200G SPS Penninsula LED-T5-Halide Reef


Floodicus Maximus Flooris
Might be a little bit late to start my Build thread but here goes.

Marineland 150XT 48X30X24" 1 Corner Overflow Drilled 1.5" Drain 1" Return.
40G Marineland Sump
30X18X12 - CustomKing Frag Tank
200 LBS ReefRocks
120 LBS Tropic Eden ReefFlakes

Skimz SM201 Hybrid Cone Skimmer
Custom King Skimmer Stand
Reeflo Snapper or Mag18 Return
3 X NextReef MR1 Reactors (Biopellet,Phosban,Carbon)
AvastMarine Mutiny 1 Ozone Reactor
Enaly 500mg/hr Ozone Generator
4 X Tunze 6095 Controllable Powerheads
GEO-Ref 624
Reef CO2
10lb CO2 Canister


Dell Mini Notebook For Monitoring & Programming/Graph Display
Apex Full
3X EB8
1X PM1
1X PM2

Coral LiveStock


Fish Live Stock

All Rules were broken.

3 X Yellow Tangs
3 X Maldives Lyretail Anthias 1 Supermale
2 X Squareback Anthias Pair Male/Female
1 X Lawnmower Blennt
1 X Valimingi Tang
1 X Kole Eye Tang
3 X Pajama Cardinals
1 X Sixline wrasse
1 X Yellow Sailfin Goby
1 X Marine Betta
3 X Chromis
3 X Clams

Pics Coming Up!
Inspecting the Tank

150 build by t_allicock2, on Flickr

I will NEVER again have electronics under the tank directly near my Sump. It is absolutely a DISASTER waiting to happen. I have traced SOOO many equip failures due to controller malfunction primarily caused by humidity.. SO I Built a Electrical Cabinet!

photo 4.JPG by t_allicock2, on Flickr

It forms a Flush even L shape with my Main tank and will act as a stand for my frag tank!

photo 5.JPG by t_allicock2, on Flickr

photo 1.JPG by t_allicock2, on Flickr

Looking good!

photo 2.JPG by t_allicock2, on Flickr
One Thing I did not cover was LIGHTING. Thats because I have 3 Options!

1. 2X 48x3w LED Fixtures with Solar Simulation Controllers + 2x CoralVue T5 Fixtures with 4 54w T5 Bulbs in them to color shift the spectrum.

photo 5.JPG by t_allicock2, on Flickr

100% OMG

photo 4.JPG by t_allicock2, on Flickr

2. ATI PowerModule Fixture 10x54w T5's

3. Sfligoi XR4 Metal Halide Fixtures w/ 4 24w T5 400w Each .. X2
This is where I'm at now!

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_oA_WaRfsPU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Well I had a bout with ICH. Pulled them all out ran UV/OZONE and Kick Ich. Also fed all fish Dr. G's - Saved who I could which was everything except my Kole Tang and sold them off to friends. I wasn't about to keep them in a qurantine tank for weeks on end.

In the mean time I did some Updatin! and Took some Pics.!!!

DSC_0003 by t_allicock2, on Flickr

DSC_0094 by t_allicock2, on Flickr

DSC_0082 by t_allicock2, on Flickr

DSC_0031 by t_allicock2, on Flickr

DSC_0017 by t_allicock2, on Flickr

DSC_0004 by t_allicock2, on Flickr
All of these corals came from my previous 150. Here they were before the move over to the NEW unscratched peninsula 150

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Da4vwNIaKZk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Made a new video Today.

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