Wonder how high this one will go?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6660942#post6660942 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rsteagall
...I think most of you would like to have the ability to accomplish the same thing, but simply just don't have the means...

Umm... Yeah, that's it.... :lolspin:
Actually, the ad is misleading.
What he is offering are very common zoas. Safecrackers can be had on this forum pretty cheap. The rest of the zoas in his package are so common that I would say they're vendor trash.
His skill is in his wording of the product. He builds up so much hype on the animals that the common person might buy into it. It's as appealing as a used car sales pitch.
Honestly, really nice zoas speak for themselves.
For instance, imagine what these would fetch!
I have these bad boys too.;)
Long Live Capitolism!!

Long Live Capitolism!!

I can't even believe the kind of whining I hear:(
If this guy is SMART enough to submit his zoa's, and get them named before he sells them. That is simply adding credibility and creating a market for his product. I give him credit and think he is VERY SMART for doing so.
I myself found Zooid.com site through HIS ebay auction! I like that there is a place where the Zoa's on ebay, or anywhere else for that matter, that have some crazy name can be researched. How else can you ever compare, to determine the person is in possesion of the actual zoa in question?
Everyone selling a zoa frag has some crazy name for it, lets face we like to name stuff. How are we to know what is the REAL DEAL if they were not cataloged before they were distributed to the masses? I think the Zoaid site needs people like this guy to register his morphs so an industry standard is established and ultimately some credibility established in the names that are tossed around.
Is some name on Zoaid really why the Blue Kiss went for $675 plus shipping??? I think we are just watching some kids with deep pockets feeding a serious coral addiction, some will pay any amount just so you can't have it.
People will pay for what they want,
that is called a free market and the market sets its own price,
that is called Capitalism and,
That is the American way!!
that is, my 2cents
Re: Long Live Capitolism!!

Re: Long Live Capitolism!!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6662324#post6662324 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asg74
...How are we to know what is the REAL DEAL if they were not cataloged before they were distributed to the masses? I think the Zoaid site needs people like this guy to register his morphs so an industry standard is established and ultimately some credibility established in the names that are tossed around...

"REAL DEAL" , "industry standard" , "credibility"

Exactly the point of this.. That's NOT what that site is about. It's not like anyone "picks" what zoas go on there nor are there any standards to what goes on there except it can't be a fuzzy picture. All you have to do is email your pics and the name you want them to be and BAM... there they are.... The REAL DEAL, industry standard zoas with some credibility.... :lol:

The point of this thread was never about people paying outrageous amounts for thier corals... I am guilty of that... I have to have something sometimes and am willing to pay a small fortune for it. The point is the guy is misleading people with the zoaid thing and the elevation of his zoas to Super Zoa status. Obviously it worked cause you seem to think that by them being on there they have some sort of credibility... Only thing having your zoas on zoaid means is you can take an unblurred picture and can work your email....
Re: Long Live Capitolism!!

Re: Long Live Capitolism!!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6662324#post6662324 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asg74
I can't even believe the kind of whining I hear:(
If this guy is SMART enough to submit his zoa's, and get them named before he sells them. That is simply adding credibility and creating a market for his product. I give him credit and think he is VERY SMART for doing so.
I myself found Zooid.com site through HIS ebay auction! I like that there is a place where the Zoa's on ebay, or anywhere else for that matter, that have some crazy name can be researched. How else can you ever compare, to determine the person is in possesion of the actual zoa in question?
Everyone selling a zoa frag has some crazy name for it, lets face we like to name stuff. How are we to know what is the REAL DEAL if they were not cataloged before they were distributed to the masses? I think the Zoaid site needs people like this guy to register his morphs so an industry standard is established and ultimately some credibility established in the names that are tossed around.
Is some name on Zoaid really why the Blue Kiss went for $675 plus shipping??? I think we are just watching some kids with deep pockets feeding a serious coral addiction, some will pay any amount just so you can't have it.
People will pay for what they want,
that is called a free market and the market sets its own price,
that is called Capitalism and,
That is the American way!!
that is, my 2cents

