130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

I think we're all feeling like kids on Christmas eve today while we wait for Ted and the other east coasters to get their peppermints in tomorrow!

Wishing safe travels to the peppermints and plenty of happy excitement to their new owners! :celeb2::spin3::bounce1:

Thanks Karen...waiting for the excitement to kick-in...right now, lol, all nerves...yikes!
Hey ted are you starting a new thread for the peppermints when you get them in tomorrow? I was trying to read the peppermint angel thread but it got out of hand rapidly. I was so excited because i ordered a purple tang and it arriving tomorrow morning but i am much more excited for you and your new acquisition tomorrow good luck!!!
Huma cannot be reached right now as he's in his hyperbarric chamber attempting a mind-meld with the specimen. Please do not thwart his mojo.

Personally, I would go into a "silent" mode & not post here until all is well. But that's me ;) Geez it's late ...
Hey ted are you starting a new thread for the peppermints when you get them in tomorrow? I was trying to read the peppermint angel thread but it got out of hand rapidly. I was so excited because i ordered a purple tang and it arriving tomorrow morning but i am much more excited for you and your new acquisition tomorrow good luck!!!

I hope he doesn't start a new thread, this is the icing on an already awesome thread. I can see a thread split in the near future!
Ted. They coming into newark at 5 pm. At least mine are. Dont want you sitting at airport too early

Thanks bud...not hitting an nyc airport...mine is due a couple hours earlier, fingers crossed...
good luck, let's talk later...
Rufus has kept at 76....
Huma cannot be reached right now as he's in his hyperbarric chamber attempting a mind-meld with the specimen. Please do not thwart his mojo.

Personally, I would go into a "silent" mode & not post here until all is well. But that's me ;) Geez it's late ...

lol, silly goose!
I will post when I get her home, fingers and fins crossed for a safe flight...
This obviously goes without saying, but we are all wishing you the best of luck Ted.

It's an exciting time for the aquarium hobby as I'm not aware of this fish being documented in captivity. We all stand to learn a lot from you caring for this animal. Can't wait for the updates, I hope you enjoy opening that bag!