Wonder how high this one will go?

First off, I'd like to start by saying, "this is all Who-dahs fault!" :mad:

Secondly, I have to be the one to break up all this feel good cheer going around.

I do agree that helping another reefer out with cheap frags is great. Yet, I am a bit more self centered. Unlike some of you guys that are independantly wealthy, I actually use my zoa sales to make extra cash. I have two small children, wife and bills out the whazoo!

I will not sell them at high prices to people I know, or local club members. But, people that I do not know, or that are contacting me for one thing and one thing only (frags) they pay premium prices.

The last time I checked it's costing me $100. a month for just electric, nevermind all of the other expenses that I incur.

Plus my time as a reefer tending these animals. There is also the cost involved in purchasing the animals.

Again, I think it's great that a lot of us reefers give other reefers a break, but again, we are not all independantly wealthy.

I do think that using Jeremy's site as a way to sell zoas is cheezy. I have never done it and will not begin now.

Ebay is a way for some reefers to buy their zoas without having to join this or any other club. I know all of you fellow sociopaths out there cannot understand it, but a lot of reefers don't want to be a part of a public forum.

Sometimes there is so much "stupid" drama here that it's really lame and sophmoric. (I would be guilty of being both of those);)

Thats why Ebay is a great way for them to get what they want without having to speak to you or I.

I mean, come on, are any of us really that interesting? To each other we are, but we're a separate breed; Reef Nerds.


<--- Stepping down from soap box.
I wouln't call myself independantly wealthy. I'm lucky if I can afford gas for my vechiles from time to time. LOL.

For me, this is a hobby, not a income I depend on. If I can't afford something, I either don't buy it or figure out a way to make it myself. If it's corals, then I try to trade for it. The majority of corals I have in my tank were either bought from fellow reefers who were clearing out their tanks or frags I traded for. So I try and pass on to my fellow reefers what I was able to aquire.

The more we propagate and passa round our corlas, the less we have to depend on the ocean and price gouging LFS/Ebay sellers for them. Let's share the wealth among each other is my motto. Not everything evolves around money you know. ;)

The part that eats me up the most is people sticking a name, LE or rare moniker on something just for profit. There are some well named people in the bussiness who have done just this. That's why you see all of the fad corals with the high prices.

Funny thing is, all of the corals came from the ocean, to call one rare or LE is only beause it has not been collected in masses yet. If it's really that rare, then it should be left in the ocean.

The other side of that coin is the people who say you must be able to trace the leianege of the coral back to the person who named it. BS. There are a ton of corals out in the ocean that are identical. To say that my coral is not XXX because I can't trace it back to YYY who had it first is BS. If it looks like ST, smells like ST and taste like ST, then it must be ST.
Yep, I understand BC. But I do depend on sales of my zoas at least 3 -4 times a year. It's still a hobby for me, but I do need the extra income.

Everything else I agree with when it comes to lineage. I think it's BS.
Eventually, theses named corals become saturated in the hobby and the price drops. But there are 5-100 new named corals waiting for that spot all the time. You should know. Remember the Stuber Acropora? That was the must have coral, not for it's color (brown and white) but because it was circulating around the world. People paid big bucks for some of those frags.

Anyway, I still feel this is all Jeremey's fault.;)
The big problem, and it will never change is that it's not just a problem we have within our hobby. Look at main stream America and the auto industry.

Call it a Chevy and pay this much, add a bit of leather and call it a caddy and pay double. Throw a weird body on a truck frame and call it a hummer and even double the price again. Bottom line, it's still a basic chevy truck underneath.

They all do it:
Chevy/caddy, Ford/lincon, Toyota/lexus, Nissan/Infinity.

I can understand making some extra cash on the side to support your hobby. I just hope your not going to the extreems that the person on Ebay is going to. ;)

There's a difference between raising the price a bit because of demand and being a schister, gouging everyone. ;)
Hey man, what's your first name anyway?

