Zoanthids are they toxic?

You should go back and read your post. It isn't what you said it is how you said it. It is very abrupt and arrogant with little respect to the originator of the thread or his deceased friend.

Also he had been fragging zoanthids at his house and the dog either ingested some of this water or actually ate a zoanthid(s).
Well I have a story of my own about zoos. Dec of 2004 I bought a rock of recently fragged zoos(they were my 1st coral). The guy I brought them from handled them with his bare hands and I handled barehanded too. I put they in my tank about 5 PM. That night I went to bed at 11 PM I was perfectly fine at 1 AM I woke up with such a fever, shivering and dry mouth. I had a shower to try to warm up...that made things worse. I was shivering so bad I had no balance. The wife took me to the emergency room and because of my state they took me right in. They covered me with warm blankets and gave me some fluids, which wouldn't stay down. They kept me for about 5 hours and 3 bags of some unknown IV which perked me up. The doctors had no idea what was going on though maybe it was the flu. They released me at about 8:30 AM we went for breakfast and I went to worked at about 1 PM perfectly fine. I did not know anything about zoos being toxic till about a week after I read it on a message board I'm part of, to this day I think It has something to do with the zoos. My skin is very sensitive to things I sunburn very easy and I can get rashes from certain things.
I read this thread when it first came on (yes-I've been round that long.. names lilswanwillow then)

I have allergic reactions to shrooms... my fingers swell a little, can't bend them, and they go numb.
I put my hands in the tank with zoanthids all the time, knowing what they can do... I TRY to not touch them, but sometimes... I figure, no cuts on me or them, I should be ok.

My son is not allowed to touch anything in the tank(I tried to get him to touch a shroom, a snail, and a hermit-he screamed and ran away for each)

I was a biology major: there are toxins in places that you don't know about... and to the person that was rude: read the post... it answers all of your questions. but, heres the breakdown: dog drank water/ate zoanthids at home
1.5 hours later, sick
2.5 hours later, sicker
5 hours (give or take) brought to the vet
12 horus: dead
we need definitive info in this trade/hobby as to which are toxic and which are not.....period.....You can not go to a pet store and buy a venomous animal so why zo's? It is absolutely ridiculous. I love zo's but have avoided buying them out of fear....for my self aand my children and pets,.....also, this is a hobby where we expose ourselves to chopping these animals up for fragging.....so it is imperative that this be public knowledge........If anyone is interested in starting a "program" so to speak that prevents the importation of Toxic zo's and/or at least ma program that makes the knowledge available, please let me know I would be happy to work with you. This really needs DEFINITIVE answers,....not just....."wear gloves" You can't buy a gun, you can't buy a venomous animal, ....although, you can buy bleach and toxic chemicals....although the nature of this hobby is to expose us to the secretions from fragging....the nature of cleaning your house does not involve swallowing bleach....We all need to make this hobby safer in this regard....anyone?
Kevin- I see that this post is almost three years old but man I am so sorry to read this!! What a horrible experence this must have been for you and your wife.
I'm actually really ****ed, I just bought some tonight, I pulled them out of the bag and there was a dead self on therek, So just barely rubbed it off, I have a small cut on the finger I used. my left arm has been tingling numb for the past hour and a half. I can't believe that they would sell something like that, to someone that told them I was just starting out and that this was the first coral I've bought and not say anything. I plan on going up there tomarrow and talking to the manager about this.
you should...this is BS.......at LEAST one should be required to provide a warning.....at the LFS.....don't they have a disclaimer about turtles and salmonella???????? I mean it is ridiculous.....why don't they sell poisonous snakes????? I do not get it?
First, I agree. All customers should be warned.
When you "require" a warning, that insinuates regulation, which begets governmental control, licensing, and inspections. Before I go on an unnecessary tangent, just think of the hysterical direction such "requirements" could take!
Again, I agree that customers should be warned. I try to warn everyone...
*MY UPDATE* Well I woke up this morning everything is fine, except I'm still mad. BUT I will get over it. I also will call and yell and yell at someone today. All I needed was a small warning, like "Hey just be carefull placing these they can contain a toxin and can hurt you, Just be safe and wear gloves." I really don't think that's too much to ask for. I'll let you know how everything goes with the phone call. Just to clarify, I didn't get hurt, just the lower half of my left was a little numb, kinda like the pins and needles feel. I wish I would have read about these before I bought these, I wouldn't have then.
Wow, what a thread. I will have to be more careful... When I think of all the times I drank tank water starting a siphon or put my hands in the tank with cuts on them.

