240g tank w/fish room build

You got a frag of that? Nice...

Yes I got a frag when I first setup the tank. It's been a slow grower. Encrusted nice but not much for branches yet. I have been debating about fragging it cause some times after u frag something it speeds up growth for what ever reason I don't know. Also I don't have another one in the frag tank yet. I try to keep one in both so I don't have to cut from the display tank

Are you dosing highlighter juice again Roger :) Those colors are really popping. Glad the setup is doing well!

I know right. When nobody bought the whole thing when I had it up for sale a month or two ago I started doing 20 gal or so water changes every day for a week then 20 gal changes every 2-3 days and that was the result. Nothing else changed.

Roger what are the top two corals they look great

On what page? I added pic on bottom of previous page at same time
I hope you still have all three when I finally start up my new tank those look amazing.

I should. I have had min losses with this setup. The only losses have been with the apex getting hit by lightning and the power outage I didn't know about because the apex was fried at the same time.
So traded a few corals today. Wasn't worth setting up the QT again so I came up with what I thought was a great idea. I have light, temp control taken care of. Will just have to change the water with display tank water every day or so when I test alk. Shouldn't take to long.

I Had a 2 gal cube laying around a small power head, and a small frag rack.
She's some strong Tunze magnets and there you go.

A little update. The tank is doing great the new small coral qt is working out great. Few more weeks and I will have my first batch of corals coming out of it. I do a 50%-80% water change every day or two in it. It only takes about 30seconds. Remove power head and magnet and lift Tank out dump the water out then put back i tank and refill with bowl. This takes care of any growth alk,cal,mag,trace replacement.

A few updated pics also

First I decided to add a few lps in the lower light areas of the Tank..
