Wonder how high this one will go?

Thank You Michelle :)

So glad to hear that you loved the frags :) I am never sure what bonuses to send a client... WOW those Priviledge Pinks really SAY POP dont they? You guys are great and honorable.


The only one I have seen get "hysterically upset and bitter" is the Doc.


When you say something like "Agreeing to disagree is acceptable and prudent in this matter..." and then continue to carry on the debate listing things that we should agree on, that's not really Agreeing to disagree....

I think the one thing you left off of the list. You used a website to promote your corals and gave the impression that your corals were somehow "Super Zoos" because of the fact that they are listed on this site. When in reality any zoas at all can be listed there and anybody can name them whatever they want. So in reality, having your zoas on there doens't make them any more special then the "wood polyps" you sent out as extras... You have now said that you didn't understand that the site worked that way and that you thought that your zoas were picked to go on there and therefore "Super Zoas". Had you came out and said that from the get go, that you just didn't understand how it worked and you realized now that having zoas on zoaid does not make your zoas any more special and certianly doens't put them into a "super zoo" status. But you didn't, you came on talking about you were glad you did it and you were wanting to "create a demand" for them defending what you had done. That's the one key thing that people disagree with you about, not selling corals for lots of money. If you don't find what you put in big red letters on your auction to be misleading, fine, we will have to disagree with that. I do stand behind my earlier statments. I think actions like those are unethical and decieving. Others agree with me, some do not. Like it or not, we are entitled to our opinions. As far as people getting upset, nobody said they hated you, nobody even said you were a bad guy. Hopefully we can put this to rest, but I will never change my mind, I just think the add was misleading, and I stand by every word I have said. Sorry if that hurts your feelings, but it is what it is...
I'll give him an B+ for sticking up for himself. Most people give up after a couple of posts.
Anyway, this thread is resolved really.

Chris, if you're really interested in learning more about this hobby and specifiaclly zoas, spend some time on the board here and post a bit. We really don't bite and you'll soon find you can make some decent relationships here. Plus, when you sell on Ebay, no one here would dare blast you if you have a good standing. Unless you did something illegal or just downright foul.

Again, welcome to the boards (same to you Fireman03);)

Stick around long enough and you'll soon find that's it's a lot easier and cheaper getting "super zoas" on this forum.

God knows I'll be trading with at least a dozen people here in the springtime.

I really appreciate that :) I may just do that... In my online gaming I have found that some of my best friends were initially people that I had flame fests with.

Thank you for the invite
In closing I must restate my opinion. Doc - I first stated that I thought what you was doing was fine without the use of Zoaid.com.

Now I think you did no wrong at all. Period. And yes I am a Pastor.

Unethical to me would be lying about your stock. Your auctions are legit and people are happy with what they buy. Just because people do not think it is right, does not make it Gospel. (Pun Intended ;) )

Guess what everybody, I am an Ordained Minister and I sell on Ebay. My auctions start at .99 as well. I think that as long as your honest, and your not trying to lie to get someone to bid then it is A OK. I guess you wouldnt have a 100% Positive feedback if you were unethical.

Sure I am going to get blasted probably, but this is my opinion. As a pastor sometimes you take alot of stuff, and God helps you. It sure does feel good to speak my mind here at RC though.


PS. Good work on your site so far Coral Nutz...Just had to throw that in. Nice Zoas!
AMEN Rev! :bum:

I think that this was a really silly argument. Keep doing what you're doing Doc.
Rev, you have a lot of nerve posting that. You don't even know the secret handshake here yet!
:lol: just teasing.

I think it's time for us all to bury the hatchet and chalk this up to a learning experience.
I can see both the groups and Chris's point of view. I hope to see a day where we laugh about an insane amount of money Chris got for his zoas. Remember, we only represent a small fraction of people that are in this hobby. Not everyone can be "in the know"

Plus, who has time to show everyone the secret handshake?
Rev, you have a lot of nerve posting that. You don't even know the secret handshake here yet!

HEHE...Ya! I was worried about it. I was wondering if the guy on the left or the guy on the right shoulder was the one that had me post that. Now I know it was the Zoa guy!

Thanks for not taking it that seriously, it's just an opinion. I hope when I am preaching in the morning I don't start comparing things to the reef.....LOL! Kidding! ;)
BTW I have a meeting with the council about adding a 300g to the front hall for the sake of givning "the kids" something to look at. Ok I really don't, but it's an idea!

I can see it now as we pass the plate, please give your best to stock the reef, you know those ebay zoas arent cheap! Kidding again.
Ok, my wife has chimed in and now it is my turn.

First off, how is any of this banter making Reef Central and better site? If you think that the price is too high for the coral or you think that they are not rare, then dont buy them. I didnt buy the coral because I thought they were rare nor did I buy them because I thought they were a good value. I bought them because I liked them, it's as simple as that. I found early on in this hobby that everything seems to be grossly overpriced. I buy what I like and what I want. If I want something that is expensive, then I will pay for it. I wanted these corals and I bought them.

