470g inwall construction thread

It is a quite common fish in the FL waters. Very benign. Nothing to worry about. This is one tough mother though.
fishman805 said:
I too would like to see a picture of your tank(s).... I do not have any of the books that your refering to and think that you owe it to all of us here to see how you stack up ( so to speak.... no pun intended... rock layout... stack up ... "I crack myself up sometimes" )......What do you say GSchiemer..???

Hey, I haven't heard from you and "mikeo1210" in a while. Now that I've pointed you to my pictures and posted some, where are the pictures of your reef tanks?

You guys have very strong opinions about reef tank setups, so I assume both of you have maintained successful reef tanks for many years. Let's see them! What do you say "fishman805" and "mikeo1210?" Perhaps they appear in books and magazines. Can you point us to them? I have an extensive library of books and magazines. I'd be interested in checking them out. Perhaps I have been doing it the wrong way for 20 years. :reading:
GSchiemer said:
Hey, I haven't heard from you and "mikeo1210" in a while. Now that I've pointed you to my pictures and posted some, where are the pictures of your reef tanks?

As I guessed your tank was full of slimers, orange caps and nanas and well I try to follow the old addage "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it". You should try it Greg. I wouldn't think a guy of your "status" (self-proclaimed succesful reefer) would be so quick to come on here and act like you do. You were also warned once maybe you should take heed.
mikeo1210 said:
As I guessed your tank was full of slimers, orange caps and nanas and well I try to follow the old addage "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it". You should try it Greg. I wouldn't think a guy of your "status" (self-proclaimed succesful reefer) would be so quick to come on here and act like you do. You were also warned once maybe you should take heed.

So I take it then that we won't be seeing pictures of your reef aquariums, but we'll continue to get your advice on how to do it. That's too bad because I was curious to see what a real reef tank looks like without all those boring "slimers, orange caps, and nanas." :)
Did you hear me use an adjective like "boring"? That would be something that would have to come from a pompous, condesending, stuck up jerk. Fortunately I myself am none of those things.:)
mikeo1210 said:
Did you hear me use an adjective like "boring"? That would be something that would have to come from a pompous, condesending, stuck up jerk. Fortunately I myself am none of those things.:)

What was it that you just said to me? Oh yeah:

mikeo1210 said:
I try to follow the old addage "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it". You should try it Greg. I wouldn't think a guy of your "status" (self-proclaimed succesful reefer) would be so quick to come on here and act like you do. You were also warned once maybe you should take heed.

I guess this post was to just kill some time while you work on those pics, right? :)

At this point you should do the honorable thing and just unsubscribe from this thread. You've been exposed as a fraud.
Wow how is it that you think I was referring to you or anyone for that matter? Little sensitive? That would be a personal shot and I'm not going to play your little games. Go start your own thread as you should have a while ago.
mikeo1210 said:
Wow how is it that you think I was referring to you or anyone for that matter?

Perhaps it was when you used my name. Unless there are two Gregs in this thread.

Originally posted by mikeo1210
I try to follow the old addage "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it". You should try it Greg.

Or maybe it's when you called me a pompous, condesending, stuck up jerk. It sure seemed like you were referring directly to me. :)
Now you're combining posts and mixing words. Whatever makes you feel good.
I'm not the renowned succesful reefer on a mission to make an arse of myself.
If you want discuss things on a personal level feel free to pm me and we can talk about it instead of hi-jacking someone else's thread.
mikeo1210 said:
Now you're combining posts and mixing words. Whatever makes you feel good. If you want to make things personal you should pm me and we can talk about it. Not sure why you play these games here?

I made things "personal?" :lol:

I'd suggest reviewing the thread.

I'm sure everyone is tired of your nonsense by now. If you don't have anything of substance to say, then I'd suggest unsubscribing from the thread and let the serious discussions resume. If you wish to continue to issue personal attacks against me, then do it by PM. This way I'll be the only person subject to your nonsense.
GSchiemer said:
I'd suggest reviewing the thread.

