Zoanthids are they toxic?

:( So sorry to hear about your loss. If anything can be gained this thread is proof that your dogs death was not in vane. There has been much to learn and respect to be gained by hearing this.


Well I just got done bleaching my porch, so the dogs dont drink the rain water where the zoos fell. Its a good thing you posted this thread, you never know, you just never know. Greg
:eek: Jeez, and I fragged a whole bunch of those things a couple weeks ago WITHOUT gloves! :eek:

Profoundly sorry to hear of your loss. If it's any consolation though, you probably saved more than a few others with this thread.
Kevin, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family. Thank you for having the courage to share your story so that we all can learn from your misfortune. I knew that zoos were toxic, but like many others here, I had no idea they were THAT toxic. I have a small child at home that is into everything ... you can bet I'll be far more careful when it comes to my tank and the colonies of zoos I work with from time to time.
I'm so very sorry to hear about your loss. I have a Beagle and a Jack Russell who will eat anything, even bees. Zoos are my favorite corals and a big reason for starting up a tank. Thank you so much for sharing this we would've never known the dangers if you hadn't posted your extremely sad experience.

I hope one day after you've heeled that you will be able to let another hound into your heart and family. :sad2:
I just wanted to include something since most people on the board are dog and cat lovers and the basis of this thread is the tragedy that can happen to any of are pets.
A friend of mine lost an adorable Pomeranian to antifreeze poisoning.
Although we both knew that antifreeze is poisonous to dogs we never realized all the places it can be found.
We had spent the day looking at new homes and one home was not heated, what we did not realize is the fact that all the pipes had been filled with antifreeze including the toilet.
Well, as dogs will be dogs "Speedy" his Pom drank from the toilet when we were in a different room and passed that night.
It took several weeks before we found the source.
We would have never had figured it out except another friend had been through the exact same situation.
Another friend lost a pet cat to rat poison that a neighbor had put outside because he thought rats had been getting into his garbage.

There are many dangers lurking in our own homes that are easy to over look.
I have fish of course but I also have a cat and two birds.

Danger can be found in the most inconspicuous places, such as Teflon coated nonstick pans. If they are over heated the fumes will kill a bird instantly and can make cats and dogs and PEOPLE very sick.
How many of you have those cute little snow globes?
The liquid inside of the is actually ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
For those of you with dogs and cats here is a link to an article on antifreeze poisoning and the symptoms http://www.cah.com/library/antifreeze.html
What a tragic turn of events. I was completely ignorant re the toxicity of some of the corals I'm keeping. I truly appreciate your post, and offer my condolences.

Sorry to hear about this. :(

With the Zoanthids or polyps in general, if you are touching them, moving them, spend a little extra time afterwards to wash your hands well, and don't put your hands in your mouth until you wash to be safe.
Sincerest condolences Kevin. Lost my "boys" (rotties) years back. Most difficult time in my life. Thanks for sharing and giving the heads up. My kids and I appreciate it. I as well as many know zoo's are toxic but didn't think they were THAT toxic.
Take care
What a sad thing to have happen to your beloved pet. I knew of zoanthids' toxic properties but have been half-assed about wearing gloves. I will certainly be more vigilant in the future when fragging zoo's.

And in regard to this:
slipknottin said:
Anthony Calfo got "poisoned" by them three times (this is in his book on coral propogation)

The first time he wiped his hands in a towel after he was propogating the zoanthids and wiped his mouth with the towel when he finished. He said his mouth went completely numb and all he could taste was copper for two days.

The second time he was cutting the zoos with a razor, and as his hand was slipping he put the razor in his mouth... his sense of taste returned in a day.

The third time he ran out of clean towels and reached in his dirty towels bin and grabbed one... that time the sensation only lasted for a few hours.

On a side note, that is really freaking GROSS! Some people have a much higher tolerance for nasty than me. Dang, if not for the fact that it's just plain disgusting to get fish/coral-touched things on or near your face and mouth, wouldn't the sheer stench of fragged/distressed corals be repulsive enough to prevent such actions?

~ Sherri
I am soo very sorry for your lose I cant imagine something that seems so normal behavior (I mean the dogs nose in the bucket)Thank Goodness you were able to realize what the culprit was at least you know that A LOT of good will come from this I know myself..I was going to frag my ZOOS today for the first time and I am one of those that never wear gloves That has now changed and it is thanks to your post I have been stung,bit and attacked in my tank but never paid any mind to it next day in the tank w/ bare hands again but after reading your post I have made a call to LFS and asked them to order the long gloves and I will be using latex gloves from here on out at all times w/ the tank I have 2 small children 1 who still nurses and I never thought of the toxins in my system from the tank.. What a huge wake up call Thank You so very much for taking the time to post this during your tragedy and my prays are out to you and your family ...

120 2x250 MH 2x55 pc 100 lbs figi,50 tongo 50marsh,candy cane,2 disc,2 pagodas,red gorg,purple gorg,hammer,colt,var.shrooms.yel zoos/BTA LTA gr brain,moon,2 chrom,yel tailed,2 bar goby,2 convict,

This is truely tragic, so sorry...........In looking at all those silly dog pics, I only wish I wasn't allergic.
Wow, I'm jumping on here late, since I just saw this thread. Sorry to hear about your loss. It's a good reminder for us how careful we have to be when our dogs are around the tank stuff.

64Ivy, It's a good idea to try to wear gloves for fragging any corals at all. Along the same lines with assuming that all zoanthids are dangerous, I just treat all corals as potentially hazardous. If I'm wrong, I haven't really gone to that much trouble, and if I'm right, then it could save me a lot of trouble in the long run.

Im very sorry to hear of your loss. Thank you for posting this information because I heard they might be toxic but I never knew they could be deadly toxic.
so sorry to hear about your dog. I also have a Beagle and know that she loves to get into many things, it's just their nature. It just breaks my heart to hear a story like this.

BlennyBabe, I also feel for your loss as well. I don't know how many times my Beagle has escaped from the back yard. She even jumped out of the window of a moving car while I was taking her to the vet, coming out with only a minor cut on her head.

I wish the both of you only the best.

hi freind very very sorry about your family member i my self have 5 dogs and would hate for any to go through that:( COULD ANYONE PLEASE POST SOME PHOTOS SO I KNOW WHAT IM TO LOOK FOR I COULD ALREADY HAVE THESE AND I WOULD REALLY LKE TO KNOW SO I CAN START TAKING EXTRA PRECOUTIONS THANK YOU yours sincerly ian
Kevin I have been reading the show of sympathy from the many reefers posting on this forum for the last couple of days.

Tonight I have tears in my eyes as I am typing here. I am a man. I have feelings, I am very sentimental and I am just so sad with your loss. My wife and I have Tiger Woods(our red head amazon) and our reef tank. Amazing how we get so attached to animals. Dogs are a very special type of pets. The give us so much love and expect so little in return.

I hope you and your family get another dog as soon as possible and so that he or she would fill the empty spot in your lives.

Our deepest sympathy to you and your family.

Luis and Sai