130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

Wattage is not a problem.

If money isnt a problem, the definitely go with a premade solution, it will most likely look better than anything you can build.

But if you dont have unlimited pocketbooks, it seems like you can half your prices in LED by going with DIY setup and not a manufactured product.

Are you planning on having lots of corals? If not, you dont need super bright lights, even just quite a few 1w LEDs will easily light the entire 3 feet down to the substrate, you might just not get good coral growth down there.

If you were going to have corals, then you need some high watt LEDs which is certainly doable.
I meant wattage for the whole tank...it has been tough to find a quality light that will cover this tank...
It would be really easy to buy two 6' extruded sections of heat sink aluminum and wire up your own LEDs in whatever configuration you want and hide that in your canopy with a small PC fan or two in order to keep it cool. Low heat, lots of lumens, perfect coloration. Easy dimming and simulation of sunup/sundown/moonlight.

If you cant find a premade, do a DIY LED, it's really pretty cool and once you actually do it, it's way easier than it looks when you're just contemplating doing it.
tough to find a premade this big...they are finally coming out with those....the good ones are pricey....
what leds are you using? there is so much trash out there...
sorry, wasnt clear...the market is changing so fast and there are some good leds out there but I think the really innovative stuff is just about to break out...Sicce, Aquastik, AI, some others are making excellent things...it has been to really hard to find a nice 5 ft unit (until fairly recently) and anything bigger is still virtually impossible, unless going custom..still considering a few options including diy, but also curious as to what is going to hit real soon...
Yes GHL, AI, Echotech are all going 5+ colors in their fixtures this year. I'm wondering what next year will bring. LED is really taking off right now. I've wanted to try a DIY led but I'm just holding out until I know exactly what I want.
Yes GHL, AI, Echotech are all going 5+ colors in their fixtures this year. I'm wondering what next year will bring. LED is really taking off right now. I've wanted to try a DIY led but I'm just holding out until I know exactly what I want.

I am doing the same...
Didn't see your Titan in the feeding picture. Ole Nacho is so greedy he would spend more time chasing instead of eating. Jupiter (The Jewel) is getting massive because he is way faster than Nacho. Its funny to watch both of my fish eye a piece of shrimp on the other side of the tank and poor Nacho swims as hard as he can and the Jupiter just zips right past him to steal it.
Wonderfull tank, and fishes! I will sure follow this thread.
Question about your nuclear filters: are you using them as biological filter or just mechanical (then clean them about every week)?
What is in the canister ( the one we don't see through) ?
the cinereus a few days ago...

and the lunula...
he loves fresh shrimp and fresh clams...eats pei mysis by the mouth full...doesnt love pellets and wont touch nori...