I said my peace and had made a decision to leave the thread alone but I am not going to have myself painted as a greedy, selfish "bad guy." I have always been grateful for the props and introductions Ted has given me which has bolstered our name in the hobby.
With that being said Ted has received deep discounts on food over the past couple of years was well as FREE LRS Swag, to include a Gp Polo shirt and most recently a food strainer via US mail which I sent unannounced. There has been free food mailed as well. I have always attempted to be gracious and show my gratitude in ways that I could.
You were not "de-friended" because you asked for free food. You and I both know the reasons which were explained in an email exchange. I had been sending text and emails trying to have a meaningful conversation with you and catch up on details since December and you never answered the phone or texts with more than a "I'm too busy..." All the while you continued to see you uploading videos and pics to this thread so I had assumed you didn't desire any further contact.
Lets agree to keep this thread directed to the nature of the fish and not drag our dirty laundry into the public arena.
Please, leave my tread alone...you gave me zero...you did nothing for me as I worked endlessly hard to get your name out there...
Koji was me, Lebanon was me, the GP story about your food saving the male was a spin I put on for your benefit (there was other food and info in play that helped the male) and I brought you into the Gp Project, nobody else was going to do that...
the "free" shirt was totally my idea, I helped with the design and offered to pay half of all costs, you excluded me...I paid 20 per flat...and yes, I did stop taking calls from you because it was always about you...I am not the first person you have done this to...
You started airing dirty laundry with the opus you posted on this form Larry, did I tell people you defriended me or stopped sending me food???
btw, who defriends people? wildly mature move...this forum is bout what works and what does not and your food definitely DOES not work for all fish....
I posted pics and details about the bloat LRF cause the GP and centropyge months ago and you didn't have a problem, now you do because back then you knew I would defend you, now, while I will still expound on the benefits of LRF, I also have no problems being totally honest...
I suppose I should just flood fb with all the emails sent between us and others so the full story is revealed...
How many people did you send those lousy strainers, balck towels, rubber bracelets to and how many did what I did for you???
Free swag??...I bought almost 300 dollars worth of swag from you the first time we spoke and you used to tell me I was your single biggest purchaser of your swag, btw, I ordered whiskey glasses with an indigo base, you sent clear base and never replaced with the indigo...but yes, you did send me a tiny black useless towel with your logo on it, some rubber bracelets- the same free stuff you send to all...
What I did for you benefitted your company, your wallet, your family, and your reputation immensely...
What you did for me was to send a totally useless free tiny black towel, useless rubber bracelets, and useless strainer....wouldn't food be the more useful and practical route to returning the love I was showing you and LRS??
I was doing so much for you, at one point you actually thought I was going to drop $15,000 on a Gp for you...
Once you sent some fish roe, that was terrific and was something I could use....
I never received deep discounts people, ever...$20 as compared to $23, and I was buying hundreds of dollars of food at a time, a slight discount seems in order, no???
When you factor in what I did for you businesswise, you should have been sending me a few free packs a month..
I did received free food twice from you....
Once was just after the time I tossed 11 unopened flats due to the bloat issue and we thought it was a bad batch and btw, you sent 8 as a replacement, hmmm, do the math...then I asked you, yes people, I actually had to ask Larry to send me some free food as I was bending over backwards to push his food... but it was me asking, not you doing...and I believe you sent me 6-8 free packs then...
Good luck, I will continue to plug your food while being totally honest at the same time...