Active member
Well, it's finally going to happen the big upgrade. Tearing down my 90 gallon this week, and taking the plunge into a 225.
Any suggestions, input ect would be great.
This tank will be some what of an experment, my goal is mostly sps but I will be keeping a mixed reef, with a high bio load (fish). I'd like to basically import as much nutrients as possible, and be able to Export an equal amount threw skimming, weekly water changes, ozone, and maybe potential dosing. I also will be running a medium-deep sand bed in the display.
Tank challanges :
Heating! Because I live in Mammoth lakes, we have low tempatures 8 months of the year, and the sump will be located in a poorly insultated garage! The display will be located inside as well as the frag tanks.
Nutrient Export : My goal is to have about 40-50 fish (mostly small-medium anthias and gobies, but I need to be able to sustain such a large bioload!
Other Challanges : (Suggestions please)
So without further a-do here are the specs. (pics to follow later)
Tank [ Used : 225 gallon : 60" x 36" x 24" ]
Stand [ Home Made : currently ugly! Need to finish! ]
Sump [ RK2 bin : 209 gallons : 48" x 42" x 24" (to be located in garage /new "sump room") ]
Fuge 1 [ 20 gallon tall : drilled will return to sump : Cheato ]
Frag Tank 1 [ 50 gallon : 24" x 24" x 20" (halide lit, sps)]
Frag Tank 2 [50 gallon : 24" x 24" x 20" (might add a second lps species specfic frag tank w/medium (pc or t5 lighting and low flow) ]
Lighting Display [ 2 x 250w HQI (currently owned) : 20,000 AB
[ 1 x 250w HQI (would like to add but haven't decided)
[ 4 x 80w T5's : 60" : Mixed colours (any suggestions? Still need to purchase) ]
Lighting Frag [ 1 x 250w HQI (or whatever I can pick up used) ]
Lighting Sump [ none ]
Lighting Fuge [ something I can leave on 24/7 ]
Ozone [ Red Sea w/controller ]
Skimmer 1 [ ASM G3 (adding recirculating mod, add ozone to this skimmer) ]
Skimmer 2 [ Need to decide thinking of G4x or G5 and adding the recirculation mod to it as well ]
Flow [ 2 x Tunzee 6100 (need to order controller) ]
Return Pump [ 1 x 2000gph Dolphin will feed all tanks ]
Ca Reactor [ Unknown purchased used 24" tall, 10-12" wide ]
RO [ will feed to a 250 gallon holding jug located next to sump for quick water changes ]
Ph Monitor [ pinpoint ]
Heater [300, 250w titatum (hope this will be enough *) ]
Phosphate Control [ Rowa in a reactor, maybe 2 reactors ]
Other [ Carbon in a Phosban ]
Any suggestions, input ect would be great.
This tank will be some what of an experment, my goal is mostly sps but I will be keeping a mixed reef, with a high bio load (fish). I'd like to basically import as much nutrients as possible, and be able to Export an equal amount threw skimming, weekly water changes, ozone, and maybe potential dosing. I also will be running a medium-deep sand bed in the display.
Tank challanges :
Heating! Because I live in Mammoth lakes, we have low tempatures 8 months of the year, and the sump will be located in a poorly insultated garage! The display will be located inside as well as the frag tanks.
Nutrient Export : My goal is to have about 40-50 fish (mostly small-medium anthias and gobies, but I need to be able to sustain such a large bioload!
Other Challanges : (Suggestions please)
So without further a-do here are the specs. (pics to follow later)
Tank [ Used : 225 gallon : 60" x 36" x 24" ]
Stand [ Home Made : currently ugly! Need to finish! ]
Sump [ RK2 bin : 209 gallons : 48" x 42" x 24" (to be located in garage /new "sump room") ]
Fuge 1 [ 20 gallon tall : drilled will return to sump : Cheato ]
Frag Tank 1 [ 50 gallon : 24" x 24" x 20" (halide lit, sps)]
Frag Tank 2 [50 gallon : 24" x 24" x 20" (might add a second lps species specfic frag tank w/medium (pc or t5 lighting and low flow) ]
Lighting Display [ 2 x 250w HQI (currently owned) : 20,000 AB
[ 1 x 250w HQI (would like to add but haven't decided)
[ 4 x 80w T5's : 60" : Mixed colours (any suggestions? Still need to purchase) ]
Lighting Frag [ 1 x 250w HQI (or whatever I can pick up used) ]
Lighting Sump [ none ]
Lighting Fuge [ something I can leave on 24/7 ]
Ozone [ Red Sea w/controller ]
Skimmer 1 [ ASM G3 (adding recirculating mod, add ozone to this skimmer) ]
Skimmer 2 [ Need to decide thinking of G4x or G5 and adding the recirculation mod to it as well ]
Flow [ 2 x Tunzee 6100 (need to order controller) ]
Return Pump [ 1 x 2000gph Dolphin will feed all tanks ]
Ca Reactor [ Unknown purchased used 24" tall, 10-12" wide ]
RO [ will feed to a 250 gallon holding jug located next to sump for quick water changes ]
Ph Monitor [ pinpoint ]
Heater [300, 250w titatum (hope this will be enough *) ]
Phosphate Control [ Rowa in a reactor, maybe 2 reactors ]
Other [ Carbon in a Phosban ]