130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

was doing some water changes and grabbed my camera but just shot and didn't correct any settings- so some lousy pics without a flash and loose settings....
Outrigger- she must be close to 13 inches...a great and stunning fish...this is just a horrible pic....

the interrupta- still in the fuge...she is around 1.3 inches...sorry about the salt....


3 inch clarion


2 inch clarion

the tiny regal angel...1.7 inches...

the bandit pair...both are just under 3 inches....


will try and finish up and take some decent pics...
Was doing a bit of work on the tank...kept the camera close by but only had the macro on hand...the 3 inch Clarion loves having her pic taken and photobombed many I took...the other fish see the camera and hate it, primarily due to the flash...a Pavlovian response at this point- they see the camera and hide...
Assassi- close to 7 inches and fat...


Bandit from Kevin Kohen's tank...

3 inch Clarion



2 inch Clarion- almost impossible to get her...
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The two returns will hopefully be hidden by 2 pieces of bored out Marco Dry Rock...
The rail system is being build and I still hope to install that in the next 10-14 days....
Getting there...

After the rail system the next project is to install an auto wc unit....I will prob go with twin 200-250 gallon holding tanks...one will be full of fresh rodi sw and the other empty...this will be located in another room approx. 40 feet away... a switch or two with a water flow meter will be installed by the tank...plan is to throw a switch which will pump out 150 or so gallons of tank water and another switch will add 150 gallons of fresh rodi saltwater....knock on wood- things are going well...tank has now been running for exactly one year....
Just finished reading this thread, this tank looks amazing and I cant wait to see it

Those clarions are beautiful, will they be fine with a queen angel?
Just finished reading this thread, this tank looks amazing and I cant wait to see it

Those clarions are beautiful, will they be fine with a queen angel?

Hey Ray,

I would not recommend keep queens with clarions....Clarions are not as aggressive and I fear they would get beaten up by the queen, I have kept queens with many fish and had a pair of queens for a few years that I recently, last month sold...when you consider the price of a Clarion, esp vs a queen, you want to keep the Clarion as content as possible....Clarions are still aggressive but large queens can be insane...
See you this summer and good luck with your build- looking forward to following that...

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another lil baby I have heard about and was lucky to obtain...a tiny Christmas Island Goldflake...under 1.5 inches...always wanted a very small individual and her she is...from tonight's dd...
another lil baby I have heard about and was lucky to obtain...a tiny Christmas Island Goldflake...under 1.5 inches...always wanted a very small individual and her she is...from tonight's dd...

I was on DD and saw that it was sold. So you're the one. It seems like you're getting all the good ones! Not fair.
She found a good home. I'm happy for you. She's a perfect size. I love watching juveniles grow and change.

yes, thank you...I love getting tiny fish and growing them...this fish will go nicely with tiny regal, bandits, and clarions...will be interesting...
I cannot wait for some pics when the lights are on the aquarium. Everything looks amazing, and I love the combo of the triggers and angels.

Did you say you got rid of the Sohal? Any plans for tang additions?
I cannot wait for some pics when the lights are on the aquarium. Everything looks amazing, and I love the combo of the triggers and angels.

Did you say you got rid of the Sohal? Any plans for tang additions?

yes, certain fish a tendency to become very aggressive..my beastly sohal was getting there so it was time to pass her on...