In no way was this a deceptive transaction. The coral's pics were listed and look the same in my acquirium as they did in the photos. I am very please about my purchase and look forward to buying from Doctor again.

I love Reef Central and hate to see post like this bring it down. There is absolutely nothing informative in this post. The flaming I saw makes this look like some "kiddy" website. Lets act like good hobbyist and vowel to only respond if we have something to contribute other than trash talk.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6670134#post6670134 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fireman03
Ok, my wife has chimed in and now it is my turn.

First off, how is any of this banter making Reef Central and better site? If you think that the price is too high for the coral or you think that they are not rare, then dont buy them. I didnt buy the coral because I thought they were rare nor did I buy them because I thought they were a good value. I bought them because I liked them, it's as simple as that. I found early on in this hobby that everything seems to be grossly overpriced. I buy what I like and what I want. If I want something that is expensive, then I will pay for it. I wanted these corals and I bought them.

In no way was this a deceptive transaction. The coral's pics were listed and look the same in my acquirium as they did in the photos. I am very please about my purchase and look forward to buying from Doctor again.

I love Reef Central and hate to see post like this bring it down. There is absolutely nothing informative in this post. The flaming I saw makes this look like some "kiddy" website. Lets act like good hobbyist and vowel to only respond if we have something to contribute other than trash talk.



Sorry, But YOU MISSED THE POINT ENTIRELY>>>> This thread is VERY informitive.... It's lets EVERYONE know that it is NOT OK to try to fool people into thinking that just becuase you have your zoas on there they are now SUPER zoas. Once again, for the slower people. This has NOTHING to do with paying large sums of cash for corals, nor does it have anything to do with selling corals for high prices.... IT DOES HAVE TO DO WITH ABUSING zoaid. The owner of the site has said that what went down is NOT OK. The seller has acknowledged that he didn't know how the site works. Actually thought his zoas were special super zoas cause they went on there. SO, I think to keep re hashing the point about paying lots of money for your corals, just shows that you either didn't read the thread or understand it.

As far as this thread not making reef central a better place. This is a hot topic and if it wasn't worth discussing it would have never made it to page 6. At least once a week someone starts a thread about another one of these silly, overpriced, non-rare coral auctions on eBay. Everyone I have seen in the past was posted, we all had a good chuckle and were thankfull that we knew of other ways to get real nice stuff without spending the kids college funds on eBay. I honestly thought this thread would be the same way. I figured a few people would see it, get a luagh out of it and it would move on down and off the first page into thread history. I think this didn't happen this time becuase when people seen how he used Zoaid in the way he did. (Which is the WHOLE point of this, not the price of the auctions) I think it struck a nerve. There are a lot of people in this community that really really like zoaid and think that it's important. However, when people use it as a marketing hype tool, it trashes that site and just turns it into a propaganda tool. The owner has stated that he would not like his website used in this manner. The seller has agreed not to do it in the future. If he wants to go on telling people that his common corals are ultra rare then great. That's not the point either. The piont was pretty specific. DON'T PUT NAME ZOAS AND PUT THEM ON ZOAID, AND THEN REFERENCE THAT IN YOUR EBAY AUCTIONS... Pretty simple... That's the point. So if your not able to understand that, you probably never willl.... But I think if people didn't keep bringing up the point about, "Well if you don't want to pay that much for his corals don't buy them" becuase that's what sidetracks it and drags it out. I guess everyone has made their point, some agree some disagree, that's fine... But please quit twisting this back to how much people spend on thier corals.....
i have been listening to my husband for awhile talking about this thread. so i decided to pull it up and take a look. i have found some things very desturbing. though the wording may not be perfect on docs listing, ask yourself if it is actually a "lie"? that is when it becomes unethical. also ask yourself if "sabotage" is unethical? unfortunately, that is what i saw. his listing was sabotaged. does two wrongs make a right?

I also have heard that corals should not cost what they have been selling for, and that if you are rich or stupid enough you will buy them. i find that insulting. i am neither rich nor stupid. my husband and i buy, sell and trade. for some us that don't live on the coasts..its hard to get some of the corals we really want. when we do find it, we want it then and we are willing to pay for it. look at the pictures, you can tell how it was taken. and you can determine on YOUR OWN if that is something you want and what you want to pay. i think you are sending out a wrong message. rc is to get advice, look at the pics. not to say who should pay for what. i have bought on ebay. and yes paid more than what it was worth. it is also my favorite piece in my tank . but if i were to listen to the comments made on these several pages i would not be enjoying my piece now!
For the record, I have never visited Zoaid nor do I plan too. The exact kind of Zoa it is makes no difference to me. What I go by is if I like it, I buy. The fact is that this post got out of hand to the point where an auction was sabotaged. Obviously, there are those out there that are passionate about zoos. I, quite frankly am not. I found something that I liked and I bought it. To say that the way it was listed (ie names and rareness) had anything to do with my decison is downright false. I never heard of any of those corals. Once again, I liked them and I bought them.

While your intentions may have been informative, we can see how things can get out of hand. That is why I asked that threads like this not be made in the first place. Reef Central is better than threads of this nature.

