This thread is due for a pic update dont you think
Hi Sahin,
I have six fishes in my tank (yellow tang X 1, file fish X 1, Genichantus angle X 3, Royal gramma X 1).
I only use frozen food (mysis, RS mysis, red plankton, krill and cyclopeeze) and seaweed as well as fresh mussels and clams. I feed up to three cubes (or a little more if I use flat packs).
Hey buddy...I would post an FTS but laptop is still broken. I got my Kore5th Doser I bought and I cannot even set it up without the silly laptop.This thread is due for a pic update dont you think
Bummer that the one wrasse jumped. What wrasse did you return to the shop and why? And I agree, more pics please when you get the chance.
I will look into it mate. It better have good colouration. There is no way its going into the overflow...the Oceanlife overflow is crazy wrasse proof.Get a filament wrasse Sahin, they make great overflow inhabitants.
Anthias swim in schools give great tank color, good choose. Just I found I can only keep 50% of them longer than 4 months ;-(
Great Sahin you got the Doser... I have been using it and it is spot on but you are right without the Lap-Top their is no way yet. Android application still not in the market.
Hope you get that Lap-Top up and running soon.
Anthias swim in schools give great tank color, good choose. Just I found I can only keep 50% of them longer than 4 months ;-(
I thought it said it works with adroid?Hey buddy. Because you use one and mentioned its good, I decided to get it. Also the manufacturer is a sponsor on this forum, so any problems and I can bug them about it. Seems like a safe bet.
As soon as I have my laptop repaired, I will test and setup the doser.
Thanks for the info mate. Where did you buy the Cyclopeeze? I cannot find it anywhere. Years ago I bought a large tub but gave it away for free...
As you say you cannot get it anymore due to some nonsense EU regulation. I bought mine from Wharf Aquatics.
As you say you cannot get it anymore due to some nonsense EU regulation. I bought mine from Wharf Aquatics.
I know mate...bloody cold/rain/stupid laws irritates me much. :mad2:That's the price you pay for living in a cold hole of a country Sahin.........:blown:
:lolspin:Anyway, so you bought a doser that needs a NASA launch control center to program and now that mission control is offline you're buggered ............. :facepalm:
You know if i lived nearby i'd come over and give you a good shake to snap you out of all this silliness.......:beer:
My buddies all keep anthias; most of them are hard to keep alive longterm. However, Dispar and Lyretails according to my buddies are fine long term. Which ones have you kept so far? I think the main issue is feeding; these fish must be fed numerous times a day. This is the main reason I avoided Anthias in the past.
However, I now have an auto feeder which I can stuff with a few different types of foods and then feed frozen foods in the evenings as well. I'm hoping this will take care of the food issue.
and we need your bfc number asap please sahin.............. (biggles giggles to himself in anticipation)![]()
Not having any luck either mate? I've been down this track and what we call the fancy anthias, it didn't end well and I spent a lot if money![]()
Hi mate, I am not getting into any fancy anthias...I'm told by my buddies that Dispars and Lyretails are quite hardy. Another tells me Carberryi are good as well.
To be honest, I might just stick to Lyretails as these are what works for most people.