240 Gallon Cube Tank Photo Diary

I'm not an acrylic expert to be sure. I had a 180 gallon SeaClear acrylic set up for about 4 years prior to my new cube. It was just as clear.
I don't think I could ever go back to glass. Acrylic offers alot more flexibility and security in my opinion.
What's this i hear...Scott told me that you are looking at getting a 6x6x3 cube? You have hit the big time my friend... BIG TIME. I want to see the stand that that thing will sit on:D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6628609#post6628609 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bebo77
What's this i hear...Scott told me that you are looking at getting a 6x6x3 cube? You have hit the big time my friend... BIG TIME. I want to see the stand that that thing will sit on:D
Hi Gabriel!
Yep, I've got a good start on the plans for a 6'x6'x30" tall semi cube, roughly 675 gallons, viewable from all four sides. No canopy. All plumbing (overflows and returns) will be completely 'invisible', ie hidden from view. I'm hoping I can make this tank seemless across the top, ie no bracing, like my current cube. I may have to step up to 1.5" to do so but it would be worth it. I'll email you my 'invisible' overflow ideas. I don't want to let the cat out of the bag too soon on this idea. ;)
Some members have been asking me to post some pics of my new fish. Here are the new angels and my Helfrichi firefish:
Juvenile male imperator starting the color change:

One big happy Angel family:

My female Watanabe:

And....my new little fella, the Helfrichi from Larry!
too cool...

any luck with the infamous black tang? a school of them would look schweet in that 6x6x30 cube

you gotta take some shots of the entire tank... how are all of those frags doing.. any nice growth?
Still waiting on the black tangs. My friend who owns the LFS is trying to get me a trio of them, but he has to order $2500 worth of fish from this particular wholesaler to get the tangs I want.
I'll definately get some as soon as possible ;)
Growth on everything is fair/good. I've lost a few frags to STN for unknown reasons, but 99% of everything is doing great! All fish are thriving!
Here's some fairly recent pics:



sonofgaladriel - do you have any problems with the angels nipping your corals? I've always shyed away from them because I thought they would. All the pictures look great!
Nope, no problems.....so far so good. I keep a constant supply of Nori in the tank which all of the angels seem to love to nip on all day long.
I've got my fingers crossed that they stay this way, but these fish are well worth the risk! I've found that I much prefer the beauty and movement of the fish to just watching my frags grow ;)
Yep, I'm with you on that one. At one time I had a pretty good size Queen Angel that was just incredible, ended up getting to big for my tank and ended up in some huge fish tank at a restaurant.
Man, your tank is shaping up nicely. What is your fish count now? How many "large" fish do you have?

Also, are you not worried about your Helfrichi firefish jumping? I am always alittle concerned about an expensive jumper. I just took back my Peppermint Hog after it jumped for the second time into one of my overflows. I figured I better get some store credit for it before he jump again, but to it's death.
I have 4 fish that are 4" or so (imperator, Watanabe pair, Red Sea Regal) All other fish are 3" or smaller, including the two yellow tangs.
Most of my fish are small reef fish like the chromis (10), clowns (5), Helfrichi firefish, purple pseudochromis, fairy wrasses (4), Hawaiin flame wrasse, and pygmy angels (2).
As soon as I can catch them, I will be moving out the chromis, one or two fairy wrasses, one of the yellow tangs, and the 3 orange perculas to 'calm' things down a bit.
The Helfirichi did jump out of the tank two times within the first 10 minutes he was added to the tank. I watched him for over 2 hours. I turned the lights off and he settled down low in the tank. The next day he hid all day long, comming out for just a few seconds at a time, always staying down low. He has remained low to mid level the last two days now and has appeared to settle in nicely.
Of course I'm still a little worried that he could jump out, but I only paid $60 for him and it was worth the risk. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he stays in for a long time.
I'm really going to try for it. Most reports from the manufacturers I've talked to say I really need at least a 4" euro brace around the perimeter but that was at 1" thickness. I'm hoping I can step up to 1.5" or even 2" for the sides and avoid any bracing.
But, the tank will definately be an open top, ie canopy less design, like my current cube. I don't think I'll ever go back to a canopy again. There are just so many positives about this open style for me. Ease of access, ease of cleaning, and of course, the top down viewing I just love.
I'll go with three 6' Oceanlight pendants with 3 halides and T5 in each.... may upgrade to 400 watts, not sure about that yet.
sonofgaladriel, what are you plans for a substrate in your new tank... I have been tossing around the idea of a faux SB... I just don't know what to do... I like the look of sand but with the flow I am going to have in the tank I don't think there is any way I could have even a SSB :(
Hi Shawn,
I did the faux sand bed and really liked it for the first 2 months. After that, the entire bottom was covered with dark purple and dark green coraline algae. It looked awful to me and the tank constantly looked 'dirty' and dark. After another month or so of my wife saying "When are you going to clean the tank? It looks so dirty", I gave in and added 3/4" to 1" of white Fiji sand.
Instantly, the tank was brighter and much more pleasing to the eye and my wife thought I 'cleaned' the tank :)
I have 8200 gph going through this 240 and I have no problems with the sand blowing around in the water column. I even have 4 closed loop returns just an inch above the bottom of the tank (located in the back pane) and they do not cause any sand storms.
The sand has obviously been blown out from under the rocks but it has slightly piled up where the flow allows it and it does not move.
I've seen several bare bottom tanks around town and I honestly don't like the 'look' of them. The bottoms are inevitably covered in either dark purple or green coraline and most often, there are large piles of detritus spread throughout the tanks. I have yet to see a truly 'clean' looking bare bottom tank. The just look 'unfinished' and 'unnatural' to me now.
Of course there are many pics here on RC showing them, but I'd venture that the owners did a quick vacuum prior to the pics so it looked its best.
Its ultimately up to you of course. Personally, in a big tank like yours, I'd bet that sand would not be a problem regardless of your flow, especially up front where most of your viewing pleasure will be ;)
I'd like to see your invisible overflow too. How soon will you build your tank so I can see it? :D

Love your colorful fish and corals! :thumbsup:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6633404#post6633404 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
I'd like to see your invisible overflow too. How soon will you build your tank so I can see it? :D

Love your colorful fish and corals! :thumbsup:
I'm keeping my 'invisible' overflow idea to myself for now. I'm not sure it will work, so I've got to test it out before I make a fool out of myself ;)
The 6'x6' will be a while in comming. Maybe 6 months or so.
Thanks for the compliments on the fish and corals.
I just added a really nice large green bubble, a pink frogspawn, and a big pink and green cynarina. I'll take some new pics tomorrow after I clean the acrylic.
SOG, your frag mounting looks so neat and clean, no clumping at the bases of your corals, even the ones that project outward away from the aquascape. Well done, and how do you mount your frags, just the usual super glue gel?

Thanks Dudester! Here's my system for mounting frags:
I take a small portion of 'Aquamend' (two part marine putty) and roll it into a ball about the size of a pee for small frags up to marble size for larger frags. Once it is well mixed, I add a dab of superglue gel to the top of the Aquamend ball. I push the end with superglue onto the base of the frag. Then I add another small dab of superglue gel to the opposite end of the Aquamend ball and then push that onto the rockscape inside the tank.
I keep the portions of superglue and putty small in proportion to the size of the frag.
This allows for the frag to encrust directly over the rock it has been placed on securing it quickly to the rock and not over excessive putty or glue.
I have had great success with this method, even on full size maricultured colonies. I have mounted some maricultured colonies sideways or upside down under overhangs with this same method and it holds exceptionally well.
Usually, within a week or two, the frag has encrusted just enough to completely hide any putty.