130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

quick clip, the one on the right is quite thin and needs to fatten up...did not feed them enough yesterday...the potters is tiny but is a tough lil fish, very cute...I may dump all 3 into the tank soon but will add a lot of pvc.

think I may pull the rock out of the dt and remove he ch, clarions, lemons, and coral beautys, to make room for the qt fish...gp will remain where they are, lol, for now...

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/slfXXigc3jI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Love the tigers and the potters makes me miss mine. I have too many angels as it is anyway though.

How are the two semilarvatus handling eachother. I'm considering selli mine and starting over with two small ones. My current one can't resist nipping at my puffer.

you can never have "too many angels" lol...

the potters was so small I couldn't pass her by...

The semis are really cool fish, always together, don't cause any troubles, love to eat...zero complaints with them...
Thanks Peter...how is the ch pair doing?

Hey Ted,

They're being crazy as normal.

They do this weird chase spin thing once every month or two:

I guess they're trying to establish dominance or are changing.

One is a lot darker than the other but still has a yellowish tail with yellow fins. The other is much more of a silver color with red/brown fins and a yellow tail.

Who knows...

Next up will be a small Bandit that I'm sure I'll be asking your advice on :hmm4:
a close hybrid to pair up with my current...

Should be here in a week or so...going to be moving a lot of fish around shortly...

I want to get the baby Conspic in the dt with the other....wi and some others will go into the dt this summer..

Well, here is the hybrid that was going to be paired-up with my current. I was supposed to head down to Michael, btw, he is getting such crazy fish it simply amazing. There is nobody in the country supplying the rare stuff like he is...it is extraordinary and I highly recommend him...

Anyway, I was supposed to head down to meet him at noon today. Yesterday he mentioned that somebody else wanted the above hybrid. I told him I would see him today. Then I asked who the person was and if I knew him. Michael, being the good guy he is, told me, and it turned out to be Copps.

There are very few people I would pass on a fish for, especially such a rare fish and one I wanted to pair-up, with a current fish but for John the choice was easy.

I am tempted to send him my current hybrid and let him pair them up!

I immediately reached out to him and told him the fish was his. So next week, the fish is his.

Michael is on deck for another and hopefully, within the month, I will get a replacement.

As this was all happening, Barnett posted this pic of a tiny Venustus..

During my conversation about the hybrid, Michael and I started talking about the above pic and he told me it was inbound. Maybe the smallest Venustus ever caught, lol, I am in...
The baby is with Michael now and I will pick her up on Sunday.
Here she is on his pinky. Same pic, I don't like horizontal pics but it is a better one than the other. Here are both...

Smaller than the Potters and maybe smaller than the skunks were...
a close hybrid to pair up with my current...

Should be here in a week or so...going to be moving a lot of fish around shortly...

That is quite the trippy picture haha. Read a lot of the more recent posts on this thread, then thought last week that I should go back to the start. Just finished and what an awesome read it was!
Wow that picture of the Venustus is simply amazing! Can't believe someone was able to see one, let alone collect her. Such a tiny fish in a huge ocean.
Wow that picture of the Venustus is simply amazing! Can't believe someone was able to see one, let alone collect her. Such a tiny fish in a huge ocean.

I never got the chance...she didn't eat and passed and was never shipped...a huge bummer...
That is quite the trippy picture haha. Read a lot of the more recent posts on this thread, then thought last week that I should go back to the start. Just finished and what an awesome read it was!

yeah, this is a really cool fish that is now with copps...
4 days ago it was one year since I got the gp...
their growth has been amazing and they are doing great...
I may have to remove a lot of the dt fish and make room for the gp in their...

btw, I did lose the 2nd tigerpyge...this was the one I was concerned with..she didn't eat with gusto and was always unhappy when I entered the room and would hide in her pvc...the other tiger was with the tiny potters in the it other acc/iso ob...I wonder if adding the potters to the tiger would have helped her eat?
btw, I did lose the 2nd tigerpyge...this was the one I was concerned with..she didn't eat with gusto and was always unhappy when I entered the room and would hide in her pvc...the other tiger was with the tiny potters in the it other acc/iso ob...I wonder if adding the potters to the tiger would have helped her eat?

Bummer to lose those Angels, sorry to hear. Those small venustus are tough.

The GP's have really grown nicely.
Here is her story, on another site, today, by Jake Adams..she will be here in a couple of weeks...

Second ever hybrid gem tang collected in Mauritius
June 25, Jake Adams –

The gem tang is arguably the most coveted of all surgeonfish species, making the first ever documented gem tang hybrid quite a sensation. Another hybrid gem tang has been collected and we have even better pictures of this stunning specimen to document this very rare Zebrasoma cross.

This newest hybrid gem tang was collected by the divers of the Gurroby family of Ornamental Marine World, the progenitors of practically all the most exciting fish from the West Indian Ocean, and especially Mauritius. Almost as exciting as them occurrence of another gem tang hybrid are these lovely pictures that show in great detail what makes this particular specimen not only exquisite, but undoubtedly the offspring of one of the rarest known crosses of Zebrasoma.

A tale of two gem tangs, hybrid with Z. scopas on the left, and full-blood Z. gemmatum on the right.

Compared to the first gem tang hybrid, this new specimen of Zebrasoma gemmatum x Z. scopas shows an even better blend of pattern from both parent species. When shown next to a full-blooded gem tang, the new specimen of gem tang hybrid clearly shows its genetic parentage of the scopas tang, with bright beautiful little white spots that are smaller and more numerous than the pure gem tang.

We have learned that this second gem tang hybrid will be coming to the USA this time around, already having been special ordered by a dedicated rare fish collector. This little guy was discovered several weeks ago and has been conditioning to aquarium life ever since, so we have no doubt that it will ship will and make a great and long lived aquarium star for years to come.