130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

Seems like a good amount of snow coming our way this weekend and negative temps next week. Hope it misses you over there. The new pics look great and the last few are awesome.

Oh I don't. It just blows my mind how some people are so offended by how I spend my money. You think I was stealing their grandmother's money by the way they react. Go figure...

lol, some of the comments are so off the charts it is beyond insane but many are good for a laugh...
its really silly. I don't besmirch people for buying classic cars either, or antique pipes, or pre-colombian headdresses. People hobbies seldom interfere with the real world. I would love to see all those fish someday and own a couple for myself here in the frozen tundra as well.

Seems like a good amount of snow coming our way this weekend and negative temps next week. Hope it misses you over there. The new pics look great and the last few are awesome.


Thanks bud...got about 10 inches but all is well...hope things are good by you...
took some pics with the macro...
some are okay but most show the muck I kicked up working on the tank...need to get that out...
the geni hybrid...she is still in qt...

the orig male is a bigger than the female turned male...me is the one that gets very grey on his face and head when I take out the camera...I noticed he seemed to be challenging the larger clarion, which was surprising and a bummer....

a very unhappy trig...love how the grey covers his head and runs down his spine...he is only doing this because I am taking his pic....
this is the larger of the 2 bigger clarion...

the gf possible hybrid- more on this fish at a later date...

lol, an unhappy bandit...when bandits bend the bottom stem on their pecs it, ime/imo, means they are unhappy with something and are thus on the defense...

the male- the female seems to be bothered by someone- my guess is gf...may add more rock...

my old friend...still getting her tush nipped by something and I can't figure it out but am blaming the larger clarion doing this during lights out...I love this fish....
nice pics, and interesting about the bandit, I have seen mine do the same when they fight/swim around with my achilles.

on a different note, why do these little fish grow so fast :( mine already loosing its juv markings around the mouth.

thanks again for the pics and drools

hey bud, so here is my baby "gf" that I got thru Kevin last March but was suspicious of...as you know through the email, he kept one to see what would happen to it and shared the pics with us...his is currently 4.5 inches but has lost the black on the upper dorsal...
here is a baby pic of mine...

and today...still convinced she is a hybrid...would guess around 4 inches...

Curious to see where this goes...

tough to get her...

<a href="http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/humaguy/media/fish1-3pm-14028_zpse165d636.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m537/humaguy/fish1-3pm-14028_zpse165d636.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo fish1-3pm-14028_zpse165d636.jpg"/></a>

hard to get too..

A thread I check daily waiting for updates! Great tank, excellent husbandry, and what a selection of fish. Angels galore all (most, sometimes we do not have the choice) at a great starting size. Would be very interested to hear more about the goldflake and possibly being a hybrid.
A thread I check daily waiting for updates! Great tank, excellent husbandry, and what a selection of fish. Angels galore all (most, sometimes we do not have the choice) at a great starting size. Would be very interested to hear more about the goldflake and possibly being a hybrid.

cool, thank you, nice to hear, and you get some nice things too if I remember correctly...send me a pm, I may know somebody who can help ship rare fish...
the gf just never seemed to me like it 100% gf when I got her almost a year ago...over the past 10-4 months there seemed to be an influx of baby gf angels and some hybrids and oddballs...my thinking is they are not the occasional hybrid but something else...