130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

Beautiful little fish! I can't imagine how they even collected that lil guy at depth! Or how they even noticed it! Do you have a secret source of captive bred Bandits that are post larval? I think that first shot of Bali aquarich first clarion babies was bigger than your lil bugger! Lol. Amazing find bud. Congrats. And as previously stated, many happy fish years to come.

thank you...
BTW not sure if I ever mentioned it, but I had the lucky experience to snorkle with a bandit angel when I was in Kauai, many years ago. It was the first time I'd ever seen one alive (no one sold/kept them back then). The fish was extremely inquisitive.... followed me around... but then got very shy behind rocks when I paid attention, but then started following me around again when I stopped paying attention :lol:

I even managed a pic with my sad little disposable underwater camera...


I had the same experience...I moved to Kauai in 88 and found that bandits were the most incredible and curious fish to interact with...much different from any other fish...
It has been a while since an update...been sidetracked again...planning on moving some fish out of the dt to make room for all the fish in my 2 qt...
here is a list of fish I am selling:
4 inch clarion- the 2 clarions paired up well but I worry about how she will treat the new comers...I am keeping the small one...
9 inch maurtius trigger
10 inch outrigger trigger...may keep- an enormous and wonderfully gentle beast...
7 inch lunula trigger
8 inch assassi trigger
6 inch blue throat- male currently displaying female coloration...
3 inch huma, aculeatus
1.5 inch bursa
7 inch queen trigger

the small clarion, outrigger, and large cortez will remain in the dt...
here is the contents of the 2 qt
2 bandits
2 interrupta
2 venustus- though I have only seen 1 at a time...
4 jocs- though I have only seen 3 at a time lately...
baby goldflake- a very bold, tough lil fish, she has really surprised me, love her!
baby regal
crosshatch pair- very small, 4 inches.
flameback pair- I may put them in one of the fuges...

I think the baby bandit will get the 250 qt to herself for a while....
Though, when I pull out the fish I will be removing the rock and will be adding maybe 100 additional pounds...I am going to create an inner matrix with the rocks that will allow lots of places for the small fish to be safe and I think the baby bandit might be okay...
I would rather add her now than later...not sure what to do...she would be fine in the 250 and it would be easier to fatten her up in there...I just don't want her killed by the adult bandits...

