375 gal peninsula build up pictures

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11077261#post11077261 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
Yeah, I did se that technic, I liked it too, I will look into doing something like that, I bet it will be difficult to hide the pvc when you can see it from both sides, hehe, yet another barrier!!!

Hmmm. What about that foam stuff like they used on the Exotic Aquatic tank? Coating the PVC with that would camouflage it. The stuff looks realistic and after a couple of months it would be covered in coralline. Heh heh, listen to me, experimenting with Rogger's new baby.
that's actually a great idea to hide those pipes, I have actually seen the end result and it looks great, I will look into that tonight.
I just finished with the plumbing, and adding a baffle to the sump so it can be use as a refuge. all pipes are now glue and ready to accept water, the level of the water is now approx 2" from the overflow so I expect that by later today I should start getting water in the sump





Hey Rog Pls make sure the ETSS joint(valve area) is adequate prior to using the skimmer as I've seen them in the past leak at the valve.
Something that I've overlooked in the past but just thought about from the pic.

LOOKS great man!@
looks awesome, such a clean setup and looks so simply/efficiently done. are you using all the electrical panels under the stand?

and are you still going bare bottom?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11080872#post11080872 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
Hey Rog Pls make sure the ETSS joint(valve area) is adequate prior to using the skimmer as I've seen them in the past leak at the valve.
Something that I've overlooked in the past but just thought about from the pic.

LOOKS great man!@

Thanks, I'll keep my eyes open.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11080896#post11080896 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
looks awesome, such a clean setup and looks so simply/efficiently done. are you using all the electrical panels under the stand?

and are you still going bare bottom?

Thanks Jess, I am not using all of the previous electrical boxes, but I will be using the pvc conduit and some outlets.
No bare bottom but it will not be a true DSB either, I will be going thin sand layer (1"-2") .
hey rogger. what kind of sand will you be using, and if you buy in bulk I might be interested in a little as I'm going to put a thin layer of sand on the bottom of my frag tank. can't wait for this tank to get up and running as it's truly going to be gorgeous! p.s. if you're still interested in stopping by I'm free tonight after 7. just give me a call. I'll be at my kitchen table making models!
I am going to be using the regular sand, the same one you have in your 75, you are welcome to take some, I will let you know when it is available.
The tank is officially full now, Water started running down over the overflow at 4:30pm we should have water in the sump by tonight, Yoohoo!
Wow this is going to be awesome. It already is awesome. I'm so excited for you.

I'll have to come by and have you explain that ETSS outlet/gatevalve/tank drain? thing to me. I'm confused as to how exactly it works or what exactly it does. I've never seen something like it before.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11087455#post11087455 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
Wow this is going to be awesome. It already is awesome. I'm so excited for you.

I'll have to come by and have you explain that ETSS outlet/gatevalve/tank drain? thing to me. I'm confused as to how exactly it works or what exactly it does. I've never seen something like it before.

LOL, that is a optical illusion, the gate valve u see in the picture is not connected to the skimmer in any way, that gate valve is the one you will use to control the level inside the overflow box, it is connected to one of the bulkheads in the overflow, that bulkhead has no further pipes going into the overflow therefore it will drain with no splashing or gurgle noise.
The second bulkhead in the overflow (emergency) has a durso type pipe that will only work if first pipe got stuck or air-locked. it is more like an insurance.
I have never use this system but know a few people that rave about it, We will see! :D
Remember Rogger,

When you start putting rock, sand, corals etc. It will displace water so you don't need to fill it completely full first.

The tank looks awesome. Can't wait to see it done :cool:
Thanks Matt, I wanted to fill it completely w/o salt and run the system to ensure everything is cool before I put the salt, after that the overflow drain on the sump will take care of any water displacement that occurs when I transfer the rocks and corals in the tank, this 1.5" pipe brings any surplus water outside the house
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11088464#post11088464 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fish2reef
Looks great Rogger, how many buckets of salt are you going to add? and what brand are you planing to use?

I think 2.5 bqt will do, I am going to use Instant Ocean.