Hey Huma- Did I read a post correctly that you sold off your triggers to make room in the new tank for all these super awesome angels? Just wondering.
I like getting baby fish and raising them...I keep until they are large and then start the process over...sold a bunch of trigs, sohal, garibaldi, giant hawkfish, 2 queens, emp...Also, in your opinion, is the R. lunula rarer than R. cinereus? One of my LFS has 3 Cinereus in stock, no prices labeled, and I haven't asked, but Im curious as to which is harder to come by. I personally,would assume R. cinereus because of its locale, but R. lunula from Australia is a pretty rough locale to be imported from as well?!?
the cinereus are much rarer within the trade, only really becoming avail fall of 2011...
I was surprised that Michael priced his Joc at the same price as Divers Den's.
....lol, ugh, he was initially $100 more...dropped a hundred and than just recently an additional $50...he put his up quicker than dd as dd put theirs thru a brief qt... Thought it would be cheaper and I would have bought it in a heartbeat. Ive been looking for a juvie Joc----grab Michael's or dd, I like the .75 that Michael has----and a Juvenile pair of Rock Beauties. Yellow and Black coloration is what steals my heart. Its not often found in the wild, and I would love to do a system of all Yellow/Black fish. Maybe why I love Epinephelus lanceolatus (Bumblebee/Queensland Grouper). a very cool fish, love them! As well as the Freshwater Stingray Potomatrygon leopoldi. They are absolutely stunning and THE ONLY reason I would do a freshwater tank.
EDIT: NYA's Joc is $50 cheaper. And Id trust Michael first and he's closer so less travel time.