240 Gallon Cube Tank Photo Diary

hey xtrstangx
this is what i am building i will post pic really soon



Thanks for the link. Hopefully the vinegar will help.

That is the second time I've read someone added baking soda to lower pH tonight. I've not seen that be the case in my experience. It raises pH further, and a few hours later pH drops. In this case, he didn't have that option, and had to bring it down immediately - thus white vinegar would be the best option.

I hope you pull through alright.

Care to explain how the Kalk Reactor 'malfunctioned'? Obviously it dumped a bunch of limewater into your system, but how?
Actually, two things led to this problem. First was that my mixing pump on my DIY Kalk reactor did not switch off (timer malfuntion). Second, the water level in my sump was very low due to me turning off the RODI line to the sump in order to fill my water change barrel. So, the sump was allowed to evaporate about 5 gallons of water over that 24 hour period.
So, when I opened the line back to the sump, about 5 gallons of super saturated limewater was added to the sump too quickly.
PH is down to 8.3 this morning. Turned the lights on and I can find all but my Helfrichi firefish and my Bimac anthias :(
I completely lost three long term acro frags/small colonies, but most others appear to be okay, a little less color but at least they're not completed bleached like I expected.
Thanks again for all the help and well wishes last night.
Darn automation and human error!!!
Wow that sux.. Something like that right there is exactly why I dont have a Kalk reactor!!.. Maybe get a PH controller for your reactor so if the ph is above say 8.4 the reactor shuts off?? I use my neptune for my Ca reactor so if the ph drops it cuts it off.. I also have it setup so a fan cuts on if temps get high then if they keep going up lights start cutting off! I'm scared to death of something going wrong when I'm not around..:eek2:

Sounds like you might have gotten out ok could have been alot worse..
I'm a huge proponent against a kalk reactor. Too many gorgeous reefs have been wiped out due to that device.

That being said, I'm still considering building a Kalk Stirrer. It would be set up in the fish room, and it would drip kalk via gravity by way of a needle valve, not to replace lost water but only to raise pH slightly during the summer and winter months when the fish room is sealed tight from fresh air. It might be better to just plumb some PVC from outside to the fish room and let the skimmer suck in the air instead.

Sorry you lost some livestock, but I'm really glad you were able to avoid disaster.
When I was setting up my Kalk reactor, I turned the feed pump on manual control "ON" with my AquaController and forgot about it. Duh! :rolleye1: Luckily I caught it very quickly but it had raised my PH to 9.0 within about 20 minutes.

Here are some things I have done to my set up to avoid similar situations as yours. They are pretty simple and cheap.

First off, my absolute favorite piece of equipment now is my AquaController Jr. As 8BALL_99 mentioned, you can set alarms, turn things off or on when parameters go too high or too low, etc, etc. The possibilities are ALMOST endless. If you dont have one, I highly suggest it. I think you can still get the Jr for under $300 with an 8 way direct connect. This will control your CA reactor, Kalk reactor, lights, heater, etc, and if you ever decide to upgrade to the II, Pro, III, etc, all you have to replace is the brain, not all the components. Enough said, I LOVE mine and will never get rid of it or some other kind of computer control. :D

As for the auto top off. Is your RO unit directly connected to the sump with a float valve? The big black ones that mechanically pressurize the unit and shut off the water supply? If so, you can add another one of those valves to your SW make up container and split the RO product line with a "T" connector going to SW make up container. This way, if the sump valve is open, it will fill the sump AND the reservoir at the same time. When the reservoir is full, it wont overflow and you will still be able to have make up water going to the sump. Then you wont have the problem of having to add 4+ gallons of lime water at once.

My top off system is fairly elaborate to explain. Its more simple in theory. Ill try for the short, short version. I have a SW make bucket and a FW holding bucket next to each other. They both have shut off valves in them and are Td off of the product line from my RO unit. I can cut off the SW make up if Im not using it via a ball valve. In order to avoid cycling my RO unit on and off all day, I have a solenoid valve on the product side connected to a multi-day digital timer which turns it on only 3 times a week. On top of the FW reservoir, I have 2 Aqualifter Vacuum pumps. One is connected to a float "switch" in the sump and provides the main evaporation top off for the tank. The second is connected to a timer on the AC Jr which runs fresh water through the Kalk reactor and into the sump every 30 minutes for 1 minute at a time. I do all this so that when the evaporation rate changes, the amount of lime water being added to the tank will not change. That will always stay constant. I also avoid situations like yours in case a large amount of water needs to be replaced at one time.

Sorry for being so long winded. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions. I think your tank will be fine but it may take a few weeks or longer to get back to normal.

Good Luck and keep us posted.
I posted this video of my tank as it looked about a few months ago: http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y90/sonofgaladriel/?action=view&current=Reefunder20Ks.flv
The tank was built by Scott at Aquatics Systems Designs:
Actually, I will be selling this cube setup within the next few months. I'm going to be replacing it with a 600 gallon tank, 96"x48"x30". Scott will be building this one for me too.
I'll be building a similar style stand but with a 6 to 8 inch shelf around the edge to act as a snack/drink table AND a platform to kneel on when accessing the tank.
Here is what I have envisioned:
:) I'll start another thread when the new tank begins construction. I've gotten the price quotes for the 72"x72"x30" and the 96"x 48"x 30". I thought I had committed myself to the 96" but the 72" square is about $800 cheaper. Its time for a decision :confused: