Wonder how high this one will go?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6663810#post6663810 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by doctor64776
...I should not ever have expected positive response to my post after the fires had been burning so long...

Should not have expected a positive response because MOST reefers, weather they are into zoas, sps, lps or whatever DISAGREE with your tactics and false hype, and MOST do agree it doesn't help the hobby.

I for one dont' think this pubilcity helped you any, :lol:

$360 last weeks auction, this weeks $76.... Next weeks I predict even less. Especially now that you have come out of the closet and admitted your a zoanthid profiteer...

If you don't see what's wrong with what you did, you never will. I am guessing if someone dropped a $20 on the ground and you seen who dropped it and you didn't know the person and could pick it up and pocket it without them noticing, you would.... I would like to think most of us would be like "Excuse me mam/sir, you dropped this $20"
well lets say this.... your pics are misleading and over done with actinic. as for rarity...maybe the safe crackers but all the others are not rare. i have a rock of the daytrippers that totals over 200 polyps. as for the others lets see some pics under some less blue lighting.

as for zoaid i think human nature will make this site become a marketing tool for getting higher prices on common zoas.
What it shows coral nuts is that the last auction had more valuable zoos listed and that all of the reference to ZOAID did nothing. Also stick to reefing as your metaphors are lame. I am not dishonest and until you I do not believe that anyone here had accused me of that. Try not to take it so far man.. you had valid opinions and points you spoil your credibilty with the $20 thingy.... IN the end this entire thread Is simple to complete, Because I respect its members I will not reference ZOAID, I dont know you coral nuts... I do know you started this thread PEACE OUT and look at what I really did to offend you? No reason for us to be enemies... I will not attack you and you just go punch a pillow or something to let go of all that inner rage you have :) its all going to be OK.. Just breath deeply

We use acintics (and I state this in all of my auctions) to enhance the colors of our corals... Do you not use acintics? I do LOTS and 20K also and I state this over and over... Hey without them most all of my corals look variations of yellows and browns a few pinks even the LOL "RARE" pieces look dull. A real question no sarcasm here -- does this mean all my corals are ugly and useless? nah I'll turn the acintics back on

The answer here is basic and simple IF my corals were FRAUDS my feedback would not be 100%.
Like I said before, if you don't understand why your tactics are mistleading, dishonest and not very well accepted in the reefing community, you never will. It's OK... There's always going to be someone on ebay with deep pockets that will buy into the crap in your ebay discriptions.

Also, that wasn't really an anology... I didn't compare picking up the $20 to your "marketing" tactics in your auctions. Was just pointing out that some people have different ethical standards. Sorry if that offended you... Just my opinion...

There is no inner rage against you, nor do I think we we need to be enemies... In fact one of my best friends, jns actually promotes what your doing and he thinks it's genious.... I totally 100% DISAGREE with him and encourage him to rethink that position, however I am on my way to his house for lunch and to check out some of his new zoas he got in right after I leave the office this morning. We will continue to be friends and continue to disagree on many things I'm sure. It's nothing personal, just healthy discussion about the reefing hobby. Hopefully people will read this thread and get a little education and stop feeding into this crap...
Thank you for that very healthy response Nuts... I appreciate debate and further respect that you understand we can all have different opinions.

hey enjoy your lunch
I've been following this thread from the beginning. IMO the doctor has done nothing that any other business hasnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t already done. Have you guy's ever seen commercials on TV for Toys, Weight Loss, Fitness products, Fast-food ECT... or seen what PPE, PHE are selling for, both of which were named by the originator. Just look at sps anything with the name Mike Palleta, Tyree, Atlantis, Leng Sy, and GARF sells for outlandish prices. Doctor isn't forcing anyone to press the bid button; all his auctions start at .99 cents with no reserve. He hasn't referenced his closed auctions in an attempt to mislead anyone of the Zoa's value. IMO it would have been different if he stated that the Zoa's were worth hundreds of dollars, but he didn't, he let the market rule the price. Are you guy's suggesting he should have ended the auction early to prevent someone from paying what they wanted to pay for the corals?
As for his use of actinic, He states they are under actinic in the auction.

Doctor, sell them while you can I personally see nothing wrong with letting the market set the price.

