Wonder how high this one will go?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6671786#post6671786 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by doctor64776
Coral NUTS what is it that you have done in either real life or here that makes you the guardian of all that is pure? What is your great accomplishment? You talk like a some somebody but I see nothing to indicate that? People like you are usually low level management somewhere exercising authority over 16 yo. fry boys... Am I way off base?

You see... this is where the threads go south.. when people get upset, and instead of agreeing to disagree and moving on they lower themselves to personall attacks....

And too be honest with you, YOU ARE WAY OFF..... :lol: I am not even up to "low level management" geez... hopefully someday i can get their.... Truth be told the guys that were fry guys 4 years ago and are now done with college are the ones telling me what to do... But really this doesn't change my opinion on the matter. And just because I haven't reached the almighty level of paramedic doesn't mean I can't voice my opinion around here... There are a lot of people that are lower than lower management around here... Anyway aren't paramedics like the "fry guys" of the medical world? :lol:

Oh yeah... and here's a good article for you to read doc... it's linked in the FAQ's on zoaid right under the part about the site NOT being for marketing hype.....

If you have noticed... it is when my character is attacked that I become less than friendly...

ie: Challenging my ethics
Saying I am a lier
Saying my momma wears combat boots
Saying my sister is so fat that when she...
Accusing my childeren of being crosseyed

ect. ect.

I apoligize for the career hack... BUT I am not a lier, nor unethical, nor any of the other inflamatory descriptives that you have utilized. DO you apoligize for ANYTHING? you have been slanderous in print, on a national website.. do you follow the definitions of slander, liable and deprivation of income? You have maligned my character. I have been wronged directly by you... Your statements are the ones that are untrue.

I love the debate or I would have left it for you alone long ago... Debate should not attack ones character (except in presidential debates)

TEK I never read the FAQ. I am unsure but i think that that was added to quell this entire problem but I am unsure
That has been there - along with the link to the reefkeeping article on market hype, since very near the beginning of the website(I believe), in hopes that it would prevent issues such as this from arising. You can go on believing what you want, because I personally cannot prove without a doubt that it was there before hand.
I think this site is great for hobbyist, but not the place for zoanthid profiteers/vendors.

Where would this site be with out all Vendor Sponsors.

I have for the last hour read every post on this thread. There are
valid points on both sides. (By counting the different posters on this thread it is just minority that veiw someone did something wrong.) Having views that differ is a good thing.

The only reason I got on this thread is the amount of veiws that It had, over 1900 WOW!!!!!!! Do I see free advertising or A way of getting ones site or sites noticed? (bet if you look at the hit numbers for those sites there up 65% or more in the last 24 hours ZOAID.com , EBAY auctions: Keepersofthereef website.) Looks to me this was a win win situation for everybody. People got there corals and there site reconized.

Better stop now before I get bashed Too (LOL)
Doc :lol: your delusional... Do you even know what slander or liable is? In order for it to be either, you have to PROVE that what I said was not true.... Since EVERYTHING stated in this thread is only an opinion and not a provable fact, there can be no liable or slander. Unless you can PROVE that your corals are indeed "Super Zoos" or even "RARE" for that matter, dont' think you have much of a case.... and if you want to accuse me of either the burden of PROOF is on your side....

I guess I'll take the word LIE off the table for you. Technically if your silly enough to believe your zoos truely are "Super Zoos" because they are listed on zoaid, then I guess technically, while it's still misleading it wouldn't be a LIE if YOU really believed what your saying.
Ok it's time that you Coralnutz and you Doc do a thermos trade of your most precious zoas, and agree to disagree. You both are good people and you both dont seem like the type to start throwing crap.

Can there be a resolution?

BTW it is now getting to the closed part....;)

Come on guys lay it down. How bout it?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6672049#post6672049 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by doctor64776

TEK I never read the FAQ. I am unsure but i think that that was added to quell this entire problem but I am unsure


[side note]
just a quick note: that FAQ was in place since near day 1 (if not day 1 itself). as mater of fact, it *was* the homepage for a while before it got it's eye candy look. LOL

i actually have the 'old look' here still:

the FAQ on the recently revamped site had a couple verbage changes about a month or two ago, but no content change.
[/side note]

hopefully this doesn't side track onto the FAQ, but just wanted to answer that for ya! :D
sabotage- yes!
this thread, which was going to get attention, hence the name "wounder how high this will go" was all negative at the beginning. in turn the sabotage came into play when you go directly to the auction site (wether you or someone else) called him sleezy and questioned his marketing to discredit him. that may not been what you had intended, but that is what happened. and still hear nothing unethical about that. why?

wife of rodney
Hey coral nutz... Im all with the great REVs idea

I offer peace... You do have a right to your beliefs... Just dont seem so aggressive... PLEASE.... Do not attack my character...PLEASE....