Who was dropping names asking for pictures of certain people's tanks?
Several people have made mention of your attitude and you were the
one who got a warning. Send me a pm Greg and we'll work it out.
Boys....boys.....getting back to some actual reef discussions. I have 3 thermometers currently on the systems...one is coming off...1 built internally in the skimmer set to come on at 79 and off at 78. One in the sump on a aquacontroller....getting readings from 79.5 to 78.5 and a temporary one on the side of the tank readings from 77.2 to 78.3. So there's basically a 1.3 degree difference between them. Question...at what location are you guys measuring your water temp...sump, tank, chiller? And your thoughts on a 78 to 79 range?
I was just thinking about this a week ago. Sump would be out of the way and hidden but tank would be more accurate. I was thinking about putting it in my overflow also, but not sure about that. Right now I have it placed in the tank until I figure out what to do.
GSchiemer said:
Hey, I haven't heard from you and "mikeo1210" in a while. Now that I've pointed you to my pictures and posted some, where are the pictures of your reef tanks?

You guys have very strong opinions about reef tank setups, so I assume both of you have maintained successful reef tanks for many years. Let's see them! What do you say "fishman805" and "mikeo1210?" Perhaps they appear in books and magazines. Can you point us to them? I have an extensive library of books and magazines. I'd be interested in checking them out. Perhaps I have been doing it the wrong way for 20 years. :reading:

My reason for posting that comment was to see how your tank and rockwork differed so much from curts..... And that was my only reason for wanting to see your tank pic's... I have never suggested that mine is better ( which it isn't by far ) and I never posted anything negative about you.... What I simply noticed is that you were knocking curts layout and had not posted anything for him ( or us ) to judge from.... Now from the pictures that I've seen of your tank is two fold: A. It's a beautiful tank full of healthy fish and corals. and B. Your tank layout seems very similar to curts....

IMHO, you started off pretty strong in a neg. way and got pretty much the responses you deserved.... I think it's great that your tank has been featured in sooo many magazines and books and probably on the Discover Chan. "BUT" this "MY WAY IS THE BEST AND ONLY WAY.... and IF YOU"RE NOT DOING IT THIS WAY, YOU"RE SCREWING UP attitude is not a very constructive way to come off.... Now I don't have the books you've mentioned simply because I've only been at this SW Reef thing for about 6 months... BUT.... ( using too many cap's here ) in my 30+ years of FW, I have amassed quite a sizeable library of ref. material that might even rival your own....

So.... take a chill pill and don't frick'n judge people.... your tank is a real piece of work and I thank you for sharing it with us .... But you're not going to see a picture of my tank for a while... It's simply just not that impresive yet... ( and it may never be... ) But when I get along a little further, I'll send them along to you ....

curthendrix said:
1 built internally in the skimmer set to come on at 79 and off at 78.

Did you mean chiller?

I would wager to say the chiller and controller are going to be the closest to being accurate but a low-range instant read meat thermometer can help you determine. You can test it in boiling or freezing water first. Here's a boiling point chart FWIW.
I would wager to say the chiller and controller are going to be the closest to being accurate

I would agree...and those two reading are roughly a 1/2 degree off....which I can live with. I may lower my temp range this fall one degree to 77 - 78 and see if I notice any differences in the corals. I also need to buy either a generator or emergency battery backup. Those of you with expensive lifestock...what are you using and why?
Curt- I bought a Tripplite power inverter/charger all-in-one unit w/ a marine deep cycle battery. Got the idea from Joe Burger (JBNY) originally. Do a search for Tripplite will bring up many threads about them.

Also, Medusa makes a three digit controller if you were so inclined you could narrow the gap on your temp to roughly a half a degree. Your chiller would come on and shut off more often however so its probably wise to check w/ the manufacturer before trying. Some people use 'em w/ arctica and others.