Would you buy the APEX lunar module again?


New member
Hello all!

My moonlights are currently a couple 4W nightlight bulbs. I've been using these for moonlights for about 15 years now, but I'm thinking about upgrading to LED because the bulbs burn out all the time. I have 2 choices:

1. Put together a DIY LED moonlight setup, cost ~$20
2. Use the APEX Lunar Module, cost ~$100

I don't mind the cost provided there is additional value in the Lunar Module.

I like the idea of doing moon cycles, but at the same time I'd hate for my tank to be totally dark some nights after lights out. Right now I have the tank lights shut off at 10PM and run moonlights till 1AM, then pitch black till 10AM when the lights start coming on again.

I guess my real question is, for those who have it, would you buy the lunar module again? Do you find it adds value over standard on/off moonlights?

Option 3: grab an LED nightlight bulb.

I figure I'd mention that since you seem to be pretty satisfied with your results, excepting the burn out rate.
Option 3: grab an LED nightlight bulb.

I figure I'd mention that since you seem to be pretty satisfied with your results, excepting the burn out rate.

I tried that actually, they don't have the light spread of the incondessant jobs and since these sockets are all the way forward they don't light the tank well.

The new LED I could mount to my diy led light bar in the center. The 120v sockets have exposed live wires and screw terminals. It would be too easy to touch those if I mounted the nightlight there.

Great idea though!

I absolutely would buy them again. I've got 3 sets over 2 tanks. One of which was originally connected to my first gen Aqua Controller and still uses the legacy connection. They work great, last forever, are simple to program and follow the moons cycle while dimming automatically to match the moons phase. You won't get all of that easily with a DIY setup.
I love my LSM/Moonlights and so does the wife. We've got the 2 LED string on my 60 cube/Ocean Revive T247. I'm looking at upgrading tanks to a 120 or 180 in the future and will definitely swap the 2 LED string for a longer one when I upgrade tanks in the future.
I like the lunar cycle. always a surprise on intensity and time that they will be on if you follow the moon cycle. I think you can set it for time on and off if you like a certain cycle.
I've been using the lunar module for some years now and I like it a lot. Is rather cool to see the intensity vary from night to night (and you can adjust so that the lights never go out completely). In terms of health of the tank, I'd be hard pressed to say it's any better than when I used a blue LED night light though.
I like them, but I used less than the recommended amount and changed out the LEDs for cool white. The royals they use to me were too unnatural. After doing loads of night dives, I wanted something that was more realistic to how I experience it during dives. They are pretty much plug and play, which makes it nice.
Thank you for the opinions all! I'll add this to my "Want" list. In the meantime I set my current moonlights to follow the season table to check that out and see if I like it.

I absolutely would buy them again. I've got 3 sets over 2 tanks. One of which was originally connected to my first gen Aqua Controller and still uses the legacy connection. They work great, last forever, are simple to program and follow the moons cycle while dimming automatically to match the moons phase. You won't get all of that easily with a DIY setup.

Does the moon phase table update automatically or do you have to update it every year manually?

I like them, but I used less than the recommended amount and changed out the LEDs for cool white. The royals they use to me were too unnatural. After doing loads of night dives, I wanted something that was more realistic to how I experience it during dives. They are pretty much plug and play, which makes it nice.

Do you actually have to use the original LED modules or could you make your own? The money they charge for those seems a bit steep for simple LEDs.
i've got 2 led's on my 60 cube as well. it's alright. i don't really care much for the actual lunar simulation since it ends up on in the middle of the day, i ended up just adjusting it so it comes on at night at the same time as my refugium light.

I'd probably buy it again, its good enough, it doesn't eat up another outlet, apex integration, etc....its probably overpriced for what it is but thats what you pay for apex integration.
I like them, but I used less than the recommended amount and changed out the LEDs for cool white. The royals they use to me were too unnatural. After doing loads of night dives, I wanted something that was more realistic to how I experience it during dives. They are pretty much plug and play, which makes it nice.

How did you swap them out? I agree about the blues not being realistic. Not sure why all the moonlights are blue, have none of these folks done any night dives (apparently not)!
How did you swap them out? I agree about the blues not being realistic. Not sure why all the moonlights are blue, have none of these folks done any night dives (apparently not)!

You pop the back cover off the diode case and solder in a new diode. You just need to make sure you get the anode and cathode correctly wired. The LED's are in series so its kind of hard to screw up anyway. If memory serves me, they are 1w diodes.

Personally I like the blue light. It's not too bright and gives a nice glow. White light would be a bit overwhelming in my opinion where as the blue is much more subtle.
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Do you guys think a strip of 5 would be enough for a 8 ft long tank?

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Yes.. It will be just fine! My tank is 4'x8' and I have two 5 led strips running parallel to each other. 5 LED's covers the length of my tank just fine.
As a diver, one LED per 24 linear inches is too much; ends up too bright. I use 3 over my 84" tank and run them lower than the tables indicate.