Interrupta being picked-up this weekend....this fish was collected at the same time and then sold by the same place that I got my baby from this past Nov/Dec 2012...
I followed the thread about this beautiful and tiny fish being purchased in Japan, the required paperwork that may/or may not, lol, really be needed or required, the arrival home, the medication period, and to have the opportunity to now add it to my tank is extraordinary....I love reef central!
Big tank- triggers- Outrigger, cinereus, lunula, assassi, aculeatus, verrucosus-Bursa...Angels- Cortez, 2 Clarion....Fuge- small Interrupta, Queen trig.....
250 qt- Angels- 2 Bandits, tiny baby Goldflake, tiny baby Regal...
125 qt- Angels- mated pair African Flamebacks- new small Interuptupa will go in here...don't want to add her to the 250 due to the current qt protocol underway in it...
The rc member that is selling me this rare lil fish will add a pic soon...