180 upgrade

Well finally got around to making and installing grates on my overflow. I was moved after I lost a snowflake clown to my skimmer. So no more lost fish to the sump.
Well went ahead and installed a chiller. My tank has been running around 80 to 81 with the canopy closed and around 77 with fan and canopy open. So picked up chiller and made it into a split unit. I installed compressor and condenser outside and evaporator/ heat exchanger inside.
C'mon slacker. I know you've updates for us. Lol.
Lol I know need to update so here you go.
Well as some have seen I have been trying to sell off my mushrooms. I had a lot of mushrooms. so thankfully with the help of my lovely wife I have been able to remove all mushrooms from tank. As they have been killing my attempts to keep sps. So I figured why not change things up while I am at it. So I had to sell off 60lbs of live rock and pick up 60 lbs of fresh live rock from a friends tank.





Since I am going to try a sps dominate tank I made some changes to lighting as well. So went ahead and installed 3 250mh and 4 t5 fixture.


Soon to come a led strip light of rb leds
Nice tank! Post some pics of your skimmer when you get it. I have a 180 too and thinking about getting this skimmer too. Right now I have a sro3000, but want to upgrade to a recirculating skimmer.