Hell, just a few days ago I rubbed some algae off one of my zoo rocks with my thumb that had a cut on it. I remember the cut stinging and I was thinking how dumb I was for putting the cut in salt water... This thread has made me sick to my stomach.
I have zoos. My hands itch/sting from just having contact with the water for more than 5 minutes.

I recently temporarily lost vision in the left side of my left eye after a session "in" the tank. It returned by the next morning.

Be Careful.
you see, that is CRAZY....There needs to be some sort of warning...all of the LIt. that found, just says most aquarium species are not fatal....MOST?@?@?@?@

How can we all get definitive answers here. Where do we turn for help. Some Lit. that I found says tribes in the Pacific used to take Zoo extract and poison dart tips with them in combat?????

First off I am not saying you are wrong, I agree with you 100% that it is obscene that many LFS do not give warnings. When I worked at the LFS a while back, I did and so did my co-workers. We did our best to find out about the customer, tank, system, age, etc... before we would recommend anything.

At the time I did not know about the severity of toxin in zoo's but I would always explain to customers that everything in a salt tank should be handled with extreme caution, especially due to the "unknown" factor we all deal with. I have had numerous encounters with unknown bites / stings that have sent me to bed early, and I share those experiences to stress the possible dangers. (Or the time my anemone decided to grab me, and I had to sit there for 45 mins while he decided if my hand was edible. :( My hand was swollen for at least a week)

I wish there was a way of implementing a mandatory warning system, but quite honestly, it would probably be in the form of a sign that collects dust in the front of the store. Or, they can ban zooââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s only to find that many other creatures in our tanks have toxins and ban those too. The best option imo is to stress the importance for consumers to research what they want to buy (or at the very least, research what they DID buy.)

BTW: Many, Many places do sell toxic items, take wild oats (natural health store) and the herb section, WOW!, and those products are actually sold for ingestion purposes.

Just my $0.02
Well, keep in mind there are tons of plants you can pick up from your local garden store that will kill you, your pets, or your children if they ingest them....yet I see no warning on their label.

Here is a partial list:

Sometimes it is all about educating oneself. It really isn't up to other people to educate you. Get off your lazy arses and read.

If you are unfamiliar about something your best course of action is to educate yourself. That goes for everything in life.

To the owner that lost his dog (3 years ago..), I'm sorry...
hi im new to the forum but it was suggested i take a look by someone on another forum who thought this was horrible, i'm so sorry about your dog i know it was a few years ago but the loss stays!! i have two labs my self and couldn't bear to lose them.
Kevin, your friend is missed. I wish there had been an antitoxin. :(

I was in Public Health in the Air Force some years back before getting my BSN. The salmonella/reptile warning comes from related epidemiology from an outbreak that hit the media. Our political system being what it is, legislation was introduced to legally require pet shops in some states to warn about, (and others not to carry at all), animals that are known vectors of certain communicable diseases or toxins. It varies from state to state as it is state legislation, not federal law, I think. It would not be a stretch to get venoumous saltwater types included in it. However, I would also be afraid that some of the states that do not allow the sale of turtles might also consider outlawinf certain venomous salt items.

My point is, there are many of us on this thread who understand the lethal nature of palytoxin and zoos. For all of us to take the time and lobby our individual states for " LFS warnings" would be a thought, if anyone was interested. However, I would want to be sure it remained a warning, and not be carried into a prohibition.