As for ZoaID Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢m sure some will disagree with it no matter how itââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s done, I think its great just as it is. IMO if you donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t like it, donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t use it or start your own site using whatever method you wish. In time the market will decide which they prefer and the standard will be set.
:bum: :beer:
Listen, I think earlier in the thread I defended peoples rights to sell on "ebay" for what ever they want. It is the way ebay works. If someone likes it then they will pay pay pay...

This is not Ebay. Nor is this site a democracy.
Play by our rules or otherwise you will quickly find yourself on the receiving end of negative public backlash on RC. (which only matters if you think it does)

Here is an overview. We are fair, we don't twist the truth and we are responsible for our actions.

Heck, I said it before, I will do it again. If I put my zoas up on Ebay and described them as you have, then I am almost positive I would make a small fortune. Nevermind money, I have taken so much time to carefully select my zoas. I know what is garbage and what is georgeous.

Your zoas are pretty, but not anything like you describe them.
To me, those 2 polyps of safecrackers are worth $50 shipped. The other zoas should be included as extras.

Like I told you in PM, I applaud your marketing skills. You've also skillfully posted them just as the tax checks are being cashed. Meaning you have people with a little money to burn.

Just do yourself a favor and don't make excuses or defend yourself. I don't think it's your fault that someone wants to spend that kind of money for common zoas.

Welcome to the boards and leave your marketing rhetoric at the door. You'll have you a$$ handed back to you if you use it here.:D

Just a note* It costs me $46.00 plus a $2.00 box and a heat pack just to ship from here...72653... $50.00 shipped ? I just paid $400 for the 25 polyp safecrackers colony I have been fragging... You are proposing I lose money?

Peace have a nice day
Humm, so not only do you sling it, you take it Too!:lol:

Dude, you bought that many frags with one purpose, to resell them. Come on bro. If you were an honest hobbyist, you would have bought only a few polyps and grew out the rest.

There's nothing wrong with that, but don't then try and pass yourself off as an innocent hobbyist. You're an Ebay vendor, dime a dozen.

Whatever you do, don't lose money! I think we're all in the black here, right? :lmao:
The way I see it, he is doing nothing wrong but making capitalism work for him.
I guess it would be ok for him to do what he does if he sets up website, and calling all his corals Limited Edition, and having a story about how he came upon that particular coral. He must not also forget to have a waiting list and charging people "X" amount of money for a itsy bitsy tiny polyp. Then when he decides to sell on ebay if nobody is interested, it would be ok.
Come on people, this is a hobby and we are all adults. Buy what you want and what ever you pay is up to you. $100 can mean alot to you and me, but might not to someone else. There will always be someone smarter, quicker, richer and luckier then you.
No one, at least how I see it, has a problem with posting zoas on eBay, and getting high prices for it. The problem is misleading your buyers into thinking that the zoas are something that they arent. ZoaID is not a super selective process - as you, I guarantee, know. Submit a picture with a name and blamo, you have a "Super Zoo". Not true. People do need to know about the site. It is an important resource - but not for market hype.

That being said, your customers are happy, Thats important, but are they happy at the color of the zoas or the fact that they have a "Super Zoo"? Theres a difference here. I'd love to have the same ethics as you - I could make a fortune, but I dont believe in misleading customers and misusing ZoaID.
I MISLEAD NOONE... read the auctions and be responsible for your own choices. My zoos ARE everything I say they are... But thank you for your input. Oh and TEK your speech on ethics offends me. Yours is the personality type that propagates a letigeous society where no one is responsible for thier own actions or choices. Before I buy or sell something, ANYTHING I research it... WHY? because I and I alone am responsible for what I choose to buy, not the man who sells it. The zoos I offer are listed @ .99 starting price with the exact pics of the colony and the way that the pic was taken... With re: to ZOAID it is a wonderful place to reference Zoas that IS what it was designed for , That IS what I was doing... My auctions were doing just fine before ZOAID ever came along..... I was excited that my Zoas were listed... I had no Idea that it was so simple I truley believed that WHODA looked at the pics and decided what to add... WHEN I was added I posted it every where... I told my mother... Back off on the ethics talk or come meet with me for a more personal discussion because you are starting to **** me off. I am honest and ethically sound MY very job deals with ethics and the decisions associated with them. Retract your ethics statement or stand up and defend it.

