Registered Reefer
really nice to get back to work to catch up on some rest. i spent around 16 hours either on a boat or in the water this weekend....then had a dinner party right afterwards.
the first dives (day before), i was out with a very renowned collector of fish, a true marine biologist with freaky abilities to catch fish. I've been begging him to take me out collecting. I guess at this point he relented out of pity. the spot was dry for him, what he was looking for, but me and a buddy had fun hacking away at shallower depths trying to catch fish, which is not easy. we ended up with 3 or so between the both of us, two dives. absolute great experience. I'll keep bugging him to take me out....heck I'm paying for gas anytime he wants to go!
The dives on the next day were out of this world. Big shout out to my coworker Mike for extending the invite. All around Super nice guy. I liked the first two better than the last one, but it wasn't chopped liver either. we were out of the normal range by quite a bit, so the wildlife was different than what I was used to seeing. plenty of clams. You don't pick up on the scale of things, but some of the clams were 4' long x 3' wide. I got a nice shot of the inside of one, which was probably a 6" hole to see into. it's a glimmer gold look inside. Black tangs everywhere. I saved my fish collecting attempts for the last dive, took photos the first two. the terrain was absolutely non-conducive to fish catching (that's my excuse, I'm sticking to it), way too many branching corals. I missed the manta rays and the sharks, as I was usually trailing behind trying to take it all in. Found some nice pink frogspawn in the oddest of places. we took refuge in an old abandoned island and docked the boat to give ourselves the safety countdown between dives, one of the people on the dives didn't do well with the motion of the ocean. Of course, we grabbed the snorkel gear and went nosing around. found a huge colony right under the boat. Lots of pulsing xenia as well. I only took a bit, as i know how it can spread readily.
my favorite pic is the back striped clam. jaw dropping.
Enjoy the pics, no chronological order, whereas i upload onto photobucket, some of them make, some of them dont.
I covered this a few posts ago. don't want to turn this into a recruiting post of any sorts. I think I'm blurring the lines a bit posting all these reef shots, as its the SPS keepers forum, BUT i do readily keep SPS. to answer your question, I'm a humble mechanical engineer. you can google kwaj jobs to get a handle on who is out here, need everyone from accountants to veterinarians. I guess it's a matter of good timing. some folks spend years trying to get out here, I just lucked out.
Your most welcome. thanks for perusing, viewing and taking the time to post!
I could only catch them on camera. trust me I tried.
really nice to get back to work to catch up on some rest. i spent around 16 hours either on a boat or in the water this weekend....then had a dinner party right afterwards.
the first dives (day before), i was out with a very renowned collector of fish, a true marine biologist with freaky abilities to catch fish. I've been begging him to take me out collecting. I guess at this point he relented out of pity. the spot was dry for him, what he was looking for, but me and a buddy had fun hacking away at shallower depths trying to catch fish, which is not easy. we ended up with 3 or so between the both of us, two dives. absolute great experience. I'll keep bugging him to take me out....heck I'm paying for gas anytime he wants to go!
The dives on the next day were out of this world. Big shout out to my coworker Mike for extending the invite. All around Super nice guy. I liked the first two better than the last one, but it wasn't chopped liver either. we were out of the normal range by quite a bit, so the wildlife was different than what I was used to seeing. plenty of clams. You don't pick up on the scale of things, but some of the clams were 4' long x 3' wide. I got a nice shot of the inside of one, which was probably a 6" hole to see into. it's a glimmer gold look inside. Black tangs everywhere. I saved my fish collecting attempts for the last dive, took photos the first two. the terrain was absolutely non-conducive to fish catching (that's my excuse, I'm sticking to it), way too many branching corals. I missed the manta rays and the sharks, as I was usually trailing behind trying to take it all in. Found some nice pink frogspawn in the oddest of places. we took refuge in an old abandoned island and docked the boat to give ourselves the safety countdown between dives, one of the people on the dives didn't do well with the motion of the ocean. Of course, we grabbed the snorkel gear and went nosing around. found a huge colony right under the boat. Lots of pulsing xenia as well. I only took a bit, as i know how it can spread readily.
my favorite pic is the back striped clam. jaw dropping.
Enjoy the pics, no chronological order, whereas i upload onto photobucket, some of them make, some of them dont.
if you dont mind me asking... What do you do for a living that allows you to move the marshall islands? You dont have to answer im just always curious what poeple do lol.
I covered this a few posts ago. don't want to turn this into a recruiting post of any sorts. I think I'm blurring the lines a bit posting all these reef shots, as its the SPS keepers forum, BUT i do readily keep SPS. to answer your question, I'm a humble mechanical engineer. you can google kwaj jobs to get a handle on who is out here, need everyone from accountants to veterinarians. I guess it's a matter of good timing. some folks spend years trying to get out here, I just lucked out.
awesome thank you for sharing with us land lubbers
Your most welcome. thanks for perusing, viewing and taking the time to post!
Thanks again for all your posts...I really enjoy seeing where mother nature places itself. Now catch and send me one of those black tangs...LOL
I could only catch them on camera. trust me I tried.