225g Display 500g+ build thread


Active member
Well, it's finally going to happen the big upgrade. Tearing down my 90 gallon this week, and taking the plunge into a 225.

Any suggestions, input ect would be great.

This tank will be some what of an experment, my goal is mostly sps but I will be keeping a mixed reef, with a high bio load (fish). I'd like to basically import as much nutrients as possible, and be able to Export an equal amount threw skimming, weekly water changes, ozone, and maybe potential dosing. I also will be running a medium-deep sand bed in the display.

Tank challanges :

Heating! Because I live in Mammoth lakes, we have low tempatures 8 months of the year, and the sump will be located in a poorly insultated garage! The display will be located inside as well as the frag tanks.

Nutrient Export : My goal is to have about 40-50 fish (mostly small-medium anthias and gobies, but I need to be able to sustain such a large bioload!

Other Challanges : (Suggestions please)

So without further a-do here are the specs. (pics to follow later)

Tank [ Used : 225 gallon : 60" x 36" x 24" ]

Stand [ Home Made : currently ugly! Need to finish! ]

Sump [ RK2 bin : 209 gallons : 48" x 42" x 24" (to be located in garage /new "sump room") ]

Fuge 1 [ 20 gallon tall : drilled will return to sump : Cheato ]

Frag Tank 1 [ 50 gallon : 24" x 24" x 20" (halide lit, sps)]

Frag Tank 2 [50 gallon : 24" x 24" x 20" (might add a second lps species specfic frag tank w/medium (pc or t5 lighting and low flow) ]

Lighting Display [ 2 x 250w HQI (currently owned) : 20,000 AB
[ 1 x 250w HQI (would like to add but haven't decided)
[ 4 x 80w T5's : 60" : Mixed colours (any suggestions? Still need to purchase) ]

Lighting Frag [ 1 x 250w HQI (or whatever I can pick up used) ]

Lighting Sump [ none ]

Lighting Fuge [ something I can leave on 24/7 ]

Ozone [ Red Sea w/controller ]

Skimmer 1 [ ASM G3 (adding recirculating mod, add ozone to this skimmer) ]

Skimmer 2 [ Need to decide thinking of G4x or G5 and adding the recirculation mod to it as well ]

Flow [ 2 x Tunzee 6100 (need to order controller) ]

Return Pump [ 1 x 2000gph Dolphin will feed all tanks ]

Ca Reactor [ Unknown purchased used 24" tall, 10-12" wide ]

RO [ will feed to a 250 gallon holding jug located next to sump for quick water changes ]

Ph Monitor [ pinpoint ]

Heater [300, 250w titatum (hope this will be enough *) ]

Phosphate Control [ Rowa in a reactor, maybe 2 reactors ]

Other [ Carbon in a Phosban ]
Stocking goals (some fish currently own)


1: Tang Blue Hippo (currently own)
1: Tang Orange Line (currently own)
2: Swallow Tail Angels
1: Undecided Tang (possible achilies, or ...)
12-20: Lyrtail Anthias (currently own 1)
2: Clowns (occ) (currently own)
4-5: Misc Dams (currently own)
10: Black Bar Dams (currently own 1)
1: Fiji Devil (keeps the other fish inline ;p ) (currently own)
1: Sailfin Blenny (midnite) (currently own)
1: Short nosed Hawk (currently own)
1: African Prawn Goby (currently own)
2: Jawfish
5-10: Misc Barnicle Blennies
5-10: Misc "mini gobies" (red heads, ect)
1: Black Cap Basslet (currently own)
2-5: Other to be detrimned misc small odd ball fish.
2: wrasse yellow (nudi prevention)

(note this is my "big list" a combination of the above working out to around 40 fish will be added: I currently have 15 fish in the 90+50 setup, so this leaves me with room for 25 more)
You'll definitely need that second skimmer, and probably more flow either more Tunze, a Vortech or a CL.

Good luck!
more flow, then 10,000 Gph, I'm running the same setup in my 90 and had to cut down 50% as it was spiking fish against the glass.
I am also working on setting up a 225 show. I won't have that much additional water, but I'll have my 55 gal sump/fuge in the stand. Someday, I'll add a frag tank. Here is my list:

Flow: Tunze 6000 x 2
magnetic holders
multi controller

Mag 18 on return

Protein Skimmer: ASM g3

Lights: going to use 6 T-5 80W: I'm still deciding on colors too. Though, after looking at a few tanks with these as the primary lighting source, I'll use mostly the aquablue or 11K with some 20K as well. Also, I want to add a dual pfo 250W for shimmer (I hope to get this used).

I too have concerns about heat, but on the other side. I'm in Oklahoma and this summer we had something like 20 consecutive days above 100*. Just this week did we drop into the 80's. I think I'll be able to control my temps with a couple of small fans in the canopy and only running the mh a few hours. I really would rather not have to get a chiller.

I'll also get a UPS, but the rest of the equipment will have to wait. Though, I probably won't have nearly the number of fish you plan. I haven't worked out that part yet.

I'll be tagging along here and comparing notes.

Here is where I'm posting my progress:
Finally, a couple pictures. ... behold the NASA space sump (*sigh) Once she's about 3/4 full I'm going to start mixing salt and heating her up for the 90 gallon take down to make room for the 225! I still need to make the 3rd top panel, but that one will have holes cut into it for the return, and outgoing plumbing to and from the frag tanks, and main tank.

