Awwwww jeeeez Kevin. That really really sucks.

Sorry man.
On an equally serious note:
Those of you that got sun zooanthids from me (I handed out 4) remember, the P. grandis(sun zooanthid) is the palytoxin king.
I mentioned in the swap announcement my sun zooanthid frag lore and I will repeat it(or something like it):
When I fragged these guys Sat am before the swap, I cut the mat with a razor and carefully worked under the mat with the razor and a scalpel to minimize tissue trauma. Where I cut and dinged the mat, white milky juice (the palytoxin) oozed out.
Typically there are pods that get into the fragwater bucket because they were on the frag victim's rock and they just run around in the bucket. Not this time. They all dropped dead immediately after the white juice hit the water.
I made sure I was rinsing everything that touched the toxin off into the sink immediately after use. I just kept the water running. I even changed their fragwater twice and handled them with tweezers until they calmed down. I rinsed all the buckets, my piece of HD fako marble tile cutting board and all tools that I thought may have touched that juice AND my hands. I brought them to the swap in their own container of water just in case.
When these guys aren't cut, they don't ooze palytoxin. The other zoos and buttons(also species of Protopalythoa) have varying degrees of the toxin. I have not had any bad repurcussions from the cut pieces after putting them back in the tank and I have been doing a huge amount of zoo fragging this past month.
I suggest and hope you all adopt these more rigid handling procedures for yours and all innocent passersby. (Just in case any of you haven't read up thoroughly on zoo's and sun zoo's in particular)
Everyone now please turn to page 184 in Eric Borneman's "Corals, Selection..." book look at the pic on the top of the page, then read the text regarding the "Protopalythoa Genus" thank you.
Once again, sorry Kevin.
edit to comment on Maury's post about the angelfish: The various animals on the reefs have evolved by eating each other, creating defenses and overcoming others' defenses. There are many documented cases of this. certain animals have adapted to eating certain compounds that may be lethal to other animals.
Anthony, if you're out there, your oral fixations are going to kill you :hmm3: