130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

The pic of your light rail just popped into my head and I realized that those LED units were Mitras (so much for my reading skillz). I believe I can definitely say that between the custom tank, several Mitra units, and the Ridiculous Stocklist, Your Build cost has surpassed the recent appraisal of my house here on Long Island.
Just kidding. Maybe surpassed the real estate tax each year. (Inside joke for anyone who lives in lower NY. Its crazy high)

But with that LED firepower, I have to ask, do you plan on keeping any photosynthetic zooxanthellae-symbiont Cnidarians with your Pomacanthus, Holacanthus and Centropyge genera higher level organisms? Youre gonna need sunglasses just to look at your tank LOL.

I think it would be the most amazing tank on the PLANET if you went Acro/Clam heavy with all of these outrageous angel pairs and trios!! Spawning Rare Angels, Giant Clams, Acros and everything under GHL lighting is like 1 million hits on Youtube in 24 hours. Watch out Jawsee. LOL.
I really just drooled on the keyboard. BTW you have a PM :-)

Thank you...idea is to get corals in at some point...lol, each Mitras unit comes with a pair of sunglasses- not kidding and I know they will come in handy...currently working on getting the touch screen mounted in the wall and building a stand to put the skimmer/Profilux 3 on and to hide the 5 gallon collection bucket...it will match the tank stand...this summer I work on the awc system...then I will try corals..
50 gal wc in both qt...ready for the 2 fish to arrive on Tuesday...this is my first dd purchase since they switched to ups from fed ex. curious to see if it goes well...
just got the two shipping notices for the fish...bummed they no longer use fed ex as they are located directly across the street from me...always loved the fact i could pick up my fish at 9:00am and keep them in my office and out of a truck ride all day...
have not had terrific luck with ups but trust Kevin and dd totally...will get the boxes tomorrow when I get home around 4:00pm...fingers crossed...
uh boy, another Joc tonight???...I am going to avoid my computer...somebody, anybody, please buy it...thanks...
hahaha those are great emoticons for what just happened.

Now that you have 3, why dont you get the fourth and just keep a pair in the 250 permantly
Another!!! You bad bad boy .... LOL!.
I'm actually glad you got it because I hope you get SIX of them and replicate that HAREM!!! I'm such a bad influence but I applaud you for your dedication to the acquisition of any and all rare Angels that hit the market. Lol
ps. this one is a nicer specimen than the last one...the question is, how nice is the one they are putting up tonight? And how small? I figure now is the time to try a harem as they are so small...