Starting to feel it's time for an RO/DI unit upgrade i've had it running for a little under 2 days now, and MAYBE i've filled 40 gallons.



..So why the hidous space sump.. well, Where I live we have snow on the ground for about 6-8 months of the year, and unfortunetly my garage (where the sump is located) is VERY poorly insulated. In an effort to keep my bills down in the winter. I'm attempting to wrap the sump in 1.5"-2" Insulationg Rk9, and make an Insulated lid. I also am going to attempt to insulated the large metal bay door I have for a garage door, but I'm not sure if that is possible at this point.
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Alright 2 Photo updates in one day!

So here it is, my current 90 gallon, and what used to be a 50 gallon frag tank..but ended up just a second tank..

Last photos before tear down to make room for the 225 (which will sit centered in the same location)

The 90 gallon has been running just shy of 2 years, and the 50 just a couple months over 1 year (they both share a common sump)


The frag tank will be moved into my current "fish/laundry/water heater room", which you can see the door frame of on the right side of the photo...this time I'll try to keep it just frags!

The "NASA" space sump is located dircetly behind this wall, in the garage.
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..fun fun fun.. Found out today, that my garage, and "tank wall" are all on 1 15amp fuse! When I hooked up the 800w heater, to heat the sump..Pop..

Tommorows mission locate the sockets that connect to the 30amp fuses!
Good news the insulation appears to be a success, the tub is holding it's heat and you can feel a very large diffrence in air temp when you stick your hand under the "hood".
Good luck! So where do you live in MMT? I thought it was closer to 8,000 feet there... at least, the last time I visited. :)
Thanks. The resort peak is 11,053, the town starts at about 8000 and goes up to around 9000-9500 I believe (could be wrong)...but where is the fun in that.. oooh I see you live in boulder! Trying to take claim to my title.. Lol, looks like I'll have to setup a desktop nano at work at the resort! lol
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8112689#post8112689 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MammothReefer
Thanks. The resort peak is 11,053, the town starts at about 8000 and goes up to around 9000-9500 I believe (could be wrong)...but where is the fun in that.. oooh I see you live in boulder! Trying to take claim to my title.. Lol, looks like I'll have to setup a desktop nano at work at the resort! lol

Hehehe.. well, I think "800g at 8,000ft" has a nice ring to it. :) Maybe I will bring my GPS next time I am out there (I was a 4-year MVP holder until we moved out here last summer!)... hehe. Cool that you work at the hill!

Thanks! I've decided also add a surge system!

But I have a question. Does anybody know how to make a "random" surge? On the top euro bracing of the tank, there are 4 holes for sea swirls. I'd like to build some sort of "random" surge, that returns threw one of these 4 holes @ Random.

Is this possible, or if not at random, maybe some swort of box that lets the surge come in either 2x2 or 1 at time.
Oh uh! Small Disaster!! After about a weekend of being setup, with salt water, power heads, and heat. I noticed a VERY small .5" x 3" puddle starting to form around the back left corner of my sump!!!!! Luckly it's in the garage, but I have no Clue how to find a crack sooo small, in an all black sump! I cleaned it up and put a towel there and it's been 2 days and the towel is barely even moist.. A part of me wants just pretend it isn't there..but I know better then that! (I hope!)

Any suggestions!!

On the plus side!

90 gallon is coming down Tonight going to start moving everything into the sump despite the small leak as I have to drop off the 90, in trade for the 225 this weekend! I'm not to worried about the sump just falling apart in the matter of a few days, but I do now feel extra pressure to setup the 225 as fast as possible to return my livestock to it, so i can repair the sump.

Other things to note:

New purchases! Getting Ready for the 225!

Sand 300lbs:

Mil Ph Controller / Reader:

Mil Regulator w/Solinode:

Immedite required purchases :

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Alright Photo Update! Tonight was.. Nightmare Phase 1 (ok it wasn't that bad)

The big Tear down!!! So I sucked it up and decided to get it out of the way, and tore down my 90 gallon & 50 gallon frag..

Here they are... all empty and Sad. Awaiting to be dropped off in LA


The Sump w/the Equipment! (this I'm going to have to hurry up and get that second skimmer.


Livestock in the sump! (under normal lights). Except for one brave shrimp who tried to dodge a rock and failed, the move went pretty seemless all animals seem happy in there more spacious 209 gallon sump!

So.. next on this list.

Friday, bring tanks down to LA picked up 180 (and pick up some frags!!)
Saturday drop 180 off in San diego Pick up 225 (stand)
Sunday drive back to mammoth setup stand (The good news is I just re-signed my lease and had the landlord specfically ad my tanks!!)
Monday-Thursday(Drill holes, mock plumbing, start making another 200 gallons of salt watre, and remove fan/light fixture from above the where the tank will go to make room for tanks hood.)
Friday Await tank arrival
Saturday Move tank inside and setup on stand!
Update : The leak GROWS!! With the addition of pumps, live rock, ect. It appears the leak has double in size which although sounds huge really isn't that much water enough to damp a dishrag in 24 hours. Time to step to hand towels! Next beach towels hehe..

All kidding aside I need to fix this asap before I convince myself it's just a tiny leak in the garage..and well don't do anything about it..

The problem is it's a Hairline leak in a black rk2 bin, and well.. I can't find it for the life of me. So I'm looking for away to basicaly coat the a 2'x2'1' area of the tank with something that will harden and seal any Hairline cracks. I was thinking of maybe going with the Exapanded foams people are using on the back of there tanks. Any thoughts?