My .02 cents on this.
Doc, take a chill pill. First off I do think it's a bit ironic that you posted your pic's on Zoaid the day BEFORE you posted your Ebay auction and then put in the link. Then you come on here to defend yourself and say you didn't understand how zoaid worked.
Also you have hyped up your zoa's as super rare in the attempt to creat something that they are not, just to make a profit. THAT my friend is the cruxt of the matter. The majority of zoa's you are selling are common zoa's that a lot of people have. Granted you are not twisting peoples arms and making them bump up the auction price, it's all done with the wording and marketing hype.
Unfortunatly, that has become the "norm" for a lot of people and so the prices of corals are going thru the roof for no reason. Like I posted in an earlier post, I've been to a few well know wholesalers and their tubs are full of zoa's, even the ones you have that are "rare". They all sell for the same price, no matter the color. It's the LFs and people like you who are "creating" a false market and trying to get people to beleive that these are indeed rare corals. If they were so rare, then they would be left in the ocean.
As for colors, my zoa's look stunning under 10K XM MH lights. Your pic's looked washed out with atinic and don't look like actual colors to me. To some newbie or unsuspecting potential buyer, they may look good.
Also, if your corals are so rare as you have stated, then why have people in my local club just given me frags of these so called rare corals that you have.
It's putting the moniker of LE or rare on these corals that is unethical. Again, if they were that rare, then they would still be in the ocean and we wouldn't have them.
This is all JMO.
Some eye candy. All pic's are taken under 10K Xm 175W MH with a cheap camera.
Rare metallic reds.
Rare bambam oranges I got for free.