130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

Awesome pickup Ted. I was eyeballing that hybrid angel pretty hard, but my tank is packed. It's really unique looking for sure.
Awesome pickup Ted. I was eyeballing that hybrid angel pretty hard, but my tank is packed. It's really unique looking for sure.

Hey bud,

I had the same experience..kept looking at her...enjoyed all the talk on that other site about her I had to, lol....I am amazed she wasn't snatched up quicker....
hey huma - do you quarantine every fish no matter whAT? Ive got a red sea regal that I dont want to take a chance on medicating because this is the only healthy and eating one ive gotten, ever. Im afraid he"ll stop eating and die.
Ted, if you ever need to make room for another awesome fish I'll take the multicolor pair. :) I was eyeing them when they were listed. If I hadn't just dropped the same amount of money on my C. multifasciata pair that same day I would have gotten them.
hey huma - do you quarantine every fish no matter whAT? Ive got a red sea regal that I dont want to take a chance on medicating because this is the only healthy and eating one ive gotten, ever. Im afraid he"ll stop eating and die.

qt doesn't have to mean medication...observation is a huge part of it...I would def. qt her but perhaps hold off any meds until she is settled and eating well...good luck!
Ted, if you ever need to make room for another awesome fish I'll take the multicolor pair. :) I was eyeing them when they were listed. If I hadn't just dropped the same amount of money on my C. multifasciata pair that same day I would have gotten them.

Hey Kyle,

Good to know!


qt doesn't have to mean medication...observation is a huge part of it...I would def. qt her but perhaps hold off any meds until she is settled and eating well...good luck!

i guess my questions is this....If after 6 weeks in QT, the fish is eating great and looks great, would you still use certain meds? if so which ones?

i guess my questions is this....If after 6 weeks in QT, the fish is eating great and looks great, would you still use certain meds? if so which ones?


I'm not humaguy, but I do have a little regal that's been in quarantine for more than 3 months. It's been through three rounds of Prazi for treatment of flukes. The Prazi didn't do the job and I am now using De Los. The first day of the De Los caused obvious stress on the regal and 2 pyramid butterflies I am treating, but they bounced back the next day and seem none the worse for wear.

Once the flukes have been eradicated, I plan to do one if not two rounds of cupramine, I will go slow with the ramp up obviously.

I should add that early on in my quarantine of this fish, I had to treat for a bacterial infection. I used FW Maracyn and the fish seemed to handle it without issue.
He's been dipped twice since in my qt, that's how I knew the Prazi wasn't effective, still had flukes after the third treatment. He'll be getting another dip tonight right before the second dose if De Los.
He's been dipped twice since in my qt, that's how I knew the Prazi wasn't effective, still had flukes after the third treatment. He'll be getting another dip tonight right before the second dose if De Los.

I had almost the same exact experience with a yellow belly Regal in my QT. It came in with visible fluke. Decided I had to start Prazi despite the fish not having a strong feeding response. After 5 days, it looked the same, and I did a dip and at least 12-14 large flukes came off the fish. I now question how effective Prazi actually is. I have used the API Prazi/MEtro mix (I think the "General Cure") and that was much more effective when dosed in back to back treatments.

BTW, I have used De-Los in the past, and it is a very strong medication. I think I even lost a few fish to it back in 2009, mostly butterflies. I haven't used it since. Actually I think most of the meds from National Fish Pharm are very potent, and at times too potent for some fish.
Just a quick update since we're talking about regals and quarantine. I dipped all four fish in my quarantine tank right now, two pyramids, the regal and a starkii damsel. The dip was 10 minutes long for each fish and I removed flukes from both butterflies and the angel.

All the fish seemed to have handled the dip well, I added some NFG powder since it contains methylene blue.

I'm not really sure what my next steps are, I've done three, week long prazi treatments, back to back and now a week long De Los treatment. I'm getting to the point where i'm afraid the chemicals may start to have negative impacts on these fish, so I may just go with FW dips every other day until I no longer see flukes.
Sometimes you can see them on the eye or pec fins. The most definitive way to tell is by giving a FW dip. The parasites will come off and be floating in the water.
Do you use praziquantel pure or prazipro!? When I used to import South America cichlids I used as diwormer levamisole is this used in SW world!? Do you have heard of this medication?