200G SPS Penninsula LED-T5-Halide Reef

I added in a Spotted Rabbit fish from the Coral Sea and while absoltely beautiful I caught him picking on my Open Brains and Bleeding Apple Scoly. I had to catch him creatively at night and he is sitting in my frag tank awaiting a trip back to the LFS. The Scoly's are rebounding but its obvious they were reeeeeeeeeeeeealy ****ed.
I've been trying to catch mine for 3 months now after he wiped out all of my zoa's! I just built an acrylic fish trap yesterday and will give that a try tonight.
i got the aquamedic fish trap which is all kinds of awesome and cheep too.

According to everyone I spoke to they only go after LPS and Brains if they are not well fed. The problem is that mine was so damn shy that it never attacked food like other did.. so it got FED but not much and not fast and that's why it turned to the dark side.

It is an absolutely beautiful fish though and in a full on SPS tank would not be a problem. If my Solana rebirth into a LPS/Chalice/Softie Tank goes well I may end up keeping mine.
yeah i put a sheet of nori in every day and he rips thru that but I have noticed him nipping at my clams and then last week he literally picked up a new sps frag and carried it across the tank....time to go. Mine is pushing 5" and has great colors.