Hi all it's been awhile
New baby in the house and working 6-7 day a week hasn't left much time to update let alone work on the system.
I haven't seen any side by side experiment on this to show proof ether way.
do you have any links?
I would think that one large properly setup skimmer would be more efficient then the 3 that I will be running. spazz's volcano comes to mind.
There are some solid reasons that I decided to go this way though.
Redundancy and back up.
I will be running 3 skimmers with 2 pumps on each skimmer. There will be two separate electrical circuits feeding 3 pumps each. This will allow every skimmer two electrical lines feeding it. Also each skimmer will be fused/mini circuit breaker on each pump. Most larger skimmers you would lose 100% of skimming ability if the pump dies or you trip a circuit. I'm thinking that the way I will set it up I'll only lose 16.7% - 50% max on pump or major power failure.
Skimmer setup
I'm thinking that I might be able to run the skimmers slightly different and get an overall different skimming profile than with just one. One could be running wet and one drier.
I'm also thinking that there will be less upset to overall skimming by cleaning the skimmers on a rotating basis. However this probably will require more maint over running just a single skimmer.
Startup cost
I have about $1,200 into the three skimmer or about $1/gal of system volume.
They are an industrial valve made by ASCO Very reliable the cat # is 8262g232
I have never used this web sight for ordering as a got several of these off of ebay. PM me if you need one.
The ones that I have are brass and should only be used on the feed water line. You would want to use 316SS on the product water side.
REWRIS, welcome to RC.
Not much to update on I have got the utility sink in place and plumbed up.
It has a spray function and fits a 5gal (19l) bucket nicely.
I will also do a solid stream and I can hookup a garden hose to it.
It has about a 2-3 foot (60-90 cm) hose extension on it.
I built the hight of the stand so that bottom of the sink just touches my finger tip when standing no bending to clean stuff.
It sure will be nice to have a sink just a couple of feet from the skimmers.