are some sick sps on the first page & in between...

not sure if that was tongue in cheek. unfortunately, not everything translates well into photo, especially with my skills. you do see some sick stuff here.....blessed like a buddha baby:thumbsup:

Man wish I had my underwater camera back then when I went to scuba dive on my vacation in Vietnam. Thanks to you, I can now enjoy the ocean right from my desktop!!!

glad u liked them. i wanted to dive Vietnam, but oh well......there will definitely be a next time for me to go back. really enjoyed our time there

Nice! Very jealous. Did you ever get the Led thing sorted out? You should dispute the charges with your credit card company. I did some diving out in Thailand and actually saw a lot of SPS. I was diving off Ko Tao in the Gulf of Siam and a little off the western coast of Phuket. Still need an underwater camera though.

still sorting out the LED thing. talking with the DA in north carolina to press criminal charges. was advised by my lawyer here to tamp it down. still an adventure!!

yes, i guess it was very regional specific, as far as what corals i seen. it was a good suprise for me, since its predominately SPS where im at, definitely not complaining.

Free water changes

why yes...ive been blending NSW with tropic marin. my tanks about at the one year mark, where most tanks start hitting there stride. everything looks tip top, moving along just fine.