Glad to see you back Ted! The girls look great per usual. That is a crazy price for the gold passer!!
And could morph back in 6 months to the normal yet amazingly beautiful, but inexpensive fish.
That Passer is awesome, too bad for the price, and hardly worth the risk considering they can develop a pretty nasty attitude towards their tank mates.
The passer looks nice, but id take a clarion over that any day!
Hey Kids,
No real big updates.
All are well.
I do want to get the 2 males ch out. They were really giving each other a hard time a few weeks ago, the longer days have them wishing 1 was a female but...
I thought I could get one and tried but ended up getting the largest clarion, which I moved out. He is just huge.
This summer I want the 2 ch out and maybe the next largest clarion...possibly the ultra coral beauty pair too. Would like to move some of the qt fish into the dt.
I think I have a tiger pair coming within the week.
Will post some pics and videos next weekend, I hope. Crazy busy but can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
The gp are great and one is just huge, close to 4 inches.
I hope you and your fish are all well.
Whoa! A tiger pair coming?! :bounce2: I love the way you just slip that into the middle of your post! Looking forward to more photos.
lol, love you Karen...wanna try and breed them?
Hope the tiger pair makes it for you alright. How big are the other two Gp's compared to the big one.
Gotcha, just as cool IMO!