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Project for today. Return pumps and powerheads connected to a remote switch. When I want to feed, I turn off one or both. If I forget to turn back on, 30 minutes later pumps turn on no matter what.
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I wouldn't shut the return off. In fact, I woudn't shut any of the off. I never shut any pumps off and have well over 20,000 GPH flowing through my tank when I feed. The pumps help insure that food is spread and dispersed around the tank for all the fish and corals. Shutting the return off is a sure way to cause a skimmer overflow from the rise in sump level. Even as little as a half inch rise in sump level will cause your skimmer to overflow. Since your skimmer drain is plumbed directly to drain line, you wouldn't even realize it but you would be slowly decreasing your salinity as your ATO will kick in to replace the water that the skimmer drained out of the system.
One other thing. The RD3 pumps should not have power cut off to them regularly like that. If anything, you should use the Apex and the VDM module to control them and shut them down or use the RD3 controllers built in feed mode assuming it's the 230. Those pumps are soft start/soft stop pumps and should be shut down properly instead of just pulling the plug on them when they are running at full speed which is essentially what you are doing when the control 4 cuts the power to the outlet. Think of it like a computer. You want to shut it down or ramp it down before pulling the plug. Just a bit of advice. The Apex will allow you to stop the pump without actually cutting the power to the controller. Once in a blue moon won't hurt anything but doing it daily is asking for trouble where as with the Apex, using the VDM module to stop the flow on the pump is a design feature meant for this exact scenario.
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