Zoanthids are they toxic?

it all depends. I have 12 different zoas and not once have I been hurt. Basically if you wash your hands before doing anything after you touch the zoas there should be no problem. oh and dont eat them. There is a guy who lives near me named mucho reef on this board. he has hundreds of different zoas and he hasnt had any problems.
wow, that made me cry and im not ashamed to say it, i love my dog very much and if that were to happen i wouldnt know what to do.... thanks for posting this its a great deed!
Sorry about the dog, I love animals and that really stinks. I know all the problems about zoo's and for some reason still work with them bare handed and with my hands in salt water all the time the are always cracked and have cuts. I think I will start to be a little more careful.
Yes, antifreeze is a known dog killer. It does taste sweet to dogs and if you are ever flushing your radiator, put your dog away. Wash off your drive way extremely well. You can buy antifreeze that is animal safe but don't take any chances.
There is an alternative to antifreeze poisoning that afflicts our four-legged friends. The chemical ethylene glycol, the main ingredient in antifreeze, looks like yellow-green syrup and tastes sweet, creating a deadly attraction to animals. Fortunately, a non-poisonous coolant- Propylene glycol- is available on the market. This new antifreeze actually contains living organism's and if you own a newer vehicle be sure to add only distilled water to your engine coolant resevoir as for ceratin chemicals will kill these living organisms just like in your fish tank.
Kevin_kramer -- the zoas you post are indeed a palythoa. They are extremely toxin and like you said they are most likely the ones that might have killled you dog. I hope you and the family are ok, and I send my regards.

I actually bought some palythoa that look just like the one kevin posted and the LFS even warned me about the toxin before i purchased them.. Its good to see LFS starting to warn poeple of this.
Wow, just saw this thread for the first time as someone linked me here from maast.org. I am very sorry to hear about your dog and thanks for the info on zoos.
1.)im so sorry, that really sucks. i have a german sheperd and wow. I am 13, and i started reefing when i was 12. i had no idea that zoas were toxic at all, so i handled mine all of the time, but luckily, nothing happened. i knew they were toxic before reading this, but now it really makes me realize that wow, that stuff is dangerous.

MrSandman said:
Bummer :( I wonder how much longer LFS's will be selling these for without a warning to the consumer at least. I think we need to find out more info regarding the concentrations required to produce a lethal dosage. Any idea how many your dog ate? This kinda remids me of that one time in college when the LFS sold a lionfish to a 13 year old kid. Sometimes i feel that we need to put age restrictions on livestock. This would be a classic example.

Hey! I'm 13. I think you just have to be responsible enough. i am going to have a foxface lo in my tank.
Geez.... this put a lump in my throat.
I'm really sorry this happened. Thanks for taking the time to share and possible help thwart the same happening to another reefer.
Just read this thread. I am going to be much more careful around my tank from now on.

One note,

antifreeze is a known dog killer. It does taste sweet to dogs
Not just dogs, it tastes sweet to all animals, including humans (don't ask me how I know).
I just read your thread, and I am so very SORRY to hear about the loss of your family member. Losing my dog one year ago was like the world coming to an end. At least you know you spent quality time and gave her the best home possible. Hope all will be well.

1st, kevin, my condolances.....
2nd, boy am i glad i wipe my hands in my hair when im done fooling around in my tank rather than sticking them in my mouth!
3rd, a new hood will be built for my tank which is now in arms reach of my 9 month old daughter....
under the circumstances, im very sorry, but thank you kevin for the fair warning, its a real eye opener!
Only a few - not many are in the trade, zoos are toxic like this. You must be the small exception or have picked up some that were. Every few months there will be a big post about toxic zoos.

They are rare and if you do your reading, you'll find this to be true, but thats not to say they are not out there. The vast majority in the aquarium trade are not potent at all, but there are a few lurking out there.

The moral of this story is to just be careful when handling any coral/organism. I always use some sort of latex/rubber glove to ensure any oils from my hand, etc do not get onto the organism (unless its my cleaner shrimp and he links to eat out of your hand)
I am very very very very sorry about your dog, but I've been doing a lot of research adn reading on this tonight and I have seen no proof that all or most zoos have enough poison to do anything to a human, maybe a dog, but not a human. When I first read that they were poisonous I freaked out, but I handle mine bare handed a week ago, and I have not had any symptoms on my hands of anything. The person who sold them to me also handled them barehanded as well as the guy who bagged them. They are all fine. So I don't understand it. I will not believe that they are poisonus (i dont plan on eating them or anything) until there is at least one experiment done on them that has legitimate proof of how many zoos and what types have this toxin and how it is released etc.. etc..