Getting hot
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Holy crap dude, seriously, no one has a problem with you referencing ZoaID, its the misleading use of ZoaID that got people upset. I dont care about the price, or the reference to ZoaID, but you said it yourself:

I had no Idea that it was so simple

It would be understandable to reference ZoaID from the point that you did IF the selection process was a bit more involved than sending a picture to whoda. I see your point about the buyer be-ware, and I am in no way attacking the quality of your zoas. I personally dont find them all that stunning however, thats my personal taste, and irrelevant to this discussion. Someone (actually, a few people according to eBay) finds them attractive, and thats their choice. The fact that you deliver the product and have a great feedback is awesome, its just the misuse of ZoaID, but you've at least made an attempt to correct that, and claimed you'd no longer use it in such a manner - so this is just beating a dead horse.

From what I can tell the majority of the people here found it UNethical in the manner you used ZoaID so I personally feel it is you who should defend your actions instead of being harsh with anyone who disagrees with what you did. ZoaID even says that is is not designed as a marketing tool, so stating that its purpose is to show a selected few "Super Zoos" is NOT what it was designed for.

But theres no middle ground with you here, so I give up. Whats done is done, and someone will wind up with zoas that they like and you'll be richer for it. No problems there.
Ummm.... Hey doc.... Who is it that needs to go punch a pillow? I don't think it's us with the issues... I think your mad because most of us disagree with what you did. Now that you weren't able to come to reef central and make us think that what you did was cool, your all upset...

I think we need to agree to disagree... Personally I think you would have been better off with the "I didn't understand how zoaid operated, and really thought my zoas were special" approach vs.... the "I am trying to create a demand for my zoas" approach. But thanks for at least being up front about what your goals are. To buy zoas, so you can chop them up, create a demand for them with "smart marketing", and sell them on ebay for profit.

These are all things you said, that you bought these and paid a lot and now don't want to lose money on them. But in your auction you talk about your wife is "Forcing" you to sell your stuff to make room. How is it your out of room for the safecrackers when you only just got a 25 polyp frag? You must have a tiny tank or what? The real truth is, according to you anyway, that you are looking to make a profit selling zoas and acting like a "hobbiest" when in reality your a zoanthid profiteer.

BTW? Where is your April tank of the month posted? You said you couldn't link to it in the auction, but you were able to link to zoaid without a problem, what's the difference?
just wanted to chime in for doctor. i am the one who you guys are talking about the auction for $360 and by all means these were not all the the zoos that i recieved. my husband bid on these for valentines day instead of buying roses that die in 2wks. included were daytrippers, galexy blues, purple skirted navys, eagle eyey, safecrackers, privliged pinks, toxic greens and red eyed demons, wood polyps, and montipora. I thought this was an excellant gift and i am very please with the shipment. I will buy from this guy again. and as far as the colors the safe crackers, toxic greens and red eyed demons are very neonish. i will update my photo gallery once everything is acclimented. untill you buy from him there is no need to get hysterically upset and bitter.

I became angry when my ethics were slandered... not before... I have never changed my positions on the matters of listing or selling on Ebay I sell on Ebay to support my very expensive hobby.. I did not come here, I have been here.. I simply have not chosen to post until this... I have, in believing that I had a chance of clarifying some of the empty and and unfounded claims against me responded to explain my position. I choose to continue to respond because much of the RC population represents the peer group of the hobby I enjoy so much. Agreeing to disagree is acceptable and prudent in this matter, insulting me is not.


* I do not appreciate having my ethics slandered
* I love reefkeeping
* Reefkeeping is expensive for all but even more so in rural areas
* I love macro photography
* I am narcisistic enough to want to have my zoas recognized
* I sell some common and some rare zoas on EBAY
* I promote honestly EVERY item I sell... Promote and market
* To sell Rare items I must have genetic stock, I PAY for this
* I strive to please my clients because it is good business practice
* I think that ZOAID and RC are very important parts of this hobby

That summarizes most everything that I have to say... What part of this do you find so disagreeable?

Anyway.. PEACE You cannot hate me I do not know you. If I saw you at a frag trade we would be friends and I would end up going home with some of your stock man... cmon do you have anything you wanna trade? I have some great stuff I just do not sell LOL.