130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

+1 we have engineered wood that looks just like the real thing and the dogs also dont scratch it.

Curious Ted, with that size tank and triggers that you say will scratch it, why go acrylic as opposed to something like starphire glass?

I left the slate flooring in dt room..did not go with wood...
I love your new geni! Congrats on getting her!
I'm also looking forward to seeing how she changes if she becomes a male but kinda hoping she stays female since she's so lovely already! :spin3:
Hello Everyone, Actually my first post in decades going all the way back to the Prodigy fish forum days... I visit quite often just don't engage, kind of socially inept.. I started reading this thread from a search, then saw the 84+ posts and started over 2 years ago,, heh

I was hoping, humaguy/other big tank owners could summerize it. I should, probably will, start another thread a that I don't want to hyjack this one.

I recently sold my soul, first child and a kidney and put a deposit down on our dream tank build. Hoping to set it up by next August.
36x36x186 (1043g) Sweet right?! Might have room for 36x48x186 I got to do some remodeling, mocking up first.

So humaguy, I was hoping you could kind of list out the equipment you settled on, anything you would change if you could, anything you wouldn't do if you could take it back, problems along the way.

The tank will be pretty much as yours, FOWLR. I have the ability, and hoping to set up a sump room in the basement. I'll shed more details in my inaugural thread.

Started Thread

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Hello Everyone, Actually my first post in decades going all the way back to the Prodigy fish forum days... I visit quite often just don't engage, kind of socially inept.. I started reading this thread from a search, then saw the 84+ posts and started over 2 years ago,, heh

I was hoping, humaguy/other big tank owners could summerize it. I should, probably will, start another thread a that I don't want to hyjack this one.

I recently sold my soul, first child and a kidney and put a deposit down on our dream tank build. Hoping to set it up by next August.
36x36x186 (1043g) Sweet right?! Might have room for 36x48x186 I got to do some remodeling, mocking up first.

So humaguy, I was hoping you could kind of list out the equipment you settled on, anything you would change if you could, anything you wouldn't do if you could take it back, problems along the way.

The tank will be pretty much as yours, FOWLR. I have the ability, and hoping to set up a sump room in the basement. I'll shed more details in my inaugural thread.

Started Thread


Killer! Looking forward to your build...
The best choice I made was adding the coast to coast overflow and I highly recommend it as it allows the tank to be viewable from 3 sides...get as big a fuge as possible, I ended up adding a 2nd....
I wish my stand was lower- at the time I intentionally went high with the hopes that the height would accommodate more equipment but due to the height of my skimmer I ended up drilling holes in the stand for the pvc..get as huge skimmer as you can and killer lights- another thing I love is the box I built to attach my lights to...the box is mounted on runners so I can slide it out of the way when I need to get into the top of the tank- the box can slide 6ft in either direction...
imo the very best way to optimal water and tank conditions is thru lots of water changes, so I am currently not running any reactors....
Def. use rigid and semi-rigid pvc for the plumbing- don't use any of the soft hose that comes with most canister filters...
Happy to try and help answer any questions you might have with the build...so stoked to watch it happen...good luck and very glad you decided to join the talk in here!
Thanks humaguy!

Coast to Coast overflow? Is that where the returns are on one end and one overflow at the other? I was hoping this was a good idea, its what I want to do. Further I was trying to think of a surge like input/inflow, like fill a box above the tank and have it "surge" all at once into it giving that ocean feel.

PVC sch40 good yes? Was my plan. Planning on a huge fuge, more about that on the other post.

In your first post or so, you were worried about the trigger scratching the acrylic. Hows it holding up? Our puffer seems to always pace the tank against the glass, hoping its more lips then teeth draging.

Wish your stand was lower? For easier maintained/feeding? I hate how low our current stand is. I wanted to have a higher one for the build. Current tank is a 24" stand, I was thinking build to 36". How high did you build yours? It looks around 30~36 in the pics. I kinda wanted to not have to bend over to see in the tank, with luck my equipment will be in the basement.

Lighting going to be tricky, the build is going against the wall. That box build sounds awesome. The light shine through the acrylic ok? or are you running open tops? I remember seeing water dropplets on the top in a pic.

Thank you so much for the insight.

Thanks humaguy!

Coast to Coast overflow? Is that where the returns are on one end and one overflow at the other? I was hoping this was a good idea, its what I want to do. Further I was trying to think of a surge like input/inflow, like fill a box above the tank and have it "surge" all at once into it giving that ocean feel.

PVC sch40 good yes? Was my plan. Planning on a huge fuge, more about that on the other post.

In your first post or so, you were worried about the trigger scratching the acrylic. Hows it holding up? Our puffer seems to always pace the tank against the glass, hoping its more lips then teeth draging.

Wish your stand was lower? For easier maintained/feeding? I hate how low our current stand is. I wanted to have a higher one for the build. Current tank is a 24" stand, I was thinking build to 36". How high did you build yours? It looks around 30~36 in the pics. I kinda wanted to not have to bend over to see in the tank, with luck my equipment will be in the basement.

Lighting going to be tricky, the build is going against the wall. That box build sounds awesome. The light shine through the acrylic ok? or are you running open tops? I remember seeing water dropplets on the top in a pic.

Thank you so much for the insight.


yes, the coast to coast is an overflow that runs the width of the tank at one end...I have 1 return in the middle of the tank and a 2nd towards the far end...there are also a bunch of return jets below the overflow...my stand is 41 inches...the feeding port on top of the tank keeps the food off the glass so the fish have not bothered it or scratched it...acrylic has a higher clarity than glass so the ligths have no problem cutting thru it...
wow ted, i see chingchai has a peppermint angel. you need to step up your game.
