I just wanted to include something since most people on the board are dog and cat lovers and the basis of this thread is the tragedy that can happen to any of are pets.
A friend of mine lost an adorable Pomeranian to antifreeze poisoning.
Although we both knew that antifreeze is poisonous to dogs we never realized all the places it can be found.
We had spent the day looking at new homes and one home was not heated, what we did not realize is the fact that all the pipes had been filled with antifreeze including the toilet.
Well, as dogs will be dogs "Speedy" his Pom drank from the toilet when we were in a different room and passed that night.
It took several weeks before we found the source.
We would have never had figured it out except another friend had been through the exact same situation.
Another friend lost a pet cat to rat poison that a neighbor had put outside because he thought rats had been getting into his garbage.
There are many dangers lurking in our own homes that are easy to over look.
I have fish of course but I also have a cat and two birds.
Danger can be found in the most inconspicuous places, such as Teflon coated nonstick pans. If they are over heated the fumes will kill a bird instantly and can make cats and dogs and PEOPLE very sick.
How many of you have those cute little snow globes?
The liquid inside of the is actually ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
For those of you with dogs and cats here is a link to an article on antifreeze poisoning and the symptoms