Nah, if I was getting prices like that on Ebay, I'd never sell here again!:lol:
Besides, if that guys is getting $300+ for his zoas on ebay, I'd make $1k for some of my zoas. His are common and boring. Except the safe crackers. Those are the only ones that would fetch a higher price.

Otherwise, I sold some PPE's a short while back and sold them for $20 a polyp. I had orders for 1 & 2 polyps. Each person I sent corals to not only got between 3 and 5 polyps, they also recieved extra bonus corals. So in total, they paid about $5 a polyp.

I think I'm fair and not a schister.;)

On a side note, what kind of Chevy do you have? Pics?:)
Just an FYI everyone...

this guy has 2 other e-bay auctions listed for his zoa's and he listed the EXACT link for his zoa's, THEN he goes on to state they have been added in the repository for RARE zoas.

Thank god WhoDah changed the links for e-bay and they all now go to a message stating this is not what the site is for! I wonder if he's seen this yet ... lol.

I dont mind people selling things for more money... I'm with reef junky...I do it too! I sold PPEs to pay for almost a whole year of college in 04. (thank you to all who contributed to my college fund ;) )
What I do mind is someone lieing about having a "rare" zoa and making a great site cheap to get more money.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6658201#post6658201 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reef Junkie
I think I'm fair and not a schister.;)

On a side note, what kind of Chevy do you have? Pics?:)

Me Too. ;)

I've got a '63 long bed chevy truck I've been slowly truning into a pro street. 600hp/600ftlb tq stroked 385 SBC w/ a mini supercharger on top. Here's a link to some photo albums of some of my toys. ;)

Ray ;)

Here is one for the fire......

I am currently the high bidder on this frag pac. I don't care what you guy's think about this guy he has 100% positive feedback. That means everyone who has bought from him was happy. Also the price for this frag pac is not $300 it is a lot less and I really like the "Day Trippers" so I'm going to try to buy them. If I get out bid then that is ok too.

Rodney Hood

ps Whoda Good job on the link.....

The Day Trippers which are supposed to be different from my Blue Eyed Girls on ZoaID?

Eeesh... if I blasted my zoos with 20k's and a ton of actinic they'd turn out to be the same zoos, I thought. I have 2x250 14k and 2x95 actinic on mine.

Anyway, mine are lined up for some thermos trades with some nice reefers on ZoosRus :)

Thermos trades are cool! No need for $50 shipping on top of the bid price.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6658593#post6658593 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rhoodhouse
Here is one for the fire......

I am currently the high bidder on this frag pac. I don't care what you guy's think about this guy he has 100% positive feedback. That means everyone who has bought from him was happy. Also the price for this frag pac is not $300 it is a lot less and I really like the "Day Trippers" so I'm going to try to buy them. If I get out bid then that is ok too.

Rodney Hood

ps Whoda Good job on the link.....

Maybe you need to re-read through the thread. Nobody said that this was over $300... The LAST one that was just like this, it was a 23 polyp total frag pack and it did go for $360..... PLUS SHIPPING>>>>

This auction still has over 17 Hours to go and hasn't moved much at all in the past couple days.... if you ebay much you should know already that the price will not go up until the last few minutes of the auction.... Hopefully you will be able to get the pack cheaper than the last one. I don't think anyone said they weren't nice zoas and that the guy didn't have good feedback...
Let's see HMM:confused:

23 poylops.

That would be 23 bucks plus $7.45 for USPS priorty shipping plus $10.00 for a good thermos.

So thats $40.45 total. so he made over 300 dollars profit on them.

Better bet would be to do a thermos trade. Then you save the 23 bucks and get some new zoo's as well as thin out yours a bit that are overgrowing everywhere.:rolleyes:
That is so sweet! I want an antique chevy myself, but do not have the knowhow to build it myself. My dream car is a '67 Chevy II Nova. I'll probably have to wait until my kids are out of the house... They're gonna be 3 in May...:rolleyes:

Rodney, if you like them and the price is right, buy em. But FYI, wait until the last 30 or 3 seconds to bid.;)

I need to talk to Jeremy, this database needs some trimming and rules.
Just went to look at your "Blue Eyed Girls" those are sweet...
I belive that if you like them and you have the money to burn then get them...Is that not what you guy's think?

