Will anyone buy the $7500 fish?


New member
Still available. Just find a buyer for one of your kidneys and it's yours!


It has gone through a 20% and 25% savings and still there. Although the Clarion is a nice rare angel, the Conspic has always been the holy grail. And captive bred it is $4K to $5K depending on the warranty.
I think the Clarions are so much prettier! But I guess I've never seen either fish in person. Conspics get pretty big, right? Probably pretty awesome in real life.
Purely out of curiosity, what makes this fish 7k and any other angel about 100$? I mean I get that it's captive bred and that demands a slightly higher price, but 7 grand!

I personally don't even find it that beautiful of a fish.

Although 7k certainly isn't a drop in the bucket, I have seen a platnium arowana for 400k in this little boutique fish store. All this place had was super high end equipment and fish. Felt like I needed a suit, tie, and invite to get into the place.
Purely out of curiosity, what makes this fish 7k and any other angel about 100$? I mean I get that it's captive bred and that demands a slightly higher price, but 7 grand

If memory serves... These guys are only found in a very limited location off Mexico that doesn't allow (legal) collection.
Correct^ however they are also CB. That being said they now require CITES permits and in doing so, only a certain amount are allowed to be brought into the US.plus the shipping is also a lot
Purely out of curiosity, what makes this fish 7k and any other angel about 100$? I mean I get that it's captive bred and that demands a slightly higher price, but 7 grand!

I personally don't even find it that beautiful of a fish.

Although 7k certainly isn't a drop in the bucket, I have seen a platnium arowana for 400k in this little boutique fish store. All this place had was super high end equipment and fish. Felt like I needed a suit, tie, and invite to get into the place.

Supply and demand appears to be the answer
This is the sort of thing lottery winners spend their money on. Then you read about them living under a bridge one year after winning......
One did sell. I believe there was two. One sold right away while this one is still around. Residual income is nothing to some people and a blessing and a curse to others.
Some were saying the first Clarion didn't really sell - that LA/DD just pulled it for some reason.

I'd be tempted if the took off a zero....and I had a 50% coupon after that.
3-5 day collection a year in mexican waters. wild caught are still 2-3k, if you want to see expensive angels, genicanthus personatus, or a peppermint angel or conspic will be alot more