I'm all for capitalism. Really. But thats not what this thread was about. ZoaID doesnt have a professional pannel of zoa experts sitting there night and day pondering which zoanthid will be granted the status of "Super Zoa". If you really looked into it, anyone can submit a picture (but I suspect that might change if people start abusing this privelage). This isnt a catalog, this is a gallery setup by a dedicated hobbyist for some fun. No one is complaining about people spending high prices, we've been through that, to each is own in that respect, but misleading his potential buyers by trying to make ZoaID sound like some super selective process by which industry standards are created; when that simply isnt how it works.
The Doctor speaks

The Doctor speaks

Hello Everyone!

Firstly, let me start by stating how much I love Reef Central, always have, it is an amazing resource.

Second, ZOAID I believe to be a great idea. Finally, imagine a single location to go to identify the many different morphs of ZOA it is great. These are two sites I believe are or will become hubs of reef collecting :)

I am a paramedic who owned and ran a computer store for years. In 2003 I went to Iraq as an Expatriate. I set up field hospitals and read reefing and diving magazines during all my spare time. I finally returned to civilian life after some time playing on the streets of Baghdad.
After 20 years of freshwater tanks when I returned I bought my first reef tank and the hobby overtook me. I made so many mistakes and so many financial blunders. Attrition was always a day away. Finally, things started to click and the tank needed LOL "RARE" items... I overpaid for so many things it is horrendous... WHY because I was willing to pay the price. I had to own PPE, Safe crackers and so many others LOL where were you guys at when I was paying $100 a polyp for acanthastreas last year? Many of you probably have more experience than me. I have spent spent most of my life promoting one business venture or another and currently my focus is my reef.
In early 2005 I pulled together 5 of my very rural friends who had had similar failures at reefkeeping and we started Keepers of the reef. It is a very small forum where the reefers of the twin lakes area can share ideas and most importantly affordable frags. We have "Adopted" a school in the MN area to supply corals and frags to thier tanks for high school leval research and to promote the hobby further. We also take new reefers in the area and supply them with advice and some of thier very first frags. In this rural area the only place to get corals is the internet or EBAY or our reef club.
Supporting my tank is very expensive as I enjoy collecting things I should not be able to have :) . I have been taught that if I want something no one will give it to me I must find a way to obtain the funds to support my own projects. In comes EBAY... If I can pay for corals perhaps I can also sell. I have had great luck selling corals and it has allowed me to support my website, my tank and my more aulturistic endeavors.

Summary (Sorry it was so long)

WHODA is the man for coming up with such a well designed and needed site!

I did not list my Zoas there to bump ebay prices I did it because I am a narsisist who enjoys showing my friends "look at my pretty zoos" And to further identify another zoo. I was soooo excited when he put mine up I posted it all over. If at any point WHODA requests that I not reference ZOAID I will immediately stop, further if he wants to remove my ID I accept this... Although I have done ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong.

I do sell on EBAY to make a profit! LOL where were you guys 2 weeks ago when Blue Kiss went for $695? Or 1 week ago when I paid over $300 for it? Please look at my feedback, read it carefully my clients LOVE my corals, my shipping skillz, my communication these are pleased people. This thread should be directed at someone who is ripping off people on ebay with lots of negative feedback... someone who photoshops the pics or misidentifies the corals. I do not set my prices! all of my auctions start at .99 . Clients bid from there.

I hope each auction sells for $1000... NO NO more I paid $2500 for a diamond ring at least 3 times in my life WHY for that little rock? because of demand.... Economics states that Demand drives prices... I do not drive prices up... Demand does... And yes I do want to create demand.

Please check my reef club... www.keepersofthereef.com, say high and see that I strive to promote this entire hobby each day of my life. I love reefkeeping...

