Help me
nice and very cool
Well the exwife is really starting to get to me so I dropped my resume on a couple of jobs that were posted. Not only there but a couple of other places out on some other islands. I have my fingers crossed that something works out. I just need to get out of here for a couple of years.
I like your principle here, enjoy!
Nice corals, whats the depth there?
This is amazing! How did you get your reef setup out there??
Beautiful pics! Thank you for taking the time to share them. Are you able to take video as well when you dive?
The acros look amazing. Great pictures and you truly live in paradise. How are you removing the clams?
Great Photos.Do the corals that look a bit browny in the photos colour up nicely in a tank?Ive always wondered what some of the plain looking colours would go like in a tank.Ive never snorkled since ive been keeping coral but do you actualy see they nice pinks greens ,blues when your actualy snorkling.I see the photos of corals in your tank seem so much more vibrant is it to do with the lights we provide etc?
The acros look amazing. Great pictures and you truly live in paradise. How are you removing the clams?