130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

Just glad you don't live in Austin Ted...

I don't think I'd want to leave your house! Makes our stocking look pathetic in our display haha

Really only looking at a Bandit (after your words on them), Gem Tang, Zebra Tang, Ach. Hybrid as far as rarer fish go in addition to what we have.
a tiny bit of spirulina goes a long way. I learned that the hard way making my own food..... Dmorty you like Angel Elixir? I never found it helpful for my fish unfortunately. tried it on a couple stubborn regal angels to no avail.
I will bring you a pack or two of it to MACNA and you can give it a try and let me know what you think. Doesn't help you until September but I will have some for you if you would like it to try
a tiny bit of spirulina goes a long way. I learned that the hard way making my own food..... Dmorty you like Angel Elixir? I never found it helpful for my fish unfortunately. tried it on a couple stubborn regal angels to no avail.

I don't think it helps stubborn fish eat but I fully believe that it is a missing part of the diet for angels, especially deep water angels. For as cheap as it is and as long as it will last (depending on how you use it) its worth it to me
As far as enriching goes, selcon, vitchem, vitamarin M, amino acids and angel elixer. Food wise any wild caught white fish, clams, mussels, scallops, nori of every color, whole shrimp, mysis, brine, spirulina powder, squid sometimes i add smelt which is silversides, krill and I haven't used it yet but fish and krill oil... non flavored of course. So far I haven't met a fish that doesn't love it

yeah, kinda my point...beyond selcon, I am not adding it...I don't like the others and feel between fresh seafood, spri brine, plankton, nori, and lots of water changes, we are golden...also don't like angel elixir...octo/squid, smelt, silversides ends up as waste in my tanks...
yeah, kinda my point...beyond selcon, I am not adding it...I don't like the others and feel between fresh seafood, spri brine, plankton, nori, and lots of water changes, we are golden...also don't like angel elixir...octo/squid, smelt, silversides ends up as waste in my tanks...

Vitachem is a good product and you could adjust what seafood you use for your fish. There is a omnivor blend and a herbivore blend you can make. Also you can really food process the food up to make small chunks. Do you still shave down the frozen for the little ones? I would imagine you have to do that for blondie
Hey Ted, how are the interruptus? Don't mean to distract from the GPs, but it's been awhile since I've seen any pics in your thread of them....
Vitachem is a good product and you could adjust what seafood you use for your fish. There is a omnivor blend and a herbivore blend you can make. Also you can really food process the food up to make small chunks. Do you still shave down the frozen for the little ones? I would imagine you have to do that for blondie


I don't like Vitachem, do like Selcon...use mostly scallops, little necks, shrimp, nori but at this point, only make it a few times a year but you're right, I should probably start making it more often..
No, the food does not have to be shaved down anymore.
Hey Ted.
Just curious about what exactly it is you don't like about Vitachem?
How about Zoe and Zoecon? I find Kent's fish and Shark liver oils (HUFA's) to be similar to Selcon. But I lost a bit of faith in Kent...
Hey Ted.
Just curious about what exactly it is you don't like about Vitachem?
How about Zoe and Zoecon? I find Kent's fish and Shark liver oils (HUFA's) to be similar to Selcon. But I lost a bit of faith in Kent...

Hey Gris,

I do like zoe/zoecon...but I don't use either or selcon reg these days...

I did use vitachem and about 7-8 years ago, give or take, they changed something in the recipe, I forget what and after I added it, it clouded-up the tank, and 3 days later the tank crashed...I just haven't wanted to risk it..

Hey, love the mangrove....how much space is needed below my dt to really keep them healthy?

Thanks and hope you are well,

Hey Gris,

I do like zoe/zoecon...but I don't use either or selcon reg these days...

I did use vitachem and about 7-8 years ago, give or take, they changed something in the recipe, I forget what and after I added it, it clouded-up the tank, and 3 days later the tank crashed...I just haven't wanted to risk it..

Hey, love the mangrove....how much space is needed below my dt to really keep them healthy?

Thanks and hope you are well,

That's interesting re: Vitachem crashing your tank. I've used it pretty regularly along with Mazuri vitamins for sharks and rays. Soaking the food and rinsing any excess. I like it because it's easily absorbed by organic tissues.

Have you seen Julian Sprungs personal reef and display fuge on youtube? (Maybe Mr. SaltwaterTankTV?)
Make a long story short... he has a 15 or 20 year old mangrove that he has bonsai'ed/trimmed for years. I say that for two reasons
It's in a very small cube tank, with a single LED (AI?) fixture above it.
And a mangrove tree that age in the wild would be HUGE. Probably more than 20 feet tall.
If you have 36 inches or so under your tank, you have plenty of room.
Lol. As long as you spray it with RO as often as possible, it should be good. I've never been good with real bonsai trees either! Fascinating though, that people have been able to keep them for hundreds and hundreds of years. Here's a link to the 5 oldest bonsai trees in the world. 1000 years old!!

Hope this doesn't derail the thread TK.