I do think it the following statement is a LIE......

"The Galaxy Blues Zoo was just published as an official Zoa Identification at the final repository for all Zoanthid naming :) It has become a SUPER ZOO :) please go and see it at www.zoaid.com "

The "it has become a SUPER ZOO" part I think is an outright lie. Maybe unintentional becuase he is stating he didn't know how the site worked.

Furthermore, just becuase something "technically" isn't a lie doesn't mean that it's not unethical.

As far as sabotage goes. To tell you the truth, If I would have thought this thread was going to cause a ruckus I wouldn't have started it... I thought it was worth posting that someone was ABUSING a site that many here love and find very useful.

I just have ONE question for the doc... Now that you are aware that zoaid does not make your zoas any more special, doesn't make them super zoas.....

Now that you know how that site works, do you still stand behind this statement and believe it to be accurate and non-misleading. It's a simple yes or no question. Don't want any explinations, just a yes or no to whether you think this is accurate and non-misleading knowing what you know now.

"The Galaxy Blues Zoo was just published as an official Zoa Identification at the final repository for all Zoanthid naming :) It has become a SUPER ZOO :) please go and see it at www.zoaid.com "
rhoodhouse, read what CoralNuts and everyone else here has said. NO ONE CARES IF YOU SPEND WHAT YOU WANT ON THE ZOANTHIDS. That is NOT what this thread is about. The fact that you determined for youself that whatever you bought was worth it is importnat - and a good thing, no one is criticizing you, or anyone else who buys corals on eBay for that.

Was his statement a lie - yes. However, based on the opposing views here, you apparently think its not.

Threads of this nature are bound to turn up from time to time. And fireman03, AGAIN, no one is attacking you for purchasing zoanthids based on appearance or his statement of them being called rare, or the fact that they were named. AGAIN, this was about the misuse of whoda's creation - which SPECIFICALLY SAYS that it is NOT to be used for a market hype.

I'm going to submit to a mod again that this thread be closed however, because its really getting no where. Most of the people think one thing, a few think another, and apparently for the most part, the people who disagree with the majority cant seem to understand that its not about the fact that he named the zoas, called them rare, has good/bad feedback, etc. Its about the misuse of ZoaID.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6671334#post6671334 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fireman03
While your intentions may have been informative, we can see how things can get out of hand. That is why I asked that threads like this not be made in the first place. Reef Central is better than threads of this nature.


I disagree with that... this is a valid issue... If you choose not to talk about it, there are many other threads you can participate in. The topic of coral hype and price manipulation has been brought up numerous times. The topic has even had articles dedicated to it recently in ReefKeeping magazine wich was posted on the front page of this site....

I'm sorry if you think this thread is "out of hand" I disagree... Just becuase people disagree about something doesn't mean it shouldn't or can't be discussed on here. What a boring place this would be if everyone agreed on everything. I think when things degenerate is when things are brougt up and people automatically think it's because someone "hates" them. It's a hot topic. I'm sorry if I hurt his feelings. If RC wishes that no more ebay auctions are even mentioned at all, that's their call.

I guess this is my last post on this cause it's just beating a dead horse. I do not think what he did or does in his auctions is very good for the hobby in general.... I don't hate the guy, don't even know him... I see that some have asked the doc to stay around and continue to post here. I cant control who/what gets' posted here but I personally think that if he is going to keep up with the same "marketing" toools that he's been using, he's not going to find many friends around here. I think this site is great for hobbyist, but not the place for zoanthid profiteers/vendors.

That's JMO... you can agree or disagree with it all you want, doesn't matter. My point has been made, if you can't see what the point is and want to keep bringing it back to how much poeple buy/sell corals for that's your problem.

Well happy reefin... Hope all your tanks do WONDERFULL and let the polyps be plentifull...
I think there is no reason to close this thread. The debate is healthy IMO. Let the mods decide when it's too far that's their job.
Both sides IMO make good points, and it is very interesting.

The answer to the question CORAL nuts is simple...

I IN NO WAY LIED absolutely did NOT LIE! It seems coral nuts .. the starter of the thread originally is the one with continued challenges... I did NOT abuse ZOAID! That is total crap. I had a zoo or two added to ZOAID... I felt accepted by my peers in that action... I had had friends write me to say they had a zoo posted there... I did not know that the elite RC community did not respect ZOAID as a repository of ZOO naming. I still think EVERY ZOO there is a super ZOO and I want every one of them... . I was excited about it, I posted a link to show it off... The one (or his alter ego)who supposedlly accepted it wishes that I do not link to him as if I did something wrong... I did not. It is HIS site he has that right and I respect that.... I believe that he responded in a knee jerk reaction to MOB mentality but again it is his site.... I have never received any coorespondance from him indicating that I wronged him in any way... A poster using his name requested that and I complied.

Coral NUTS what is it that you have done in either real life or here that makes you the guardian of all that is pure? What is your great accomplishment? You talk like a some somebody but I see nothing to indicate that? People like you are usually low level management somewhere exercising authority over 16 yo. fry boys... Am I way off base?