130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

I have totally neglected some of the others...
Here is the one of a kind gem hybrid that was caught by Meneeka's brother last summer.
I can't get a decent pic of her.


I have totally neglected some of the others...
Here is the one of a kind gem hybrid that was caught by Meneeka's brother last summer.
I can't get a decent pic of her.


Amazing and I must say somewhat sad that these are the fish that are neglected! But when you have such a amazing collection of fish some of the things that put other is awe may not be that exciting to you anymore! Obviously you are keeping these guys, or are they getting rehomed with the others?
Dude, holy cow, where have I been. That color change on the male is so cool.

Glad to see things are progressing, hope all is well.
Amazing and I must say somewhat sad that these are the fish that are neglected! But when you have such a amazing collection of fish some of the things that put other is awe may not be that exciting to you anymore! Obviously you are keeping these guys, or are they getting rehomed with the others?

lol, they are only neglected in here, just clearly been pic happy with the male Gp and have not taken pics of dt or other qt...the hy gem is impossible to photograph, will try a video...
both staying along with tiger pair...semi pair and the odd potters are going...
lol, they are only neglected in here, just clearly been pic happy with the male Gp and have not taken pics of dt or other qt...the hy gem is impossible to photograph, will try a video...
both staying along with tiger pair...semi pair and the odd potters are going...

No one is blaming you, you have a lot of cool s**t!!

she still hates me, after all these years...

has grown-up..


finally going male...and only after I removed the Geni hybrid...
the collection of black is nice to see after so long...

Funny how some fish never seem to forget... Conspic looks great, how is the tiny one you got last year doing?

lol, so true, and the navarchus is one of them.
The baby conspic was moved (last aug/sept) with a bunch that we were able to easily catch, and moved to my buddies new system- 1 wrought iron, 1 tiger pair, 1 wen scrib, bandit pair, large clarion, geni hybrid, interrupta pair..
When my dt is ready for the Gp, some of the above come back to me.
lol, so true, and the navarchus is one of them.
The baby conspic was moved (last aug/sept) with a bunch that we were able to easily catch, and moved to my buddies new system- 1 wrought iron, 1 tiger pair, 1 wen scrib, bandit pair, large clarion, geni hybrid, interrupta pair..
When my dt is ready for the Gp, some of the above come back to me.

Doesn't suck to be that buddy!! If you want to rehome a Bandit let me know, one would be at home in the 625g (for a fee of course)!
captive bred centropyge joculator, hopefully just around the corner...

A breeder in my local club is working on this very thing as I type this. He has direct access to a spawning pair. They spawn every night like clockwork.

He's gotten his egg collections up to a 90% fertilized rate and has larvae as old as 20 dph I believe. Exciting times in Minnesota!