Ultimate Reefer
The glass-holes version was an example, not sure what else you have in the US. ReefSavvy do some nice overflow kits dont they?Aesthetically the glass-holes is an eye sore to me, but something to consider. I will have to think it over, it's only $304 shipped to the US for two Oceanlife kits... I'm just worried about drilling, I've never done it before and drilling for one kit will be hard enough... haha
Drilling: I drilled my tank late last year aftre putting my newborn son and kids to was like 1am...and I'd never drilled a tank before. I just watched a bunch of YT videos and then took all the precautions I read about and it was easy. My tank has 12mm glass so it took a long time. But I did it all by myself.
I'm a little late to the convo, but out of the affordable, easy to keep anthias my vote goes to dispars. I've kept many types of anthias and when all things are considered, dispars are up there with my favorites. They're relatively hardy, cheap, and pretty. I also like their behavior in my tank. I also have bimaculatus in my tank and although they are hardy, they are large and don't behave like your typical anthias.
Thank you. I will get the Dispars. They are relatively cheap and probably one of the least likely I will have issues with. Now just waiting on my LFS guy to get them.