Lets trade sisters and be done with this... wait did the REV say Frags? ok

I have enjoyed the debate and hearing your side... send your address to doctor64776@yahoo.com ... Give me your email when you do and I'll send you mine.. we will do the thermos thing itll be a blast and everyone here will get a kick out of it...

I agree rhoodhouse, I am surprise this thread is still open or has not been moved to the Vendor Forum because I thought it was against the rules to purposely drag someone's name through the mud for any reason. Now this has been going on for days.

Yes, common sense says he should have gotten permission before linking to the site first and has admitted that he should have. That issue should have been left between Doctor and Whodah. There is no problem if anyone wants to contact whodah and point the abuse out, but it is unethical and wrong to bring this issue to a public forum to create a mob mentality. I don't blame Doctor for being extremely upset. The intent, deliberate or not, is to bash and trash talk against something you disagree with. You could have easily made the same point about the underlying issue without even mentioning his name. Yes I disagree with what he did, but I also think it was wrong to try to start a bash session.

Is there a reason to keep this thing even going any longer?

Come on guys kiss and make up already:)
For what it is worth... "A reefer too" was soo right... I couldnt buy publicity like this

My stats for february...

Date Page Views
1 16.50% (476)
2 22.91% (661)
3 24.16% (697)
4 28.01% (808)
5 8.391% (242)
Ok... I'm gonna make a quick chime in again :) Like many others have said ... we dont in no way condone you for selling on e-bay or making alot of money off your zoa's, congrats on your other auction that went for $300+. ( I myself have also sold PPE's for tons of money, I paid for over a semester of college with the sales...and I got the colony for free 5 years ago!)

What we had problems with was the way you worded the comments about zoaid... because of your wording there has been some contriversey over Zoaid and if its good or bad and all about a marketing hype.

The statment about "super zoa" and "reposatory for RARE zoa's" is the problem. its not for RARE zoa's... its for all zoa's.

I personally know there is another VERY large E-bay coral seller with zoa's on zoaid, I have never seen them mention zoaid on their add...they use the words RARE and GOTTA HAVE AMAZING COLOR, but never twisted zoaid into their add.

That being said... I commend you for righting your wrong & agreeing not to include zoaid in your ads again. Like you said...the first one sold for a TON of money without the use of zoaid.

Oh...and one more thing...just a personal thing...ALL my zoa's have flash and they are VERY colorful and awsome... Just to show you that your statments that zoa's are not that pretty without 20k actinics is completly not true...
Your Zoa are absolutely vivid... very nice man

Soo completely right... But even the pretty ones ... I believe are highlighted and have more vivid color under under acintics... that is why, dare I say most reefers use them
My .02 cents on this.

Doc, take a chill pill. First off I do think it's a bit ironic that you posted your pic's on Zoaid the day BEFORE you posted your Ebay auction and then put in the link. Then you come on here to defend yourself and say you didn't understand how zoaid worked. :rolleyes:

Also you have hyped up your zoa's as super rare in the attempt to creat something that they are not, just to make a profit. THAT my friend is the cruxt of the matter. The majority of zoa's you are selling are common zoa's that a lot of people have. Granted you are not twisting peoples arms and making them bump up the auction price, it's all done with the wording and marketing hype.

Unfortunatly, that has become the "norm" for a lot of people and so the prices of corals are going thru the roof for no reason. Like I posted in an earlier post, I've been to a few well know wholesalers and their tubs are full of zoa's, even the ones you have that are "rare". They all sell for the same price, no matter the color. It's the LFs and people like you who are "creating" a false market and trying to get people to beleive that these are indeed rare corals. If they were so rare, then they would be left in the ocean.

As for colors, my zoa's look stunning under 10K XM MH lights. Your pic's looked washed out with atinic and don't look like actual colors to me. To some newbie or unsuspecting potential buyer, they may look good.

Also, if your corals are so rare as you have stated, then why have people in my local club just given me frags of these so called rare corals that you have. :rolleyes: It's putting the moniker of LE or rare on these corals that is unethical. Again, if they were that rare, then they would still be in the ocean and we wouldn't have them.

This is all JMO. ;)

Some eye candy. All pic's are taken under 10K Xm 175W MH with a cheap camera. :D

Rare metallic reds. ;)

Rare bambam oranges I got for free. ;)
Very very nice pics man ...

I have already answered all of your questions in numerous posts... MOST of EVERYTHING on EBAY IS RARE... I see my zoos as rare because there are limiteed quantities of them.... show me a pic of your Galaxy blues? just when this debate began did a search and 55 of 433 items for live coral were RARE... The debate is over.. actually pretty dead even all points are made... :) <---- smiley face indicating peace

Hey Coral NUTS... I never did get your address? so I guess we are not doing the whole peace dance? Like the REV said? I thought it would be fun