The price as of now including shipping is less than $100 for 27 polyps this includes 2 polyps of safecrackers that I do really want. This is a total polyp price of less than $3.70 each. I say that is not too bad.

Rodney Hood
Reef Junkie,
Thanks. It's a long process as I'm doing everything myself. Between the truck, house remodel and my reefs, I'm spread pretty thin. ;)

Good luck on them. Just don't get caught up in the moment and push the price too far. ;) It just feeds their ego to do it all again. Have you tried looking around Rc to find someone to trade with? Just a thought. I'd trade but I don't have any safecrackers.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6659035#post6659035 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rhoodhouse
I belive that if you like them and you have the money to burn then get them...Is that not what you guy's think?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6659035#post6659035 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rhoodhouse
The price as of now including shipping is less than $100 for 27 polyps this includes 2 polyps of safecrackers that I do really want. This is a total polyp price of less than $3.70 each. I say that is not too bad.
I could see myself paying that price for zoos that I really want :) "Real" Safecrackers are cool. ...not like the "fake" ones I have on ZoaID, hahaha. Note that I did describe mine as "not from the original colony". Almost asked Whodah to list them as pSafecrackers, just for a good laugh :)

Good luck to you on your bidding!
I'd like to see some of these similar morphs filed under the parent named zoa.
Because really a lot of these zoas are morphs.
I know the seller, I think it is good for him he used a known site to get more money for his zoa's, all in all it is great marketing.

sure hope someone buys some of my zoa's for that price ;) :lol:
Its been said before - as long as you are purchasing the zoas at a price you think is fair, and because you believe they are aestetically pleasing, then go for it! But if you are buying them to have "safecracker" zoanthids or any other specific named zoanthid simply because its "rare" or the next trendy coral - then your wallet is in for a rough ride.

I personally wouldnt pay that kind of price for zoas I didnt see first hand, and even then, I've been known to pass up some deals simply because the price was outrageous. I'm more of the "ask for a frag of 2-3 polyps at the per/polyp price" kind of guy :p Works out well because I get some interesting zoas for a good price, and I have patience to let them grow out :D Not a bash at you, just my personal tastes.
Those frags are easily worth $100(with shiping) and it looks like thats what the total bill will be or about. I went to a frag swap not too long ago and didn't get zoas nearly as colorful and I paid $20 per frag (no shipping). I think you are all putting this guy down for nothing. Heck... I'd love to have named a few zoas and have them represented on zoaid.com. I think most of you would like to have the ability to accomplish the same thing, but simply just don't have the means.

Everyone is just dishin' out too much slack on this.
Um... what?

All of us DO have the means by which to post pictures and name zoanthids. Thats not the point of this thread. The point of this thread is that it appears as though the seller intentionally abused the purpose of ZoaID to hike the price up - leading the buyer(s) to believe that there is a highly selective process by which zoanthids are "selected" to be placed on the site, when this is simply not the case. Whoda is very open about it, which is a good thing because among the people who understand how it works, we realize that its all in fun and really is not there for the sole purpose of making a buck or two.

If you'd pay nearly $100 for a handful of polyps, then thats your business. At the current moment with shipping its going to be $94. With eBay auctions, generally the price skyrockets in the last few minutes/seconds of the auction. And its got 7 days left! Buying zoas not as colorful for $20 is your own deal - how many polyps was it though?

By the way - you CAN submit zoas to ZoaID to have your name on them as something unique or special, but dont read too much into it, I did it for fun, as I know many of the others did as well. Have you looked on this forum much - many of the people here have some of the most stunning zoas around, just because they arent on ZoaID doesnt mean they dont exist, and just because they dont have a name doesnt mean they arent awesome.