130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

Congrats on the new fish humaguy. I too am in search of a "skunk" bandit. There were so many in Japan but finding one in the US is very difficult.

How are your Clarions and the Interrupta doing?

Yeah, they are a bit tough to locate, especially the smaller individuals...
The Clarions and Interrupta are all great...the Interrupta is moving into the big tank very soon..
I was able to secure this Bandit from Kevin and dd tonight...I have known about her for awhile and tried to buy her weeks ago...I got lucky tonight...
she will be joining my other 3 inch bandit in a 250 qt....

also got this lil girl yesterday...not my fav angel but I do love the size and that she is from Fiji...

The rail system for the 5 Mitras units has finally been created and will hopefully go up next 10 days...
Awesome score, I can't wait to see these little girls in your system.
You know that bandit is top notch coming from Kevin.

Post pics ASAP

Can we get a current DT fish list? Also list those that will be going to the DT on a 2nd list also.


dt- rhinecanthus triggers-cinereus, lulula, assassi, aculeatus...outrigger trig, fem crosshatch, fem bluethroat, cortez angel, 2 small clarion...fuge- baby interrupta....

125 qt- bonded African flameback pair

250 qt- have one 3 in juvi bandit already in qt and then the 3 in bandit and 1.7 inch regal inbound....
Awesome fish, it will be really interesting to se how that regal grows in your tank!
Please also post pics of your Mitras setup. I'm looking forward to hearing what you think about them.
Ha...how are your Clarions doing together? mine seem to ignor each other for the most part....

I don't have any Clarions. :sad2:
It's impossible to get them here... I have asfur, imperator and navarchus and soon gettin my annularis and maybe tricolor.
Also I have bispinosa, loricula, argi and acanthops. I'm also planning on gettin the acanthops a mate.

I lost my 4,5" Pygoplites lately :sad1:For some reason I had put the moonlight off for the night, and the Pygoplites was found stuck on a Pavona coral the next morning from it's gill thorns... I was so mad I almost cried. It was a beautiful Red Sea specimen.

What kind of experiences do you have of the Rock beauty?
I think my tank is mature enough to try one. I might get rid of the 4 Yellow tangs I have currently, and get more angels or maybe some Butterflies ;)


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dt- rhinecanthus triggers-cinereus, lulula, assassi, aculeatus...outrigger trig, fem crosshatch, fem bluethroat, cortez angel, 2 small clarion...fuge- baby interrupta....

125 qt- bonded African flameback pair

250 qt- have one 3 in juvi bandit already in qt and then the 3 in bandit and 1.7 inch regal inbound....

forgot the 1 inch baby Joc...
yes, they are killer units...they were delivered back in Oct and I got sidetracked with their installation...I needed to fabricate a rail system that would allow the lights to slide over so I can access the tank...also adding a "box" that will look like the stand and will hide the 5 ballasts, cables, 2-foot power bar, and some Profilux gear...

the bandit from dd got here at 9:30 am today...she is a very active fish and is in the 250 qt with the other bandit and the tiny regal....fortunately, the bandits have not shown any aggression towards each other and they are both eating well...lights will be off for the rest of the day and probably tomorrow as I will be out most of the day...