130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

there are pics of all the fish in here and will post new ones once this move is accomplished...I hope do it next week...
I am definitely not nearly as experienced as you but if I was in your situation, I would add all the fish to the DT from your QTs except for the 3 bandits. Once one of the QTs is empty why not experiment with the 3 bandits in there to see how they get a long with each other. Hopefully they will all like each other in a QT tank and then you can add them later to the DT.
with only the 3 bandits in the 250 I am pretty sure the adults would kill the baby...with all the fish in the dt and the size the baby can get lost, I want to keep her inconspicuous as possible...
Amazing list ,both the selling and QT ..
Where/who do you sell your fish to?

this group of fish is going to hof and I believe most are sold, lol, though they are still in my tank...
going to keep the outrigger or cinereus- not sure yet..prob outrigger as I currently have a lot of deep water fish and some other Hawaiian fish...
Would you consider taking one of the adults (bandit) & getting the baby paired up? I've heard that when you take fish from one environment to another they kind of forget their "pals" or is that behavior only with unpaired takmates? maybe introduce the 2nd adult in a month or more? I feel like we're Dr. Phil, lol ....
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the 2 adults are good together...
my fear is that due to the extreme size differential between the 2 adults and the baby, that either adult would kill the baby if they could get to it...
I got a call from a friend about a beautiful baby navarchus, one of my fav fish, lol, and she will be here Tuesday...
so, kinda thinking at this point to leave the navarchus and the baby bandit together in the 250 qt...
I just don't know...the dt is so big and there is so much rock I would think the baby bandit would be okay...and now really is the time to put her in dt when I add all the others...ugh....lol...
Over a year ago I had a mature pair of Belus angels and I came across a tiny 3/4" baby. It was too cute to pass up.

I released the baby into my tank in which the adults had been for about 4+ months, and the adults never once paid any attention to it.

The baby is now fully grown and has been spawning with the male for several months now.

I know its not the same class of angels, but just a similar story with a happy ending.

Dave B
Over a year ago I had a mature pair of Belus angels and I came across a tiny 3/4" baby. It was too cute to pass up.

I released the baby into my tank in which the adults had been for about 4+ months, and the adults never once paid any attention to it.

The baby is now fully grown and has been spawning with the male for several months now.

I know its not the same class of angels, but just a similar story with a happy ending.

Dave B


Thank you, so excellent to hear!
I think I will keep her isolated and drop her in dt with the others...
I am going to add an additional 100 pounds of rock and will create enough safe havens for the lil fish that I think all will be okay...the larger bandits will be so stoked to be in the new tank and the swimming space that they probably, I hope, notice the smaller fish for a while...they will also have to me my cortez, outrigger, and clarion that are already calling that tank home...
Thanks for sharing that...

ps I meant to mention that the disposition of the 2 fish is quite different and that is perhaps why your adults acted the way they did towards the baby but I hugely appreciate the info...