10' Pond Build

Looks like the sand is going to stay wet. Wasn't my intention, but should work out well for growing mangroves. My newest concern is that the constantly wet sand may not smell so nice over the long run (Those of you that have spent any amount of time in the Florida Keys will know what I'm talking about). Going to keep the island as is for now, keeping a close eye/nose on things, and will change it up if necessary. Can always raise/lower the island and/or water level if I need to.
As for which fish that I had to remove to make the pool more shark-friendly, I relocated the fish that near constantly pick/graze at the rock work (assasi trigger, a couple angels, and the quoyi parrot). I also relocated my broomtail and snooty maori wrasses (are 2 favorites that I would not want anything to happen to) I had space in some of my other systems where I plan to keep them at least temporarily. May decide that some of them can go back after the sharks become established - broomtail will be going back for sure once she gains a bit more size.
Great job, love the island!, a complete eco system, really a cool route, a port jackson or a horned would be cool, even a coral cat, for their calm temperment. Like you tweaks on your filtration, shows you dont need huge dollar equipment for a stunning display, keep it up, appreciate your updates
Love this build. Gotta be honest, I'm looking at purchasing a large tank ( 300+ gal ) and the prices are scaring me. This looks like a great option.

Gotta ask how you are skimming the surface of the pool? Using something like the Intex floating skimmer? How big is you protein skimmer? Looks to be a hang on?
Thank you guys for the compliments!

Pool still isn't 100% clear yet, but it's getting there. Fish are still a little uneasy, and most will dash into the rocks when I get close enough for a picture.


Oh you should add a land crab or 2 to go with the mangroves. That would make it more interesting too!

Love the progression and changes that you've made.
Maybe i'm in the minority here, but I much better liked the cove.
The island just looks too big and bulky and detracts from the main focus, the fish.
More of a curiosity question than a practical one as it would have significantly increased the costs - did you (or have you) ever consider installing a viewing panel to get a more straight-line view?

I have a shallow tank that's better viewed from the top - I actually like the view but there are times I wish it was more like a tv :lmao:

One of my favorite projects on reefcentral, thanks again for sharing.
As for the sharks... I decided on Chiloscyllium plagiosum (whitespotted bamboo). My main considerations for what species to go with were size, activity level, and temperature requirements, and of course looks. I had it narrowed down to either these guys or epaulettes, and had the opportunity to see both species as large adults at my LFS. I really like both species, but after spending a bit of time watching the adults, C. plagiosum won out by a narrow margin... My LFS had juveniles of both eppies and bamboos available, but I decided instead to go with 3 larger sub-adults/small adults that were bred/hatched on site. At least one (female) of the 3 had outgrown her initial home and was returned to the shop. She's a little smaller than the other two at around 16" (the others are between 24" and 26").

I had them in a 300g rubbermaid tub (QT) for about a month, and just moved them over to the pool last week. I'm not going to keep the tub up and running, but will keep it on hand incase any issues with the sharks arise (aggression that requires separation, medical/disease issues... etc...).


Great job, love the island!, a complete eco system, really a cool route, a port jackson or a horned would be cool, even a coral cat, for their calm temperment. Like you tweaks on your filtration, shows you dont need huge dollar equipment for a stunning display, keep it up, appreciate your updates

Thank you for the compliments/suggestions! Yeah, DIY can really keep the costs down!
Dude that is sweet. I can't wait to see this thing in a year or so. I vision that palm tree will be 3 to 4 times the size, mangroves getting bigger and just a really cool reef that incorporates a lot of different zones we can't possible do in a tank. I do agree some more rock is needed along the outside and perhaps some more submerged rock piles. Then all you need is a parrot on the palm tree, a corona and some Bob Marley. :)
Love this build. Gotta be honest, I'm looking at purchasing a large tank ( 300+ gal ) and the prices are scaring me. This looks like a great option.

Gotta ask how you are skimming the surface of the pool? Using something like the Intex floating skimmer? How big is you protein skimmer? Looks to be a hang on?

Definitely a much lower cost option for having a larger tank. I had some space issues as well that prevented me from doing a big traditional tank - would have had to remove part of the wall to get anything much larger than a 240 down the staircase into the basement.

I'm not using anything to skim the surface at present. I haven't noticed anything that would give me reason to do so yet (as I have in the past with traditional tanks without an overflow). This may change with the addition of the sharks, so I've been looking into floating pond skimmers as a possible option.

Protein skimmer is also likely going to need an upgrade with the addition of the sharks (currently using an AquaC Remora Pro-S, which drains into a 5g bucket). This was just supposed to be temporary, but I've never had any detectible ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate, so I've been holding off. I'm pretty diligent with my water changes, but I doubt that will be enough in the long run.

If you don't mind a top-down view, a pond is a great way to go IMO. In addition to INTEX pools, which come in 10 and 12' sizes, there are a few manufacturers -can't remember the names off hand - that make koi holding tanks in the 6' to 8' range if I remember correctly.
Maybe i'm in the minority here, but I much better liked the cove.
The island just looks too big and bulky and detracts from the main focus, the fish.

Might have to agree with you here. Was looking at some old pics, and really liked the look of the cove/atoll. I'm thinking that the next time I re-do my 'scaping, I might try bringing back the cove with maybe 2/3 smaller above water sandy peaks toward the back - obscuring the pump housing/piping. There are aspects of the island that I like, and want to develop a bit more, but yeah... it's a bit much as it is now.