130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

beautiful fish! Hope she works out for you, heard they are quite timid.. No experience with them myself though.. Have any pics of the dt with the new lights on?
Are you not worried about it being compatible with your flameback pair and Interruptus pair?

Just wanted to let you know I got a pair of African flamebacks today, they are about 3/4 of an inch, both in qt, unfortunately one is chasing the other around. I put in a bunch more pvc pipes and hoping the aggression calms down shortly.

No, not overly worried...but taking precautions...lots more pvc going in and the lights, other than briefly using moons and actinics, will mostly be off for possibly up to a week...

Congrats on the fb pair...great fish..mine chased a bit too, they will settle down...leave the lights off..

good luck with them!
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beautiful fish! Hope she works out for you, heard they are quite timid.. No experience with them myself though.. Have any pics of the dt with the new lights on?

thanks, they can be shy but usually get over it...not yet, still tweaking...
Is that considered a harem? is it One male to 5 females? or is it just random gathering of the same species?

Im intrigued about this. I did not know that type of social behavior existed with Centropyge.
yes, they are found in steep rubble slopes and drop-offs between 50-230 feet and form harems of up to 6 individuals...
that's incredible! I wonder if anyone has tried to replicate a harem of Jocs?

Are they hermaphroditic? The dominant fish becomes a Male/Female and the rest the opposite? Similar to Clowns. I need to research/read about this.

Thanks Huma!
Congrats Ted. Jocs are my favorite pygmy angel and now you have 3! Ill have to visit you sometime. Ill bring beers :)
The pic of your light rail just popped into my head and I realized that those LED units were Mitras (so much for my reading skillz). I believe I can definitely say that between the custom tank, several Mitra units, and the Ridiculous Stocklist, Your Build cost has surpassed the recent appraisal of my house here on Long Island.
Just kidding. Maybe surpassed the real estate tax each year. (Inside joke for anyone who lives in lower NY. Its crazy high)

But with that LED firepower, I have to ask, do you plan on keeping any photosynthetic zooxanthellae-symbiont Cnidarians with your Pomacanthus, Holacanthus and Centropyge genera higher level organisms? Youre gonna need sunglasses just to look at your tank LOL.

I think it would be the most amazing tank on the PLANET if you went Acro/Clam heavy with all of these outrageous angel pairs and trios!! Spawning Rare Angels, Giant Clams, Acros and everything under GHL lighting is like 1 million hits on Youtube in 24 hours. Watch out Jawsee. LOL.
I really just drooled on the keyboard. BTW you have a PM :-)