And $mp thank you for your retraction... that took balls and I respect you for that. I also enjoyed our exchange :). The rest of you please get to know me before passing judgement, please look at some of the other "Well named" auctions on ebay, I really am nothing special. Thank you for the publicity and hope I can make each and every one of you my clients.

Thank you,

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Here's the problem:

"This corals frags are so sought after that you cannot order them anywhere. Simply put they are only possesed by collectors of the SAFECRACKER REDS (Myself and a few others) gorgeous and unobtainable."

"It has become a SUPER ZOO "

That's all a load of BS. You know and most of us here know it. If you tried that here on RC you wouldn't be selling here anymore. Most of us here are not against profiting from named zoas but the way you go about it is just like a downtown streetcorner car salesman with a load of false hype luring in unknowlegeable reefers probably mostly beginners and taking them for just that.
That's the problem.

That is product promotion... it also is a true and factual statement... Do you have Galaxy blues? Do you have Daytrippers? Nope prolly not because I got a rock from an importer, Thought it was pretty and decided to sell something I had not seen before. When that rock became popular locally I decided that the name I had come up with was worthy of recognition and I submitted it to WHODA. YES! My marketing adds to my auctions. Please go to your local college and sign up for a basic economics class. I am not going to go online and just say "ZOOS for sale" Also spend some time looking at the other auctions LOL I learned much of my wording from those auctions. I would prefer to be friends with you as I have wronged you in no way, But I cannot control your opinions. In this VERY capitalist society you have a right to that opinion and I would glady die to defend that. I also have the right to speak true and factual sales statements and list my corals for .99 .

While I do not agree with Doctors marketing (if you want to call it that) methods, it's certainly not against the law and he's free to do what he wants.

I am glad to see that I am not alone in thinking this type of behavior is misleading, and IMO unethical. I am glad someone didn't get taken for $360 this time around.

Also want to say thanks to Doctor for coming out and clearing the air a little. I was almost starting to think that maybe you really believed the stuff that was spewed onto the ebay description. But you have certainly cleared that up. IMO, when people use these tactics for profit motives it really harms the hobby. Not one of your zoas would I consider rare, highly sought after, or super zoos. You have admitted to wanting to "create a demand"... If they were really rare you wouldn't need to "create" the demand with your misleading hype.

this is actually jeremy ;)

at any rate, more details in the email i sentcha. but basically, yes: i am asking you (and anyone else) to please not utilize ZoaID as a marketing tool. :)

all ethical and business debates on zoanthid prices/hype/rarity aside, please just don't use ZoaID to assist in that manner as that is far from the site's intentions.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6663656#post6663656 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by doctor64776
Please go to your local college and sign up for a basic economics class.

You know they also have business ethics classes at your local college too :rolleye1:
... I dont understand .. How wanting to create market demand means that I do not have or sell quality and or rare zoos... If the safecrackers, PPE, armeggedon, Blue Kiss, Tubbs, BamBam ect. in my collections are not highly collectable or rare I want to know what is. I definitly want my other zoos like Galaxy and Daytrippers to continue to rise in popularity, thank you for the publicity, not expected but thank you. I too am overpaying and I want some of the really rare stuff? what is it? is rare not definded as limited quantities? Tell me where I can find the RARE stuff? I didnt make a person pay $360 they chose to... And what does that have to do with you are you the EBAY censor? demand pushed that price there... read their feedback and they say they loved the zoos. I mislead NOONE! I list actual pics of the colonies and how the picture was taken. Get a life man. HEY BY the way I think that my zoo collection is formidably gorgeous and so do my clients... ya know what thats all that matters. The majority of the members on this site are highly intellegent members of the reefing community I in no way ever sought to offend any of you. I mearly promote a hobby I am excited about. I should not ever have expected positive response to my post after the fires had been burning so long.

I am unable to "REMOVE" the link that is in my 2 current auctions.. Ebay will not allow me... only to add. I will in no way further promote or utilize your site to reference or promote my zoos. Forgive me as I wholly misunderstood. I really thought that people needed to know about the site, and to be directed there... It seems a very important resource