Thank you for the compliment.
Daily Food Summary:
Via Eheim autofeeder x 3 serving a day: Mixture of different flakes -
Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef Flakes
Ocean Nutrition Spirulina Flakes
New Era Algae Flakes
New Life Spectrum Marine Formula Pellets
1-2 cubes Brine Shrimp
1-2 Cubes Mysis
Small pinch size amount of seafood mix (my buddy made a version of seafood which is very similar to Rods Reef Food or Roggers Reef Mix
Thanks buddy. Yeah, I need to keep things going as they are and not make any big changes of mess anything up.
Thanks man. You know what, it took a long time, but I guess I am. Now I only have 3 turds remaining. All the rest either have really nice colour or are decent enough and getting better.
Equipment Update: So, a while back I made a thread and asked about which doser to buy to replace my Fauna Marin doser which served me well for many years, but the screen had become faulty.
This was the doser: basically a rebranded GHL unit.
Introducing the Kore 5th Doser![]()
This unit appears to be very well made. I love the magnetic stirrer; I am going to setup the unit to dose the following in the next few months:
1. Calcium
2. Bicarbonate
3. Fauna Marin Colour Element A
4. Fauna Marin Colour Element B
5. Fauna Marin Colour Element C
I am going to introduce the Colour Elements in a few months to tweak colours.
Loving this doser. I bought the kit with the temp sensor, auto top off and water changer. Next year I plan to upgrade and the auto top off will be handy used to top off a frag tank or back up system.
Next I have the Neptune Apex on my mind. I had a chat with my boss at work and if I put in a little extra effort, I will be in line for a nice bonus. So, I am going to treat the tank (myself :lolto another tank toy.
Heyyyy Sahin...
Great you are liking the Doser as i am... Good unit. Last firmware version is 1.4g. Only downside that i see is that we have to be locally to connect to it. Wish Pacificsun develop something to access it remotely.
I also bought the APEX about 2 weeks ago after a lot of time saying to me why spend all that money if things can be done manually but in so short time i have to say the same i told you with the Doser, Go For It.....
Once you start using it you will get hooked. I am in the initial stage of reading and hooking up little things just to know how it works and receive notification and it is another world. Once i installed the APEX i noticed that my PH was reaching 8.62 at night (dangerous) with the graphs APEX produce.
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